2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Environmental Studies
- Environmental Communication, B.S. major
Environmental Studies, B.S.
Geohydrology Emphasis -
Environmental Studies, B.S.
Ecosystem Emphasis -
Environmental Studies, B.S.
Environmental Health and Toxicology Emphasis - Indigenous Sustainability Studies, B.S. major
Policy and Planning, B.S.
Natural Resources Planning Emphasis - Sustainability and Resource Management, B.A.S. major
- Environmental Communication minor
- Environmental Science minor
- Indigenous Sustainability Studies minor
- Sustainability minor
- Water Science minor
Indigenous Studies
- Indigenous Studies, B.A. major
- Indigenous Sustainability Studies, B.S. major
- Indigenous Studies minor
- Indigenous Sustainability Studies minor
- Ojibwe minor
- Indigenous Studies cert
- Ojibwe Language Instruction cert
Indigenous Sustainability Studies, B.S. major
Required Credits: 48
Required GPA: 2.25
Complete the following courses:
- ENVR 2000 Introduction to Environmental Science (3 credits)
- ENVR 3880 Environmental Controversies (2 credits)
- ENVR 4880 Senior Seminar I (1 credit)
- INST 1107 Introduction to Turtle Island (3 credits)
- INST 2201 Creation to Contact (3 credits)
or INST 2202 Survivance Since Contact (3 credits) - INST 3170 Indigenous Education (3 credits)
- INST 4418 Federal Indian Law (3 credits)
- ENVR 3710 Indigenous Environmental Knowledge: Global Perspective (3 credits)
or INST 3710 Indigenous Environmental Knowledge: Global Perspective (3 credits)
Select 3 of the following courses:
- ENVR 3720 Food Sovereignty, Health & Indigenous Environments (3 credits)
or INST 3720 Food Sovereignty, Health & Indigenous Environments (3 credits) - ENVR 3730 Sustainable Communities: Local Indigenous Perspective (3 credits)
or INST 3730 Sustainable Communities: Local Indigenous Perspective (3 credits) - ENVR 3740 Environment, Wellness & the Sacred Connection to Place (3 credits)
or INST 3740 Environment, Wellness & the Sacred Connection to Place (3 credits) - ENVR 3750 Sustainable Communities: Global Indigenous Perspective (3 credits)
or INST 3750 Sustainable Communities: Global Indigenous Perspective (3 credits)
Select 1 of the following courses:
- ENVR 4970 Internship (3 credits)
- ENVR 4990 Thesis (3 credits)
Select 15 credits of electives from the following
- BIOL 2339 Ethics of Fish and Wildlife Management (3 credits)
- BIOL 2610 General Ecology (3 credits)
- BIOL 3361 Limnology (4 credits)
- BIOL 3400 Fish & Wildlife Law and Administration (3 credits)
- BIOL 3420 Human Dimensions of Wildlife and Fisheries Management (3 credits)
- BIOL 3610 Principles of Wildlife Management (3 credits)
- BIOL 3630 Conservation Biology (3 credits)
or GEOG 3630 Conservation Biology (3 credits) - BIOL 3730 Plant Diversity (4 credits)
- BIOL 4623 Forest Ecology (4 credits)
- CHEM 3110 Laboratory Management and Safety (2 credits)
- JUST 4477 Restorative Justice (3 credits)
- ENVR 3040 Environmental Economics (3 credits)
or ECON 3040 Environmental Economics (3 credits) - ENVR 3600 Environmental Justice and Sustainability (3 credits)
- ENVR 3700 Natural Resource Management (3 credits)
- ENVR 4210 Environmental Law and Policy (3 credits)
- ENVR 4220 Sampling and Analysis (4 credits)
- ENVR 4610 Sustainability: Theory and Practice (4 credits)
- GEOG 3231 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3 credits)
- GEOG 3410 Geography of North America (3 credits)
- GEOL 1110 Physical Geology (4 credits)
or GEOL 1120 Intro to Fossils and History of Planet Earth (4 credits) - GEOL 3120 Soils (4 credits)
or BIOL 3120 Soils (4 credits) - GEOL 3211 Environmental Hydrology (3 credits)
or GEOL 3212 Hydrogeology (3 credits) - HLTH 2800 Multicultural Health in America (2 credits)
- HLTH 3500 Community Health (3 credits)
- INST 1202 Indigenous Environmental Current Events (3 credits)
- INST 2925 People of the Environment: Indigenous Knowledge Perspective (3 credits)
- INST 3317 Tribal Government and Leadership (3 credits)
- INST 3888 Indigenous Women Writers (3 credits)
- INST 4900 Social Justice (3 credits)
- LEAD 3500 Theories and Contexts of Leadership (3 credits)
- MASC 3270 Media and Social Change (3 credits)
- MATH 1120 Environmental Mathematics (3 credits)
- OJIB 1100 Ojibwe Culture (4 credits)
- OJIB 1111 Elementary Ojibwe I (4 credits)
- OJIB 1112 Elementary Ojibwe II (4 credits)
- OJIB 2211 Intermediate Ojibwe I (4 credits)
- OJIB 2212 Intermediate Ojibwe II (4 credits)
- OJIB 3311 Advanced Ojibwe I (4 credits)
- OJIB 3312 Advanced Ojibwe II (4 credits)
- PHIL 2250 Human Nature (3 credits)
- POL 3230 Environmental Politics (3 credits)
- PSY 3367 Social Psychology (4 credits)
- PSY 4588 Multicultural Psychology (4 credits)
- SOC 3925 People of the Environment: Sociology Perspective (3 credits)
- SOWK 2110 Intercultural Communication (3 credits)
- TADT 1111 Introduction to Project Management (3 credits)
- TADT 2100 Impact Of Technology, Art & Design (2 credits)
- TADT 3267 Economic and Cost Analysis (3 credits)
- TADT 3880 Quality Assurance (3 credits)
- TADT 4385 Sustainability and Emerging Technologies (3 credits)
Or any other relevant course(s) approved in advance by
an Advisor from the Center for Sustainability Studies
or Indigenous Studies department. (Please note that you
must complete 40 credits at the 3000-level or higher to