2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog | 20243
- Accounting, B.S. major
- Accounting minor
- Fraud Examination minor
- Accounting Systems and Analytics cert
- Fraud Examination cert
Accounting, B.S. major
Required Credits: 70
Required GPA: 2.25
Complete the following courses:
- ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting I (3 credits)
- ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting II (3 credits)
- ACCT 3110 Accounting Systems (3 credits)
- ACCT 3201 Intermediate Accounting I (3 credits)
- ACCT 3202 Intermediate Accounting II (3 credits)
- ACCT 3301 Cost Accounting (3 credits)
- ACCT 3322 Business Law (3 credits)
- ACCT 3404 Income Taxes I (3 credits)
- ACCT 4110 Advanced Accounting (3 credits)
- ACCT 4160 Business Communication (3 credits)
- ACCT 4210 Auditing (3 credits)
- ACCT 4600 Senior Seminar: Accounting (1 credit)
- BUAD 2220 Legal Environment (3 credits)
- BUAD 2231 Business Statistics I (3 credits)
- BUAD 2280 Computer Business Applications (3 credits)
- BUAD 3351 Management (3 credits)
- BUAD 3361 Marketing (3 credits)
- BUAD 3771 Financial Management (3 credits)
- BUAD 4559 Strategic Management (3 credits)
- ECON 2000 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
- ECON 2100 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
Select 2 courses:
- ACCT 3140 Fraud Examination (3 credits)
- ACCT 4302 Strategic Cost Management (3 credits)
- ACCT 4405 Income Taxes II (3 credits)
Select 1 course:
A MATH course from Core Curriculum Goal Area 4 at a
higher level than College Algebra may be substituted
for this requirement
- MATH 1170 College Algebra (3 credits)
Program Learning Outcomes | Accounting, B.S.
1. Graduates will demonstrate a foundational knowledge in the field of business.
2. Graduates will demonstrate information literacy.
3. Graduates will demonstrate ability to use practical business tools.
4. Graduates will demonstrate professional communication skills.
5. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to work effectively as part of a team.
6. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to analyze complex business situations and ethical obligations in a realistic business environment. (Changed to include ethical obligations 11/27/12.)
Suggested Semester Schedule | Accounting, B.S.
- MATH 1170 College Algebra (3 credits)
- Core Curriculum requirements
- ACCT 2101 Principles of Accounting I (3 credits)
- ACCT 2102 Principles of Accounting II (3 credits)
(the above two courses may be taken as a freshman) - BUAD 2220 Legal Environment (3 credits)
- BUAD 2231 Business Statistics I (3 credits)
- BUAD 2280 Computer Business Applications (3 credits)
- ECON 2000 Principles of Microeconomics (3 credits)
- ECON 2100 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
- Complete Core Curriculum requirements
- ACCT 3110 Accounting Systems (3 credits)
- ACCT 3201 Intermediate Accounting I (3 credits)
- ACCT 3202 Intermediate Accounting II (3 credits)
- ACCT 3301 Cost Accounting (3 credits)
- ACCT 3322 Business Law (3 credits)
- BUAD 3351 Management (3 credits)
- BUAD 3361 Marketing (3 credits)
- ACCT 3140 Fraud Examination (3 credits)
ACCT 4302 Strategic Cost Management (3 credits)
ACCT 4405 Income Taxes II (3 credits)
- ACCT 3404 Income Taxes I (3 credits)
- ACCT 4110 Advanced Accounting (3 credits)
- ACCT 4160 Business Communication (3 credits)
- ACCT 4210 Auditing (3 credits)
- ACCT 4600 Senior Seminar: Accounting (1 credit)
- BUAD 3771 Financial Management (3 credits)
- BUAD 4559 Strategic Management (3 credits)
- ACCT 3140 Fraud Examination (3 credits)
ACCT 4302 Strategic Cost Management (3 credits)
ACCT 4405 Income Taxes II (3 credits)