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Education Courses

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ED 5000 Introduction to FasTrack (1 credits)

This course provides a comprehensive evaluation of the professional and academic experiences of aspiring teacher candidates. Transcripts and professional data are reviewed. Once the evaluation is completed, the student will work with the instructor to create an individualized program plan that leads to teacher licensure. Students are introduced to the concept of professional reflection based on the Standards of Effective practice. Student concerns and questions are addressed as well as an introduction to D2L and online learning. Discussions around the four components of the Professional Education Conceptual Framework in the areas of environmental awareness, technology, proficiency in teaching and collaboration occur via D2L. An introduction to TaskStream and its relation to the documenting of the Standards of Effective practice is provided. The cost for reviewing transcripts is waived for candidates who enroll in this course. This course is required before taking any other courses in the FasTrack program. Prerequisite: An earned bachelor's degree.
Common Course Outline

ED 5100 Introduction to the Foundations of Public School Education (3 credits)

Introduction to the historical, social, and political foundations of public school education. Introduction to the roles, functions, and responsibilities of an elementary or secondary public school teacher; a practicum experience. Prerequisites: Completion of PPST, 2.50 GPA, and 30 credits, or completion of a baccalaureate degree in a licensure field and consent of department chair.
Common Course Outline

ED 5110 Educational Psychology (3 credits)

A study of the teaching and learning process: teaching with emphasis on planning effective instruction, management, and assessment; learning from behavioral, information processing, and constructivist views focusing on how learning is influenced by cognitive, personal, social, and moral development, and by teaching approaches, motivation, and other factors. Prerequisite: 2.50 overall GPA; Corequisite: ED 5100.
Common Course Outline

ED 5140 Human Diversity and Educational Equity (3 credits)

This course equips future teachers with the knowledge and skills to create equitable learning environments. Through a critical examination of race, ethnicity, and culture, we explore the complex interplay of identity formation, intersectionality, and power dynamics in educational settings. Using culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogies will serve as a foundation for creating opportunities for students to learn about power and oppression and to empower students to challenge biases, discrimination, prejudices and structural inequalities. Learners will practice selecting and using diverse curriculum resources, collaborating with families, and creating supportive, responsive classrooms. Prerequisites or Corequisites: ED 5100 and 5110.
Common Course Outline

ED 5170 Education of the American Indian (3 credits)

Survey of traditional and western models used in the education of American Indians from colonial times to the present.
Common Course Outline

ED 5201 Language Arts I (3 credits)

A survey of various approaches and an investigation of the multiplicity of tasks involved in the teaching of elementary school reading. Focuses on emerging literacy development as well as assessment in the early years of learning to read.
Common Course Outline

ED 5202 Language Arts II (3 credits)

Focuses on the use of children's literature in the elementary and middle schools and the role of literature in a balanced literacy program and continued language development. A balanced literacy program includes the integration of reading, writing, spelling, listening, speaking, and viewing skills meeting the needs of diverse learners.
Common Course Outline

ED 5203 Language Arts III (3 credits)

Focuses on literacy components of the elementary and the middle school reading program. Special emphasis is given to the development of literacy skills in writing, listening, speaking, media literacy, and presenting and viewing as a part of a holistic view of language and communication. Prerequisite: ED 5202.
Common Course Outline

ED 5208 Developmental Reading in Middle School (3 credits)

Intensive study of reading in the middle school grades with an emphasis on instructional problems, methodology, and materials. Prerequisite(s): Admitted to the Professional Education Program or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ED 5212 Curriculum Instruction using Response to Intervention (RTI) (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide students with opportunities to apply learning in an authentic setting. Students will demonstrate-through fieldwork, online discussion, and course assessments-their knowledge of curriculum using Response to Intervention (RTI) and how to supervise a reading program. Prerequisites: ED 5201 (Elementary Students) or ED 5737 (Secondary Students).
Common Course Outline

ED 5221 Elementary Math Methods (3 credits)

Objectives, materials and methods of teaching modern mathematics. Requires visits to elementary schools.
Common Course Outline

ED 5305 Literature Based Differentiated Instruction (3 credits)

This course emphasizes theory and practice in understanding, diagnosing and correcting problems in reading through differentiated literature-based instruction. Sims strategies as well instructional differentiated instruction will be introduced and implemented in a 20-hour clinical experience. (3 credits) Prerequisites: ED 5201 (Elementary Students) or ED 5737 (Secondary Students).
Common Course Outline

ED 5350 Principles and Strategies of Teaching (3 credits)

This course carefully examines the teaching and learning process using an equity lens. Planning culturally responsive, interdisciplinary instruction that incorporates real-world, project-based approaches utilizing community resources is explored. Anti-racist and culturally responsive pedagogies are practiced. Motivation for learning and student engagement are connected to instructional and assessment strategies and learning environments. Students develop resources and strategy banks for making equity
Common Course Outline

ED 5410 Secondary Science Methods (4 credits)

Introduces strategies and materials for teaching science grades 5-12. Discusses the teaching of science through a hands-on, inquiry-oriented methodology, and includes laboratory activities, class discussions, and modification of materials to address current Minnesota state standards. A field experience is required in an appropriate grade level with public school students. Prerequisite: Senior status or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ED 5417 Teaching and Learning in the Middle School (3 credits)

Course provides comprehensive preparation for teaching in the middle school. Topics of study include young adolescent development; the family's impact on the middle school learner; middle school philosophy and structures; content, instruction, and assessment at the middle school level; and community engagement and the middle school.
Common Course Outline

ED 5440 Mathematics Methods in the Secondary School (4 credits)

This course will familiarize students with NCTM Standards, lesson planning, Minnesota Frameworks and Standards, Graduation Rule, objectives, methods, and materials. 25 hour practicum required.
Common Course Outline

ED 5500 Young Children with Special Needs (3 credits)

Introduction to teaching young children with special needs. Includes discussion of important aspects of education for young children in special education and mainstreamed settings. Students interrelate experiences working with young children having special needs to developing an educational philosophy.
Common Course Outline

ED 5580 Teaching of Middle and Secondary School Social Studies (3 credits)

Objectives, activities, methods, and materials in teaching social studies in grades 5-12. A total of 25 hours of field experience in a middle or secondary social studies classroom is required. Prerequisite(s): ED 5110.
Common Course Outline

ED 5670 Foundations of Early Childhood Education (3 credits)

Social, psychological, historical, and educational foundations of kindergarten and prekindergarten programming are explored. Emphasis is placed on efforts of modern programs to adapt curriculum and instruction to the developmental levels and experience backgrounds of young children. Content is geared toward teaching at either the kindergarten or prekindergarten levels. Requirements: Practicum at level of professional interest.
Common Course Outline

ED 5677 Relations and Management in Early Childhood Education (3 credits)

Study and develop skills in relations with young children, parents, and co-workers. Guidance and group management techniques are addressed for working effectively with prekindergarten and young school aged children. Practicum in prekindergarten or school settings is part of the class.
Common Course Outline

ED 5737 Content Area Reading (3 credits)

Intensive study of content area reading issues. Assessment techniques and instructional strategies appropriate for grades four through twelve. Literacy requirements addressed include application competencies that take into account classroom experiences related to various disciplines.
Common Course Outline

ED 5740 Methods of using Instructional Technology (3 credits)

Fundamentals of theory and practice in using instructional technology in teaching. Explores current and future methods of teaching with technology. Assists teachers and prospective teachers in utilizing various instructional technologies in their teaching.
Common Course Outline

ED 5780 Inclusive Teaching and Classrooms (3 credits)

This course equips educators with the skills to create equitable and inclusive learning environments that support all students, including those with exceptional needs. Key topics include effective classroom management, differentiated instruction, inclusive assessments, collaboration with students, families and professionals, as well as legal considerations and mental health awareness. Prerequisite(s): ED 5100, ED 5110, ED 5140, and ED 5350.
Common Course Outline

ED 5790 Teaching PK-12 Multilingual Learners (3 credits)

This course is an intensive study to develop instructional competencies that support the literacy development of students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Pedagogical approaches and methods, curriculum planning, assessment, differentiated instruction, materials adaptation, and collaborative teaching will be presented. The course will examine cross-disciplinary literacy instruction and approaches to develop students¿ reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in all content areas. This course is designed for teacher candidates, experienced teachers, and those who want to develop their knowledge and understanding of fundamental principles, practices, and policies for working with multilingual leaners.
Common Course Outline

ED 5799 The Professional Teacher (1 credits)

Students study the role of the student teacher in planning for full-time teaching. Reviews classroom procedures, organization, planning, and technologies, and covers student teacher and beginning teacher procedures, general background, introduction to the classroom, teaching strategies, language, thinking, evaluation, employment (including letters of application, resume writing, and interviews), and continued professional growth. The course must be taken the semester before student teaching. Note: Elementary majors must successfully complete all methods courses prior to student teaching; secondary majors must successfully complete all methods courses and 80 percent of their content courses prior to student teaching. Prerequisites: ED 5100, ED 5110, ED 5140, ED 5350, and ED 5780.
Common Course Outline

ED 5811 Preprimary Student Teaching (3-10 credits)

Students integrate theory and practice through working as a member of a teaching team in a prekindergarten placement. Includes application of content and methods from ED 3670 and ED 3677, as well as documentation of attainment of BOT outcomes as specified in the syllabus. Prerequisites or Corequisites: ED 5670 and ED 5677.
Common Course Outline

ED 5818 Field Experience In Instructional Technology (4 credits)

The purpose of this course is to provide a capstone experience for the students in the Instructional Technology area of emphasis. Students will develop integrated instructional technology materials and field test them in actual educational settings.
Common Course Outline

ED 5820 Student Teaching - Elementary (1-16 credits)

Full-time teaching with guidance and supervision by university supervisors and assigned school personnel. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Prerequisites: ED 5100, ED 5110, ED 5140, ED 5350, ED 5780, and ED 5799; Corequisite: ED 5800.
Common Course Outline

ED 5830 Student Teaching - Secondary (1-12 credits)

Full-time teaching with guidance and supervision by University supervisors and assigned school personnel. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Prerequisites: ED 5110 and ED 5799; Corequisite: ED 5800.
Common Course Outline

ED 5840 Student Teaching - Special Fields (1-12 credits)

Full-time teaching with guidance and supervision by University supervisors and assigned school personnel (visual arts, business education, industrial arts education, instrumental music, vocal music, health and physical education.) Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Prerequisites: ED 5100, ED 5110, ED 5140, ED 5350, ED 5780, and ED 5799; Corequisite: ED 5800.
Common Course Outline

ED 5860 Practicum: Special Fields (3 credits)

This is an 80-hour practicum course for students to demonstrate competency in teacher-student interactions, instructional delivery and design, and classroom organization and management in a classroom in the student¿s add-on licensure/endorsement focus. This course requires two observations by both the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor, one triad meeting, and submission of a recommendation from the university supervisor. Completed practicum hours must be submitted and approved. Prerequisite(s): Completion of initial MN Teaching License and co-enrollment in or completion of required endorsement courses.
Common Course Outline

ED 5917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)

Directed Independent Study | Teaching Associate
Common Course Outline

ED 6100 Educational Research I (3 credits)

Critically informed educators begin with investigating their own practice. Students will explore principles of research design through analysis of qualitative, quantitative data from one's own setting. Students will then begin to develop a hypothesis of areas for improvement over the course of one's graduate degree. In this course students will develop efficacy in academic writing skills including formatting of documents in alignment with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and American Psychological Association (APA) citation practices. Introduction to the fundamental principles of educational research, the analysis and critique of quantitative, qualitative, and emerging research designs, data collection methods, and statistical approaches. This will provide the foundation for students completing their capstone project at the end of the program. This course should be taken early in a student's program of study to provide a sound basis for subsequent graduate-level coursework. Prerequisites: Admission to any BSU graduate program or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

ED 6101 Educational Foundations (3 credits)

This course is a critical study of the historical, social, philosophical, cultural, and political foundations of American Education. Students will reflect on their beliefs and values of teaching and the purpose of the education. Students will also examine components of effective instruction and explore current educational issues. This course requires K-12 field experience.
Common Course Outline

ED 6102 Making Education Data Meaningful (3 credits)

Teachers will learn how to analyze data gathered through classroom and institutional practices and accurately interpret these for various audiences and purposes. Teachers will demonstrate basic statistical concepts applied in the educational context and be able to recognize when data is being appropriately and effectively to inform instruction. An expansive repertoire of formative assessment practices for instructional purposes will be considered. Teachers will use data from student artifacts to design appropriate instructional remediation, extension, or adaptation for future curriculum iterations. Data disaggregated by race, gender, first language, and special education status will be used to consider current levels of instructional efficacy with the goal of equity and high achievement for all learners. Prerequisite(s): ED 6100.
Common Course Outline

ED 6107 Advanced Educational Psychology (3 credits)

This course investigates the neurological, psychological, and socio-cultural elements of human development as these relate to teacher practices. The course examines the teaching and learning process: teaching with emphasis on planning effective instruction, management, and assessment. It also explores effective ways to respond to student behaviors and learning needs from a trauma-based perspective. This course includes K-12 Teacher Licensure Standards of Effective Practice.
Common Course Outline

ED 6108 Equitable and Inclusive Learning Communities (3 credits)

Examination of how to create equitable, inclusive, empathic, and humanistic K-12 learning environments. Students will explore classroom management practices, inclusive teaching strategies, and equitable assessment practices. The course provides guidance to preservice teachers seeking effective adaptations, accommodations, and modifications to support all students¿ academic and social success in their classrooms. This course also reviews info on specific disabilities; and identifies equitable strategies to meet the needs of exceptional learners. Prerequisite(s): ED 6107.
Common Course Outline

ED 6113 Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Pedagogy (3 credits)

Students will build on existing experiences in education to review and analyze current curriculum and standards. They will develop curriculum and/or adapt existing curriculum rooted in sound learning theory. brain research, is culturally responsive and sustainable, and inclusive to all learners. Students will develop the pedagogical skills enabling them to facilitate student-centered instruction emphasizing authentic inquiry. Prerequisite(s): ED 6102.
Common Course Outline

ED 6115 Psychology of Learning (3 credits)

A comprehensive study of the process of learning as it relates to behavior, cognition/intelligence, life-span development, motivation, and instructional practices. For practicing teachers in various educational settings, pre-K through post-secondary.
Common Course Outline

ED 6117 Critical and Creative Thinking (3 credits)

Analysis of learner capacities that are prerequisites for intellectual growth, including the ability to take multiple perspectives, be creative and take risks, and adopt an experimental and problem-solving orientation. Through an understanding of developmental and learning theories, accomplished teachers critically examine their teaching practices, seek to expand their repertoire, deepen their knowledge, and adapt their teaching to new ideas.
Common Course Outline

ED 6118 Program Evaluation (3 credits)

Focuses on philosophical foundations of program evaluation within the context of organizational renewal and school change initiatives. Case study methodology is used for curricula and delivery design in contemporary curricular issues.
Common Course Outline

ED 6120 Critical Issues in Education (3 credits)

Analyzes issues confronting American education. Students will first explore enduring critical issues in education and then participate in an emergent curriculum model as they conduct specific and detailed study is given to selected issues of their choice culminating completion of a literature review on that topic. Prerequisite(s): ED 6113.
Common Course Outline

ED 6140 Human Diversity in Education (3 credits)

This course explores anti-bias and culturally responsive teaching. It examines social, political, and cultural issues that contribute to inequities in education. It includes a study of the causes and psychological dynamics of racism, sexism and other forms of human oppression and the effects these have on learning spaces. Throughout the course, students will consider their own positionality and what that means for their teaching practice. Focus will be on examining and implementing practices that support diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Common Course Outline

ED 6150 History of American Education (2 credits)

Study of the development of public education in the United States with attention to the European background as it has influenced the expansion of education facilities in the United States, Canada, and Latin America.
Common Course Outline

ED 6210 Recent Research in Elementary School Subjects (2 credits)

A study of recent research in selected elementary school subjects.
Common Course Outline

ED 6220 Modern Curricula in Elementary School Subjects (2 credits)

Designed to develop basic understanding for individual in science methods for the elementary school. Emphasizes modern approaches and resource development in science curricula.
Common Course Outline

ED 6230 Curriculum and Instruction in Developmental Reading in Elementary School (2 credits)

The skills, methods and materials basic to the teaching of reading at the elementary level are studied.
Common Course Outline

ED 6232 Children's Literature in the Classroom (2 credits)

For in-service elementary and middle-level teachers. Expands teachers' background in the field of children's literature. Emphasis on methods and techniques to integrate children's literature into the language arts program as well as the use of literature across disciplines in school curriculums. Current research, relevant Internet resources, and recent publications in children's literature. Prerequisite: Undergraduate teaching degree or consent of instructor. Offered through Extended Learning.
Common Course Outline

ED 6237 Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Difficulties (2 credits)

Emphasizes theory and practice in diagnosing and correcting problems in reading. Requires an approved clinical experience in a high school (9-12) setting. Prerequisite: ED 5201 or ED 6230.
Common Course Outline

ED 6238 Administration and Supervision of the Reading Program in the Field (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide students with opportunities to apply learning about reading best practices in an authentic setting. Students will demonstrate¿through field work, online discussion, and course assessments¿their knowledge of reading assessment and evaluation, state and federal reading legislation, leadership and coaching approaches, current research on best practice in reading instruction, strategies for working effectively with parents and community, and ability to plan reflectively for high-quality reading instruction. Prerequisites: ED 5201, ED 5740.
Common Course Outline

ED 6240 Topics in Mathematics Education (2 credits)

This course explores topics in mathematics education. Topics covered may include instructional, curricular, or programmatic practices. It is repeatable when the topic differs.
Common Course Outline

ED 6250 Topics in Social Studies Education (2 credits)

This course explores topics in social studies education. Topics covered may include instructional, curricular, or programmatic practices. It is repeatable when the topic differs.
Common Course Outline

ED 6307 Teaching the Young Adolescent (2 credits)

Designed to improve participants' ability to deliver instruction to transescent (10 to 15 years old) students. Prerequisite: ED 5160 or equivalent.
Common Course Outline

ED 6334 Curriculum and Instructional Design (3 credits)

Introduction to the elements of designing effective instruction: learners, goals and objectives, teaching strategies, instructional technologies, and assessment, with special attention to the learners. Concepts from educational psychology and human relations are applied to the development of appropriate educational materials for diverse learners. Prerequisite(s): ED 6101 and ED 6107.
Common Course Outline

ED 6336 Instructional Design (3 credits)

Examines a range of effective instructional techniques for elementary, middle-level, secondary, and post-secondary teachers. Reviews instructional design models that focus on selecting content knowledge, transforming content knowledge into instructional standards, selecting appropriate teaching strategies and media, managing the classroom environment, assessing learning, and reflecting on the effectiveness of instructional decisions.
Common Course Outline

ED 6407 The Reflective Educator (2 credits)

This is a culminating reflection course that includes a final performance assessment and/or oral exam. Students will explore critical aspects of teaching and examine what it means to be a reflective teacher who will continue to learn and develop with experience. This course is taken during the final term of the Master of Teaching program. Prerequisite(s): ED 6334 and ED 6108.
Common Course Outline

ED 6446 Distance Education: History and Development (3 credits)

Students learn about trends, issues, and theories in the field, as well as designing for distance delivery with different types of methods, media, and delivery tools. The course is offered only online. Students will participate in online discussion, including an exploration of their own experiences as distance learners. Other goals are individually defined and based on the needs and interests of students taking the course.
Common Course Outline

ED 6447 Seminar in Online Teaching (2 credits)

Specifically for in-service P-12 and post-secondary teachers seeking advanced preparation in online teaching. Shaped by participants in terms of critical needs, specific content areas and specialties, or changes in state and federal policies. Every effort is made to include expert guest discussants from the Minnesota Department of Education, other universities, teachers' unions, and other relevant leaders in online education.
Common Course Outline

ED 6750 Educational Research II (3 credits)

Students are guided to developing meaningful, authentic, projects, often including action research projects that will improve their own practice in the field and contribute new ideas to the profession. Students will complete the proposal for their capstone project. The instructor will facilitate the student's completion of the capstone proposal process, resulting in advisor/committee chair approval capstone proposal and requisite BSU graduate school office paperwork. Students proposing an action research capstone will most likely complete data collection prior to enrolling in ED 6850 where they will analyze the data and present their results. Prerequisite(s): ED 6100 and ED 6120.
Common Course Outline

ED 6850 Capstone (3 credits)

In this final course in the BSU Education Department's MAT and M SPED degree programs, students complete their final project and present their findings. Students work closely with the course instructor and their advisor to complete the last requirements of their degree. Prerequisite(s): ED 6100, ED 6120, and ED 6750.
Common Course Outline