2013-14 Undergraduate Catalog
Special Education Courses
SPED 3105 Orientation to Special Education (1 credits)
This course works in conjunction with the first four core courses offered in the Special Education Licensure Program. Field work experiences are required in each level of the program. This course is used to document the hours that the candidate has logged in at the practicum site. In addition, the teacher candidate is required to attend webinars with topics related to the field of special education. The webinars also involve the coach that the candidate has been working with at the practicum site. One purpose of this course is to increase the communication between the candidate, the coach, and the university. The special education courses provide the candidate with theory and background information necessary to be an effective educator and to meet the Special Education Standards required by the Minnesota Department of Education. The inclusion of the coach in the conversation allows the candidate to see the connection of theory to best practice in a school setting.
Common Course Outline