2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Philosophy Courses
PHIL 1100 Introduction to Philosophy
(3 credits)
PHIL 1910 Directed Independent Study
(3 credits)
PHIL 1920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
PHIL 1930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
PHIL 1940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
PHIL 1950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
PHIL 1960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
PHIL 1970 Internship
(3 credits)
PHIL 1980 Research
(3 credits)
PHIL 1990 Thesis
(3 credits)
PHIL 2220 Ethics
(3 credits)
PHIL 2230 Logic
(3 credits)
PHIL 2240 Aesthetics
(3 credits)
PHIL 2250 Human Nature
(3 credits)
PHIL 2260 Women and Gender in Philosophy
(3 credits)
PHIL 2290 Topics in Philosophy
(3 credits)
PHIL 2330 War, Peace and Protest
(3 credits)
PHIL 2400 The American Mind
(3 credits)
PHIL 2910 Directed Independent Study
(3 credits)
PHIL 2920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
PHIL 2925 People of the Environment: Environmental Ethics Perspective
(3 credits)
PHIL 2930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
PHIL 2940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
PHIL 2950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
PHIL 2954 Study-Travel, Humanities and the Arts
(1-6 credits)
PHIL 2960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
PHIL 2970 Internship
(3 credits)
PHIL 2980 Research
(3 credits)
PHIL 2990 Thesis
(3 credits)
PHIL 3100 Bioethics
(3 credits)
PHIL 3200 Philosophy of Religion
(3 credits)
PHIL 3310 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
(3 credits)
PHIL 3320 Modern Philosophy
(3 credits)
PHIL 3330 Nineteenth Century Philosophy
(3 credits)
PHIL 3340 Twentieth and Twenty-First Century Philosophy
(3 credits)
PHIL 3360 Asian Philosophy
(3 credits)
PHIL 3380 Political Philosophy
(3 credits)
PHIL 3910 Directed Indepedent Study
(3 credits)
PHIL 3920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
PHIL 3930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
PHIL 3940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
PHIL 3950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
PHIL 3960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
PHIL 3970 Internship
(3 credits)
PHIL 3980 Research
(3 credits)
PHIL 3990 Thesis
(3 credits)
PHIL 4490 Close Readings in Philosophy
(1-3 credits)
PHIL 4910 Directed Independent Study
(3 credits)
PHIL 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc |
(1-2 credits)
PHIL 4920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
PHIL 4930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
PHIL 4940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
PHIL 4950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
PHIL 4960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
PHIL 4970 Internship
(3 credits)
PHIL 4980 Research
(3 credits)
PHIL 4990 Thesis
(3 credits)
PHIL 2250 Human Nature (3 credits)
Various views of the nature of human beings. Might not be offered every year. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 6 & 8]
Common Course Outline