With finals approaching quickly, a lot of people may be stressed and in need of a break at the worst possible time. Though it is important to study and prepare, it is also important to have balance.
5 Tips For Finals:
1. Go take a walk: If you need a break, get outdoors! A ten minute walk outside will allow thoughts to drift away and make it easier to focus when you come back.
2. Socialize: Be sure that as well as studying, you leave time to communicate with others. This is a great way to relax and a little bit of social time may put you in a better mood. This in turn could help focus on work!
3. Keep It Clean: Working in a clean space helps create order. Decluttering your work space will create a more focused environment. And in turn, create more effective study results
4. Refuel Properly: Finals week is rough enough as it is. Eating healthy is an awesome way to ensure that your body is running at peak performance! Healthy Brain Foods listed here
5. Sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial to success. Going to a final exhausted will potentially lower scores on subjects you actually studied for! Your mind will thank you for getting a solid amount of sleep. (Your grades will too)
5. Schedule Everything: Around finals time be sure to bring your planner everywhere. Schedule in times to study for specific subjects, and for relaxation and social time. When everything is laid out in an organized way, it declutters the mind and allows for clear and focused thinking. You can also use an online calendar if you don’t want to carry a planner with you.