Updated 2019-2020 Graduate Catalog
Master of Business Administration Courses
All Master of Business Administration Courses
MBA 5100 Survey of Accounting and Finance Concepts
(3 credits)
MBA 5105 Quantitative Analysis for Business
(3 credits)
MBA 5110 Business Analytics
(3 credits)
MBA 5120 Managerial Finance
(3 credits)
MBA 5130 Corporate Social Responsibility
(3 credits)
MBA 5140 Global Business
(3 credits)
MBA 6100 Managerial Accounting
(3 credits)
MBA 6105 Organizational Behavior
(3 credits)
MBA 6115 Operations Management
(3 credits)
MBA 6125 Marketing Management
(3 credits)
MBA 6135 Information Systems Management
(3 credits)
MBA 6145 Strategy and Management
(3 credits)
MBA 6400 Managing Human Resources
(3 credits)
MBA 6405 Organization Theory
(3 credits)
MBA 6600 Promotion Management
(3 credits)
MBA 6605 Services Marketing
(3 credits)
MBA 6700 Financial Institutions
(3 credits)
MBA 6705 Derivatives and Risk Management
(3 credits)
MBA 5130 Corporate Social Responsibility (3 credits)
This course focuses on the importance of business ethics, sustainability and stakeholder management in the current business environment. It illustrates how decision makers in business need to balance and protect the interests of various stakeholders, including investors, employees, the community, and the environment. Topics include the social, legal, political, and ethical responsibilities of a business to both external and internal stakeholder groups.
Common Course Outline