2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog | 20243
Undergraduate Programs
- Accounting, B.S. major
- Accounting minor
- Fraud Examination minor
- Accounting Systems and Analytics cert
- Fraud Examination cert
No programs
Applied Public Policy
- Applied Public Policy minor
Art & Design (Technology, Art, & Design)
- Art: New Studio Practice, B.F.A. 3-D Arts Emphasis major
- Art: New Studio Practice, B.F.A. Illustration Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Creativity & Innovation Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Digital Illustration & Animation Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Graphic Design Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Exhibit & Experience Design Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Interactive Multimedia Design Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Prototype Engineering & Model Making Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Event Planning & Project Management Emphasis major
- Visual Arts Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Art minor
- Design minor
- Event Design minor
- Event Planning minor
- Interactive Multimedia Design minor
- Maker Space Technology minor
- Technology, Art & Design minor
- 2-D Art & Design Technology cert
- 3-D Art & Design Technology cert
- Educational Technology cert
- Maker Space Technology cert
- Making Money As A Maker cert
- Aquatic Biology, B.S. Wetlands Ecology Emphasis major
- Aquatic Biology, B.S. Aquatic Systems Emphasis major
- Aquatic Biology, B.S. Fisheries Biology Emphasis major
- Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, B.S. Biochemistry Emphasis major
- Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, B.S. Cellular and Molecular Emphasis major
- Biology, B.A. major
- Biology, B.S. Medical Sciences Emphasis (Optional) major
- Biology, B.S. major
- Medical Laboratory Science, B.S. (4 + 1 Option) major
- Medical Laboratory Science, B.S. (3 + 1 Option) major
- Science Education, B.S. Life Science Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Wildlife Biology, B.S. major
- Aquatic Systems minor
- Biology minor
- Fisheries Biology minor
- Wetlands Ecology minor
- Wildlife Biology minor
Business Administration
- Business Administration, B.S. Marketing Emphasis major
- Business Administration, B.S. Entrepreneurship Emphasis major
- Business Administration, B.S. Finance Emphasis major
- Business Administration, B.S. Human Resources Management Emphasis major
- Business Administration, B.S. Indigenous Business major
- Business Administration, B.S. Management Emphasis major
- Business Administration, B.S. Professional Selling Emphasis major
- Business Administration, B.S. Business Analytics Information Systems Emphasis major
- Computer Information Systems, B.S. major
- Marketing Communication, B.S. major
- Business Administration minor
- Management Information Systems minor
- Professional Selling minor
- Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, B.S. Biochemistry Emphasis major
- Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology, B.S. Cellular and Molecular Emphasis major
- Chemistry, B.A. major
- Chemistry, B.S. Biochemistry/ Biotechnology Emphasis major
- Chemistry, B.S. Environmental Chemistry Emphasis major
- Chemistry, B.S. Chemistry Emphasis major
- Chemistry, B.S. Forensic Science Emphasis major
- Science Education, B.S. Chemistry Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Chemistry minor
Communication Studies
- Communication Studies, B.A. major
- Communication Studies, B.S. major
- Communication Studies minor
Computer Science
- Computer Information Systems, B.S. major
- Computer Science, B.S. major
- Computer Science minor
Criminal Justice
- Criminal Justice, B.S. Corrections Emphasis major
- Criminal Justice, B.S. Tribal Justice Emphasis major
- Criminal Justice, B.S. Victimology Emphasis major
- Criminal Justice, B.S. Police Science Emphasis major
- Criminal Justice minor
- Minnesota Peace Officer Certificate cert
Developmental Electives
No programs
Earth Science
- Geography, B.S. Earth Science Emphasis major
- Science Education, B.S. Earth and Space Science Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Earth Science minor
- Economics, B.S. major
- Social Studies, B.A. Economics Emphasis major
- Economics minor
- Creative and Professional Writing, B.F.A. major
- Elementary Education, B.S. Communication Arts & Literature Endorsement (Teacher Licensure) major
- English Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- English, B.A. major
- Digital Writing minor
- English minor
- Writing Emphasis emph
Environmental Studies
- Environmental Communication, B.S. major
- Environmental Studies, B.S. Environmental Health and Toxicology Emphasis major
- Environmental Studies, B.S. Geohydrology Emphasis major
- Environmental Studies, B.S. Ecosystem Emphasis major
- Indigenous Sustainability Studies, B.S. major
- Policy and Planning, B.S. Natural Resources Planning Emphasis major
- Sustainability and Resource Management, B.A.S. major
- Environmental Communication minor
- Environmental Science minor
- Indigenous Sustainability Studies minor
- Sustainability minor
- Water Science minor
Equity Studies
- Equity cert
Exercise Science
- Exercise Science, B.S. Medical Fitness Emphasis major
- Exercise Science, B.S. Fitness Leadership and Promotion Emphasis major
- Human Performance Minor minor
Gender and Women's Studies
- Geography, B.S. Earth Science Emphasis major
- Geography, B.S. Giscience Emphasis major
- Global Studies, B.A. major
- Policy and Planning, B.S. Natural Resources Planning Emphasis major
- Policy and Planning, B.S. Urban Resources Planning Emphasis major
- Social Studies, B.A. Geography Emphasis major
- Sustainability and Resource Management, B.A.S. major
- Geography minor
- GIS minor
- Geographic Information Science cert
- Geology minor
No programs
- Community Health, B.S. major
- Health Education. B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Health Promotion and Education Minor minor
- Red Cross Community First Aid Certification cert
- Red Cross First Aid Responder Certification cert
- History, B.A. major
- History, B.S. major
- Social Studies, B.A. History Emphasis major
- History Minor minor
- Equity cert
Honors Program
No programs
- Humanities minor
Indigenous Studies
- Indigenous Studies, B.A. major
- Indigenous Sustainability Studies, B.S. major
- Indigenous Studies minor
- Indigenous Sustainability Studies minor
- Ojibwe minor
- Indigenous Studies cert
- Ojibwe Language Instruction cert
Individualized Studies
International Studies
- International Relations minor
Justice Studies
- Criminal Justice, B.S. Victimology Emphasis major
- Spanish, B.A. major
- Ojibwe minor
- Spanish minor
- Ojibwe Language Instruction cert
- Leadership minor
- Leadership cert
Liberal Studies
- Liberal Studies, B.A. major
- Elementary Education, B.S. Mathematics Endorsement (Teacher Licensure) major
- Mathematics Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Mathematics, B.S. Applied Emphasis major
- Mathematics, B.S. Actuarial Emphasis major
- Mathematics, B.S. General Emphasis major
- Mathematics minor
Media, Integrated
- Environmental Communication, B.S. major
- Marketing Communication, B.S. major
- Mass Communication, B.S. major
- Environmental Communication minor
- Film Studies minor
- Mass Communication minor
Medical Laboratory Science
- Medical Laboratory Science, B.S. (4 + 1 Option) major
- Medical Laboratory Science, B.S. (3 + 1 Option) major
- Music Education, B.S. Instrumental/Classroom K-12 Specialization (Teacher Licensure) major
- Music Education, B.S. Vocal/Classroom K-12 Specialization (Teacher Licensure) major
- Music, B.A. Vocal Performance Emphasis major
- Music, B.A. major
- Music, B.A. Instrumental Performance Emphasis major
- Music, B.A. Piano Performance and Pedagogy Emphasis major
- Arts organization Management minor
- Music minor
- Music Performance - Instrumental minor
- Music Performance - Piano minor
- Music Performance - Voice minor
- Arts Management cert
- Nursing, B.S. Pre-Licensure Track major
- Nursing, B.S. RN To Baccalaureate Track major
- Ojibwe minor
- Ojibwe Language Instruction cert
- Philosophy, B.A. major
- Philosophy, B.A. Pre Law Emphasis major
- Philosophy minor
Physical Education
- Physical Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Developmental/ Adapted Physical Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) minor
- Human Performance Minor minor
- Coaching Certificate cert
- Science Education, B.S. Physics Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Physics minor
Political Science
- Political Science, B.A. major
- Social Studies, B.A. Political Science Emphasis major
- Applied Public Policy minor
- International Relations minor
- Political Science minor
- Public and Non-Profit Management cert
Pre-Professional Study
- Pre-Chiropractic
- Pre-Dentistry
- Pre-Engineering
- Pre-Law
- Pre-Medicine
- Pre-Mortuary Science
- Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Pre-Optometry
- Pre-Osteopathic Medicine
- Pre-Pharmacy
- Pre-Physical Therapy
- Pre-Physician Assistant
- Pre-Podiatric Medicine
- Pre-Veterinary Medicine
Professional Education
- Elementary Education, B.S. Social Studies Endorsement (Teacher Licensure) major
- Elementary Education, B.S. Science Endorsement (Teacher Licensure) major
- Elementary Education, B.S. Pre-Primary Endorsement (Teacher Licensure) major
- Elementary Education, B.S. Mathematics Endorsement (Teacher Licensure) major
- Elementary Education, B.S. Communication Arts & Literature Endorsement (Teacher Licensure) major
- Elementary Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- English Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Health Education. B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Mathematics Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Music Education, B.S. Instrumental/Classroom K-12 Specialization (Teacher Licensure) major
- Music Education, B.S. Vocal/Classroom K-12 Specialization (Teacher Licensure) major
- Physical Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Science Education, B.S. Physics Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Science Education, B.S. Life Science Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Science Education, B.S. Chemistry Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Science Education, B.S. Earth and Space Science Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Social Studies Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Visual Arts Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Early Childhood Studies minor
- Psychology, B.A. major
- Psychology, B.S. major
- Social Studies, B.A. Psychology Emphasis major
- Psychology minor
Science Education
- Elementary Education, B.S. Science Endorsement (Teacher Licensure) major
- Science Education, B.S. Physics Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Science Education, B.S. Life Science Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Science Education, B.S. Chemistry Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
- Science Education, B.S. Earth and Space Science Specialty (Teacher Licensure) major
Social Studies
- Social Studies Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Social Studies, B.A. Psychology Emphasis major
- Social Studies, B.A. Sociology-Anthropology Emphasis major
- Social Studies, B.A. History Emphasis major
- Social Studies, B.A. Geography Emphasis major
- Social Studies, B.A. Econ/ Pol Sci/ Soc/ Anth: Broad Field Emphasis major
- Social Studies, B.A. Economics Emphasis major
- Social Studies, B.A. Political Science Emphasis major
- Social Studies minor
Social Work
- Social Work, B.S. major
- Addictions minor
- Addictions cert
- Communication Studies, B.A. major
- Communication Studies, B.S. major
- Criminal Justice, B.S. Victimology Emphasis major
- Social Studies, B.A. Sociology-Anthropology Emphasis major
- Sociology, B.A. major
- Communication Studies minor
- Sociology minor
- Spanish, B.A. major
- Spanish minor
Sport Management
- Sport Management, B.A. major
- Sport Management minor
Technology, Art & Design
- Applied Engineering, B.A.S. major
- Applied Management, B.A.S. major
- Art: New Studio Practice, B.F.A. 3-D Arts Emphasis major
- Art: New Studio Practice, B.F.A. Illustration Emphasis major
- Engineering Technology, B.S. major
- Project Management, B.S. Construction and Facility Management Emphasis major
- Project Management, B.S. Operations Management Emphasis major
- Project Management, B.S. Product Development Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Creativity & Innovation Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Digital Illustration & Animation Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Graphic Design Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Exhibit & Experience Design Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Interactive Multimedia Design Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Prototype Engineering & Model Making Emphasis major
- Technology, Art and Design, B.S. Event Planning & Project Management Emphasis major
- Visual Arts Education, B.S. (Teacher Licensure) major
- Art minor
- Design minor
- Engineering Technology minor
- Event Design minor
- Event Planning minor
- Interactive Multimedia Design minor
- Logistics and Supply Chain Technology minor
- Maker Space Technology minor
- Project Management minor
- Technology, Art & Design minor
- 2-D Art & Design Technology cert
- 3-D Art & Design Technology cert
- Educational Technology cert
- Lean Six Sigma cert
- Maker Space Technology cert
- Making Money As A Maker cert
- Technology Manager cert
University Studies
No programs