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2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263

PDF of Political Science Courses

Political Science Courses

All Political Science Courses

POL 1100 Understanding Politics (3 credits)

An introduction to the basic ideologies, concepts, processes and institutions of modern government and politics. [Core Curriculum Goal Areas 6 & 9]
Common Course Outline

POL 1200 Introduction to American Politics (3 credits)

An introductory survey to the institutions and actors, such as the media, interest groups, political parties, congress, and presidency of contemporary American government and politics. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 7B]
Common Course Outline

POL 1300 Introduction to International Relations (3 credits)

Surveys various theories explaining the behavior of nation-states, the causes of war and peace as well as the role of multinational corporations and international organizations in international politics. [Core Curriculum Goal Areas 8 & 9]
Common Course Outline

POL 1400 Introduction to Comparative Politics (3 credits)

A comparative analysis of political systems and their functions in the context of unique cultures and histories. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 7A & 8]
Common Course Outline

POL 1910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

POL 1920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)

Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline

POL 1930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

POL 1940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

POL 1950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

POL 1960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

POL 1970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

POL 1980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

POL 1990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

POL 2800 Introduction to Law and Law School (3 credits)

Provides students with a comprehensive understanding of law and society as well as introducing students to the process of entering the legal profession. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 9]
Common Course Outline

POL 2910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

POL 2920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)

Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline

POL 2925 People of the Environment: Political Science Perspective (3 credits)

An introduction to political processes and institutions involved in making environmental policy. Might not be offered every year.
Common Course Outline

POL 2930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

POL 2940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

POL 2950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

POL 2953 Study-Travel, History and the Social and Behaviorial Sciences (1-6 credits)

Study Travel course in Political Science.
Common Course Outline

POL 2960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

POL 2970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

POL 2980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

POL 2990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

POL 3100 American Foreign Policy (3 credits)

Traces the development of American foreign policy: its objectives, limitations, domestic and international factors influencing foreign policy. Prerequisite: POL 1300. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3130 Asian Political Development (3 credits)

Course investigates the unique political and economic challenges facing the countries of Asia and South Asia. Prerequisite: POL 1400. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3140 Canadian Politics (3 credits)

Explanation of Canada's history, political and economic systems, and regional variations within the nation-state. Special attention to political parties, ideologies, policy processes, and outcomes. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3150 Topics in Political Science (1-3 credits)

Course explores underlying political dimensions of topical issues. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3160 Comparative European Politics (3 credits)

Course includes an analysis of political structures and processes in Europe. The mechanisms of parliamentary governments, political parties, interest groups and ideologies are included. Prerequisite: POL 1400. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3170 International Relations (3 credits)

The study of conflict and cooperation in international relations, the foreign policies of the great powers, international organizations, and the United Nations. Prerequisite: POL 1300. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3180 International Law and Organization (3 credits)

Explores the role of international organizations such as the United Nations, economic alliances, international law, and regional consolidation in international politics. Prerequisite: POL 1300. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3190 International Political Economy (3 credits)

Analyzes how economic policy decisions are made within and between countries and the effect those decisions have on affected interests in domestic and international politics. Prerequisite: POL 1300. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3200 Minnesota Politics (3 credits)

Using Minnesota politics as a central focus, the role of and function of state and local governments in the context of American federalism is examined. (Might not be offered every year.) [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 9]
Common Course Outline

POL 3210 Public Administration (3 credits)

An introduction to the field of public administration. Emphasis is on the political dimensions of management in the public sector. Prerequisite: POL 1200. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3230 Environmental Politics (3 credits)

Surveys the dynamics of the policy process that produce our environmental policies. An analysis of actors, institutions, and organizations that shape U.S. environmental law and policy. Prerequisite: POL 1200 or consent of instructor. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3240 Political Analysis (3 credits)

Examines the application of political science research methodology to current questions of politics and public policy. Prerequisite: Completion of Core Curriculum mathematics requirement (Goal Area 4) or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

POL 3310 Intersection of Public and Non-Profit Sectors (3 credits)

Studies federal, state and local agency policy domains and interactions; government agency grant making policies and procedures, ideological and partisan views of the public and non-profit sectors. Prerequisite(s): none.
Common Course Outline

POL 3320 Non-Profit Management (3 credits)

This course deepens students' understanding of the role of management and leadership in today's nonprofit sector. Topics covered include: the responsibilities and challenges facing today's non-profit managers, the role of the board of directors, planning, funding and staffing programs, financial accountability, and ethical decision making. Prerequisite(s): none.
Common Course Outline

POL 3330 Non-Profit Financial Management (3 credits)

This course examines the critical financial considerations of nonprofit organization, including sources of funds and fundraising, grant writing and management and financial accountability. The students will consider the key financial measures and strategies required to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of the organization. The course will also consider nonprofit financial statements as indicators of financial health and sound management. Prerequisite(s): none.
Common Course Outline

POL 3400 Political Theory (3 credits)

This course surveys the development of western political thought. Included is an examination of some of the ideas and values associated with major social and political movements in Europe and the United States. Topics will vary and may include liberalism, conservatism, populism, democracy, communism, nationalism, fascism, environmentalism, realism, and feminism. POL 1100 or consent of instructor. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3410 Legislative and Executive Relations (3 credits)

Explores the legislative process by analyzing the motives and evolving legislative styles of legislators in relation to the evolution and powers of the modern presidency and executive establishment. Prerequisite: POL 1200. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3420 Campaigns and Elections (3 credits)

Includes analysis of the congressional and presidential electoral process, including the role of political parties, interest groups, and the media. Prerequisite: POL 1200. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 3910 Directed Independent Study: Student Leadership (1 credits)

Directed Independent Study
Common Course Outline

POL 3920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)

Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline

POL 3930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

POL 3940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

POL 3950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

POL 3960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

POL 3970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

POL 3980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

POL 3990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

POL 4100 Political Inquiry (3 credits)

Students will learn the theory and practice of quantitative political analysis through the completion of original research projects.
Common Course Outline

POL 4200 Constitutional Law (3 credits)

An examination of legal interpretations of the constitution regarding the separation of powers and the Bill of Rights. Prerequisite: POL 1200. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline

POL 4500 Thesis and Career Preparation (3 credits)

This is a senior year capstone course. In a seminar format, students discuss progress on their individual research projects and develop career plans and skills. Prerequisite: POL 4100 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

POL 4910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

POL 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)

Directed Independent Study | Teaching Associate
Common Course Outline

POL 4920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)

Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline

POL 4930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

POL 4940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

POL 4950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

POL 4960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

POL 4970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

POL 4980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

POL 4990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline