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2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263

PDF of Environmental Studies Courses

Environmental Studies Courses

All Environmental Studies Courses

ENVR 1910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 1920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)

Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 1930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 1940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 1950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 1960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 1970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 1980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 1990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2000 Introduction to Environmental Science (3 credits)

An introduction to environmental science emphasizing biological, physical-chemical and cross-cultural environmental social principles underlying major world environmental, political and economic issues; examination of the impacts of human activities and technology on global environmental and socio-economic stability; application of critical thinking and working with graphic skills and lab-like data analysis related to global environmental, biological, physical-chemical, cultural, and socio-economic topics. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 3 & 10]
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)

Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2925 People of the Environment: Sustainability Perspective (3 credits)

The focus of this course is to explore and discuss current sustainability topics, including resource consumption, waste management, energy sources and implications, and personal responsibility. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 9 & 10.]
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 2990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3040 Environmental Economics (3 credits)

Examines environmental problems as consequence of market's failure to accurately value environmental resources. Alternative private and public policies are examined in terms of their effectiveness in improving the efficiency and equity with which water, air, and other resources are allocated. Prerequisite: ECON 2000 or consent of instructor. (Also offered under ECON 3040.)
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3150 Outdoor Field Skills (2 credits)

This hands-on, place-based course is designed to get students out in the field learning practical skills that will serve them in any number of professions and hobbies. We will take advantage of our surroundings and learn a variety of outdoor skills including but not limited to snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, camping, rock climbing, and mountain biking. Building these skills as well as safety procedures, risk assessment, and emergency preparedness will serve anyone looking for an outdoor career or hobby. We will also apply Leave No Trace principles to all we do and discuss the importance of minimizing environmental impacts while engaging in outdoor activities. Course can be repeated twice. Prerequisite(s): None. [Core Curriculum Goal Area 9]
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3300 Environmental Management and Safety (3 credits)

Helps students pursuing environmental studies to develop environmental management skills required in both manufacturing and non-manufacturing businesses. Safe handling, transport, and storage of hazardous materials with respect to their physical and chemical nature, and application of regulatory requirements relevant to specific business and hazardous materials involved. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112 or CHEM 2212 or ENVR 2000 or GEOL 1110 or consent of instructor. May not be offered every year.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3600 Environmental Justice and Sustainability (3 credits)

The ethical and moral dimensions of environmental choices. The legal, philosophical, political, and economic underpinnings of various theories of justice. A major focus is the inequitable distribution of environmental risks and the implications of policies that attempt to combat these risks. Prerequisite: ENVR 2000 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3700 Natural Resource Management (3 credits)

This class offers an interdisciplinary introduction to the principles of natural resource management highlighting the biological and physical science aspects of natural resource management at local, national, and global scales. Topics covered may include resource management of soil, water, forests, rangelands, wetlands, waterways, and wildlife. This is an intermediate-level course designed to introduce key concepts and topical areas in natural resource management. A specific focus for the course will be the application of adaptive natural resource management to key Minnesota resources at multiple levels of government (local, county, state, federal, and tribal) over time. Prerequisite(s): ENVR 2000 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3710 Indigenous Environmental Knowledge: Global Perspective (3 credits)

Indigenous cultures refer to pre-colonial societies who today represent a minority, non-dominant group in the societies presently residing in territories these cultures once developed. Throughout their history, Indigenous people have developed their own body of environmental knowledge that they have passed on, generation to generation. This course will provide students with a global perspective of Indigenous environmental knowledge and how this knowledge has affected the relationship of the Indigenous peoples with the natural world and its resources. Students will also investigate present-day political, economic, social, and technological issues related to incorporating Indigenous environmental knowledge into sustainability efforts. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 7A & 8]; [Nisidotaading Course Requirement] ] (Also offered under INST 3710)
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3720 Food Sovereignty, Health & Indigenous Environments (3 credits)

This course is designed to help students understand the interconnections of food sovereignty, health and environmental sustainability. Students will explore why it is not only important for people to control the way their food is produced, distributed, and consumed but why the food should be appropriate to the cultural background of the people consuming it. Students will learn the critical connections between food and health with an exploration of those influences within the context of Indigenous worldviews and ways of knowing. This is an experiential learning course -- learning through interaction, projects, and reflection. This course may be suitable as an elective in Indigenous Studies and Environmental Studies, Health and Nursing degree programs. [Nisidotaading Course Requirement] (Also offered under INST 3720)
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3730 Sustainable Communities: Local Indigenous Perspective (3 credits)

Human societies all across the globe have developed rich sets of experiences and explanations relating to the sustainable communities they live, work and play in. This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of these sustainable communities. Students will learn how these communities function, their challenges, and the critical networks that exist with the environment. This class will explore the role of Indigenous knowledge and traditional ways of learning, as well as scientific knowledge in maintaining the sustainability of a community. This is an experiential learning course -- learning through interaction, projects, and reflection. [Nisidotaading Course Requirement] (Also offered under INST 3730)
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3740 Environment, Wellness & the Sacred Connection to Place (3 credits)

In Indigenous communities, there is a deep and lasting connection to place. Today, there exists overwhelming evidence that connection to place offers important elements for overall individual wellness. However, many communities face challenges in their environments that are detrimental to their health and well-being. To support these communities, there is a need to reconnect them with ways to restore the sustainability of their environment and connection to place. In this course, students will learn the critical connections between the environment and health and will explore the influences of connection to place within the context of Indigenous worldviews and ways of knowing. This is an experiential learning course -- learning through interaction, projects, and reflection. [Nisidotaading Course Requirement] (Also offered under INST 3740)
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3750 Sustainable Communities: Global Indigenous Perspective (3 credits)

Throughout their history, Indigenous people have developed their own body of knowledge on global sustainability that they have passed on, generation to generation. This course will provide students with a large picture perspective of global Indigenous sustainability knowledge and viewpoints and how this perspective continues to affect the relationship of the Indigenous peoples with the natural world and its resources. Students will also investigate present-day global political, economic, social, and technological issues related to incorporating Indigenous views into sustainability efforts across the continents. (Also offered under INST 3750)
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3800 Sustainability Analytics & Modeling (3 credits)

The aim of this course is to expose students to both introductory and advanced analytical methods for environmental applications. The class will provide a primer on introductory inferential statistics (sampling, probability, central tendencies, spread, t- tests and ANOVA) and work towards more advanced analytical applications which are geared towards research questions in Economics, Environmental Studies, Geology, and Geography. These techniques include multiple regression, logistic regression, multi-dimensional scaling, regression trees, cluster analysis, survival analysis and basic time series analysis. This class will focus on learning both the theoretical background and application of these methods and discuss the ethical and contextual issues that surround the use of statistical analysis in environmental research. (Also offered under ECON 3800.)
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3840 Wetlands Ecology (3 credits)

Survey course develops a basic understanding of the terminology, classification, ecology, values, and conservation of wetlands. Covers wetland systems from around the world, with emphasis on wetlands in North America. Prerequisites: BIOL 1400 and BIOL 1500, or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3880 Environmental Controversies (2 credits)

Faculty and student presentations followed by group discussion of classic and current problems, and governmental policies/regulations. Prerequisite: ENVR 2000 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3920 Directed Group Study (2 credits)

Arranged group study
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 3990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4050 Geochemistry (3 credits)

Study of processes in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere; cycling of the elements; weathering; microbe-mineral interactions; nanoparticles; microscopic imaging. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112 or CHEM 2212 or ENVR 2000 or GEOL 1110 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4110 Environmental Chemistry (3 credits)

Intensive study of biogeochemical cycles of natural and man-made pollutants including transformations, transport, fate and persistence mechanisms. Environmental effects, long-term impacts, and methods of treatment/prevention are discussed. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112 or CHEM 2212 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4200 Wastewater Treatment (3 credits)

Introduction to the operation of the principal methods and treatment processes of municipal and industrial wastewaters, and for the disposal of treated effluent and sludges, and other solid materials. Integration of fundamental principles of science with different aspects of sanitary technology. Prerequisites: BIOL 1500, CHEM 1112 or CHEM 2212, MATH 1170, or consent of instructor. BIOL 1500 is not required for Chemistry majors.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4210 Environmental Law and Policy (3 credits)

Overview of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4220 Sampling and Analysis (4 credits)

Methods of sampling and analysis of air, water, soil and other environmental compartments will be described in lecture and experienced in laboratory session. The focus is on regulations and prescribed protocols for environmental field and lab work. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112 or CHEM 2212 or ENVR 2000 or GEOL 1110 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4240 Waste Management (4 credits)

An overview of the solid and hazardous waste situation at the local, state, national and international levels. The focus on management will include a systems approach to prevention, and remediation of wastes. Prerequisites: CHEM 1112 or CHEM 2212 or ENVR 2000 or GEOL 1110 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4260 Risk, Resilience and Sustainable Community Development (3 credits)

We are experiencing dramatic, rapid, unexpected environmental changes due to human caused global climate change, stresses on natural resources as well as our ability to manage our waste generation. In this course, we will explore risk and resilience from a community development perspective. How can we work together in community to survive disruption and anticipate, adapt, and flourish in the face of change. Using Bemidji State University and the greater Bemidji area as a case study we will explore key quantitative as well as qualitative indicators of resilience such as energy, housing, transportation, water, materials & waste, health & wellness, and economic opportunity. Students will be asked to produce quantitative and qualitative assessments of the resilience in our BSU-Bemidji community and actively engage with citizens and working professionals to advance suggestions on how to strengthen our campus and community's resilience. Prerequisite(s): ENVR 2000 or consent of instructor
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4400 Environmental Microbiology (3 credits)

Fundamental aspects of microbiology as related to land production, environmental pollution and water quality control processes. The role of major groups of microbes as pollutants, as purifying agents, and as agents of biochemical changes, and ecological functions and importance of each group in the environment. Prerequisites: BIOL 1110 or BIOL 1120 or CHEM 1112 or CHEM 2212 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4500 Environmental Toxicology (4 credits)

An overview of major environmental pollutants, their transport, fate and toxicology. Pollutant effects studied from practical and theoretical focus on stress at various levels of biological organization. Prerequisites: BIOL 1500, BIOL 2610, and CHEM 1112 or CHEM 2212, or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4610 Sustainability: Theory and Practice (4 credits)

Becoming agents of positive change in our communities requires building many different skill sets. This course will build core competencies of community leadership and focus on sustainability issues in our community. We will integrates theories, principles and practices of sustainability throughout the course and explore how various entities such as the University, the City of Bemidji, local tribes, companies, non-profits and individuals approach sustainability actions and choices. We will explore issues such as energy, water, waste, food and transportation as well as diversity, equity and inclusion in decision making. Students will be asked to identify a specific problem facing our community and utilize Problem and Project Based Learning (PBL) techniques to directly engage with these local issues, connect with the stakeholders involved and work together to propose potential solutions. Prerequisite(s): ENVR 2000 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4880 Senior Seminar I (1 credits)

Senior level seminar in which students explore the environmental job market and graduate school opportunities. Prerequisites: Senior status and ENVR 3880.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)

Directed Independent Study | Teaching Associate
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4920 Directed Group Study (1 credits)

Arranged group study
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

ENVR 4990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline