2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog
Special Education Courses
SPED 3660 Autism Spectrum Disorders: Mild to Moderate Disabilities (3 credits)
This course presents a whole-person perspective of individuals with high-functioning Spectrum, also known as essential autism, which surveys research-based approaches to teaching: biological and neurological information necessary for assessment, genetic research, legislation, and the CEC Code of Ethics. The course material contains material that covers birth through the age of 21 due to the changes that occur over time with individuals with mild to moderate autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This course requires 40 hours of field experiences; with 20 hours field experiences being dedicated to students ranging from birth to Pre-Kindergarten and 20 hours of field experiences being dedicated to Kindergarten through grade 6. Prerequisites: SPED 3600, SPED 3650, or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline