2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Political Science Courses
POL 1100 Understanding Politics
(3 credits)
POL 1200 Introduction to American Politics
(3 credits)
POL 1300 Introduction to International Relations
(3 credits)
POL 1400 Introduction to Comparative Politics
(3 credits)
POL 1910 Directed Independent Study
(3 credits)
POL 1920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
POL 1930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
POL 1940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
POL 1950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
POL 1960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
POL 1970 Internship
(3 credits)
POL 1980 Research
(3 credits)
POL 1990 Thesis
(3 credits)
POL 2800 Introduction to Law and Law School
(3 credits)
POL 2910 Directed Independent Study
(3 credits)
POL 2920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
POL 2925 People of the Environment: Political Science Perspective
(3 credits)
POL 2930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
POL 2940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
POL 2950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
POL 2953 Study-Travel, History and the Social and Behaviorial Sciences
(1-6 credits)
POL 2960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
POL 2970 Internship
(3 credits)
POL 2980 Research
(3 credits)
POL 2990 Thesis
(3 credits)
POL 3100 American Foreign Policy
(3 credits)
POL 3130 Asian Political Development
(3 credits)
POL 3140 Canadian Politics
(3 credits)
POL 3150 Topics in Political Science
(1-3 credits)
POL 3160 Comparative European Politics
(3 credits)
POL 3170 International Relations
(3 credits)
POL 3180 International Law and Organization
(3 credits)
POL 3190 International Political Economy
(3 credits)
POL 3200 Minnesota Politics
(3 credits)
POL 3210 Public Administration
(3 credits)
POL 3230 Environmental Politics
(3 credits)
POL 3240 Political Analysis
(3 credits)
POL 3310 Intersection of Public and Non-Profit Sectors
(3 credits)
POL 3320 Non-Profit Management
(3 credits)
POL 3330 Non-Profit Financial Management
(3 credits)
POL 3400 Political Theory
(3 credits)
POL 3410 Legislative and Executive Relations
(3 credits)
POL 3420 Campaigns and Elections
(3 credits)
POL 3910 Directed Independent Study: Student Leadership
(1 credits)
POL 3920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
POL 3930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
POL 3940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
POL 3950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
POL 3960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
POL 3970 Internship
(3 credits)
POL 3980 Research
(3 credits)
POL 3990 Thesis
(3 credits)
POL 4100 Political Inquiry
(3 credits)
POL 4200 Constitutional Law
(3 credits)
POL 4500 Thesis and Career Preparation
(3 credits)
POL 4910 Directed Independent Study
(3 credits)
POL 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc |
(1-2 credits)
POL 4920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
POL 4930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
POL 4940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
POL 4950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
POL 4960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
POL 4970 Internship
(3 credits)
POL 4980 Research
(3 credits)
POL 4990 Thesis
(3 credits)
POL 1400 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 credits)
A comparative analysis of political systems and their functions in the context of unique cultures and histories. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 7A & 8]
Common Course Outline