Updated 2019-2020 Graduate Catalog
Education Courses
ED 5100 Introduction to the Foundations of Public School Education
(3 credits)
ED 5110 Educational Psychology
(3 credits)
ED 5140 Human Relations in Education
(3 credits)
ED 5160 Philosophy and Organization of The Middle School
(2 credits)
ED 5170 Education of the American Indian
(3 credits)
ED 5201 Language Arts I
(3 credits)
ED 5202 Language Arts II
(3 credits)
ED 5203 Language Arts III
(3 credits)
ED 5212 Curriculum Instruction using Response to Intervention (RTI)
(3 credits)
ED 5221 Elementary Math Methods
(3 credits)
ED 5250 Elementary School Environmental Education
(1 credits)
ED 5257 Introduction to Environmental Education and Interpretation
(3 credits)
ED 5258 Environmental Interpretation
(3 credits)
ED 5305 Literature Based Differentiated Instruction
(3 credits)
ED 5350 Pedagogy: Planning for Instruction
(3 credits)
ED 5410 Secondary Science Methods
(4 credits)
ED 5417 Teaching and Learning in the Middle School
(3 credits)
ED 5500 Young Children with Special Needs
(3 credits)
ED 5508 Parent/Professional Team in Early Childhood
(3 credits)
ED 5601 Assistive Technology
(3 credits)
ED 5608 Mathematics for Learners with Special Needs
(2 credits)
ED 5670 Foundations of Early Childhood Education
(3 credits)
ED 5677 Relations and Management in Early Childhood Education
(3 credits)
ED 5700 Developmentally Appropriate Preprimary Education
(3 credits)
ED 5737 Content Area Reading
(3 credits)
ED 5740 Methods of using Instructional Technology
(3 credits)
ED 5747 Curriculum Development for Instructional Technology
(4 credits)
ED 5750 Family, School, Community Relations
(3 credits)
ED 5757 Philosophy and Methods of Parent Education
(3 credits)
ED 5758 Teaching the Learner at Risk: An Ecological Perspective
(2 credits)
ED 5760 Vocal Music Consultant in the Elementary School
(1 credits)
ED 5770 Organization and Administration of Environmental Education & Interpretation
(2 credits)
ED 5777 Field Experiences in Environmental Education and Interpretation
(3 credits)
ED 5780 Adaptation and Management: Designing the Learning Environment
(3 credits)
ED 5799 The Professional Teacher
(1 credits)
ED 5811 Preprimary Student Teaching
(3-10 credits)
ED 5818 Field Experience In Instructional Technology
(4 credits)
ED 5820 Student Teaching - Elementary
(1-12 credits)
ED 5830 Student Teaching - Secondary
(1-12 credits)
ED 5840 Student Teaching - Special Fields
(1-12 credits)
ED 6100 Educational Research I
(3 credits)
ED 6107 Advanced Educational Psychology
(3 credits)
ED 6108 The Learning Community
(3 credits)
ED 6110 Comparative Educational Philosophies
(3 credits)
ED 6115 Psychology of Learning
(3 credits)
ED 6117 Critical and Creative Thinking
(3 credits)
ED 6118 Program Evaluation
(3 credits)
ED 6120 Critical Issues in Education
(2 credits)
ED 6140 Social Foundations in Education
(2 credits)
ED 6150 History of American Education
(2 credits)
ED 6160 Educational Statistics
(2 credits)
ED 6210 Recent Research in Elementary School Subjects
(2 credits)
ED 6220 Modern Curricula in Elementary School Subjects
(2 credits)
ED 6230 Curriculum and Instruction in Developmental Reading in Elementary School
(2 credits)
ED 6232 Children's Literature in the Classroom
(2 credits)
ED 6237 Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Difficulties
(2 credits)
ED 6238 Administration and Supervision of the Reading Program in the Field
(3 credits)
ED 6240 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary School Mathematics
(1 credits)
ED 6250 Curriculum and Instruction in Elementary School Social Studies
(2 credits)
ED 6300 Key Concepts of Middle Level Education
(2 credits)
ED 6307 Teaching the Young Adolescent
(2 credits)
ED 6334 Curriculum and Instruction
(3 credits)
ED 6336 Instructional Design
(3 credits)
ED 6400 School Administration and Leadership
(3 credits)
ED 6407 The Accomplished Teacher
(3 credits)
ED 6410 Public School Law
(3 credits)
ED 6420 School Finance
(3 credits)
ED 6430 Student Personnel Services
(3 credits)
ED 6440 Supervision of Student Teachers
(2 credits)
ED 6446 Distance Education: History and Development
(3 credits)
ED 6447 Seminar in Online Teaching
(2 credits)
ED 6450 Education Supervision
(3 credits)
ED 6460 Public Relations
(3 credits)
ED 6480 Personnel Administration
(3 credits)
ED 6750 Educational Research II
(2 credits)
ED 6800 Practicum in Diagnosis of Reading Difficulties
(2 credits)
ED 6810 Practicum in Correction of Reading Difficulties
(2 credits)
ED 6840 Practicum in Parent and Family Education
(3 credits)
ED 6850 Capstone
(2 credits)
ED 6750 Educational Research II (2 credits)
This course provides a setting for (1) writing a formal research paper/thesis proposal (M.S.) or capstone experience proposal (all applied degrees currently offered by the Department of Professional Education) and submitting it for approval to the student¿s degree committee and college dean, (2) completing the comprehensive written exam required by the School of Graduate Studies. The research paper or capstone experience proposal is written using the guidelines set out by the Department of Professional Education, and submitting Form 3 with the proposal for university approval. Prerequisites: ED 6100
Common Course Outline