2025-2026 Graduate Catalog | 20263
Education Courses
ED 5000 Introduction to FasTrack
(1 credits)
ED 5100 Introduction to the Foundations of Public School Education
(3 credits)
ED 5110 Educational Psychology
(3 credits)
ED 5140 Human Diversity and Educational Equity
(3 credits)
ED 5170 Education of the American Indian
(3 credits)
ED 5201 Language Arts I
(3 credits)
ED 5202 Language Arts II
(3 credits)
ED 5203 Language Arts III
(3 credits)
ED 5208 Developmental Reading in Middle School
(3 credits)
ED 5212 Curriculum Instruction using Response to Intervention (RTI)
(3 credits)
ED 5221 Elementary Math Methods
(3 credits)
ED 5305 Literature Based Differentiated Instruction
(3 credits)
ED 5350 Principles and Strategies of Teaching
(3 credits)
ED 5410 Secondary Science Methods
(4 credits)
ED 5417 Teaching and Learning in the Middle School
(3 credits)
ED 5440 Mathematics Methods in the Secondary School
(4 credits)
ED 5500 Young Children with Special Needs
(3 credits)
ED 5580 Teaching of Middle and Secondary School Social Studies
(3 credits)
ED 5670 Foundations of Early Childhood Education
(3 credits)
ED 5677 Relations and Management in Early Childhood Education
(3 credits)
ED 5737 Content Area Reading
(3 credits)
ED 5740 Methods of using Instructional Technology
(3 credits)
ED 5780 Inclusive Teaching and Classrooms
(3 credits)
ED 5790 Teaching PK-12 Multilingual Learners
(3 credits)
ED 5799 The Professional Teacher
(1 credits)
ED 5811 Preprimary Student Teaching
(3-10 credits)
ED 5818 Field Experience In Instructional Technology
(4 credits)
ED 5820 Student Teaching - Elementary
(1-16 credits)
ED 5830 Student Teaching - Secondary
(1-12 credits)
ED 5840 Student Teaching - Special Fields
(1-12 credits)
ED 5860 Practicum: Special Fields
(3 credits)
ED 5917 DIS Tchg Assoc |
(1-2 credits)
ED 6100 Educational Research I
(3 credits)
ED 6101 Educational Foundations
(3 credits)
ED 6102 Making Education Data Meaningful
(3 credits)
ED 6107 Advanced Educational Psychology
(3 credits)
ED 6108 Equitable and Inclusive Learning Communities
(3 credits)
ED 6113 Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Pedagogy
(3 credits)
ED 6115 Psychology of Learning
(3 credits)
ED 6117 Critical and Creative Thinking
(3 credits)
ED 6118 Program Evaluation
(3 credits)
ED 6120 Critical Issues in Education
(3 credits)
ED 6140 Human Diversity in Education
(3 credits)
ED 6150 History of American Education
(2 credits)
ED 6210 Recent Research in Elementary School Subjects
(2 credits)
ED 6220 Modern Curricula in Elementary School Subjects
(2 credits)
ED 6230 Curriculum and Instruction in Developmental Reading in Elementary School
(2 credits)
ED 6232 Children's Literature in the Classroom
(2 credits)
ED 6237 Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Difficulties
(2 credits)
ED 6238 Administration and Supervision of the Reading Program in the Field
(3 credits)
ED 6240 Topics in Mathematics Education
(2 credits)
ED 6250 Topics in Social Studies Education
(2 credits)
ED 6307 Teaching the Young Adolescent
(2 credits)
ED 6334 Curriculum and Instructional Design
(3 credits)
ED 6336 Instructional Design
(3 credits)
ED 6407 The Reflective Educator
(2 credits)
ED 6446 Distance Education: History and Development
(3 credits)
ED 6447 Seminar in Online Teaching
(2 credits)
ED 6750 Educational Research II
(3 credits)
ED 6850 Capstone
(3 credits)
ED 5208 Developmental Reading in Middle School (3 credits)
Intensive study of reading in the middle school grades with an emphasis on instructional problems, methodology, and materials. Prerequisite(s): Admitted to the Professional Education Program or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline