Aas, Jeffrey
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Abushanab, Chad
Assistant Professor of English 3>
- Phone218-755-2029
Adams, Erika
Assessment Research Analyst 3>
- Phone218-755-4615
Al Saleem, Jafar
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Aldis, Diane
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
- Phone218-755-2068
Allery, Aaron
Associate Director, TRIO an Upward Bound 3>
- Phone218-755-3334
Ambikar, Rucha
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2540
Anderson, Chisholm
Electrician 3>
Anderson, Justine
Graduation Evaluator 3>
Anderson, Kim
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Anderson, Shawn
Store Operation Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-2885
Anderson, Siri
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone612-423-0379
Anderson, Zach
Admissions Representative 3>
Andrusko-Starks, Hannah
MSUAASF Range C 3>
Anspach, Ruth
Test Proctor Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-4226
Arsham, Andrew
Assistant Professor 3>
- Phone763-488-0426
Aubert, Joseph
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Augustine, Shari
Academic Support Specialist 3>
- Phone218-755-2920
Ausk, Terry
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-3750
Baez, Mark
Assistant Professor of Counseling/Clinical Psychology 3>
- Phone218-755-2870
Baird, Benjamin
Assistant Track & Field Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Baird, Timothy
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies 3>
- Phone218-755-2917
Bakken, Virgil
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3370
Ball, Leslie
Chief Engineer 3>
- Phone218-755-2061
Bandy, Katherine
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Bannor, Holly
Administrative Assistant Gillett Wellness Center/HPSH 3>
- Phone218-755-2940
Bannor, Mitchell
Locksmith 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Bard, Stephanie
Director of Financial Aid 3>
- Phone218-755-2263
Barich, Tami
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Barnes, Travis
Director of Facilities 3>
- Phone218-755-3988
Barron, Collin
Biology Lab Supervisor 3>
- Phone218-755-4009
Barron, Hillary
Assistant Professor of Biology 3>
- Phone218-755-2110
Bartels, Tanner
General Maintenance Wrkr 3>
- Phone218-755-2062
Bartels, Travis
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Bartlett, Andy
Director of Communications 3>
- Phone218-755-2746
Bartlett, Melissa
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Bartz, Brady
Volunteer Football Coach 3>
Bauer, Cole
Assistant Athletic Dir - AEM & IO 3>
Baumann, Jennifer
Account Clerk Sr 3>
Beaulieu, Martina
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Beech, Thomas
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3964
Bell, Jeffrey
Dean 3>
- Phone218-755-3732
Bellig, Leslie
Head Cashier 3>
- Phone218-755-2045
Ben Shirnai, Hezekiah
Physics Adjunct 3>
Bensen, M.
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Berard, Stephen
Assistant Director of Advising and First Year Programming 3>
- Phone218-755-2224
Berg, Adam
Area Director 3>
- Phone218-755-3994
Bernard, Gina
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Besancon, Katelynn
Assistant Director of Clinical Experience 3>
Biehn, Duane
Director of Campus Rec & Facilities 3>
- Phone218-755-4140
Bitter, Kalli
Success Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-2227
Blake, Chad
Plumber 3>
- Phone218-755-2061
Blessing, Alice
Adjunct Faculty 3>
Blessing, Mitch
Associate Professor 3>
Bliss, Ashly
Assistant Professor of Nursing 3>
- Phone218-755-2831
Bobrowski, Sarah
Assistant Women's Hockey Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Bobrowsky, Tammy
Collection Development and Electronic Resources Li 3>
- Phone218-755-4110
Bock, Marie
Interim Chief Information Officer 3>
- Phone218-755-2250
Boe, Cindy
Interim Director of Career Services 3>
- Phone218-755-2406
Boe, Matthew
Warehouse Stores Operation Coordinator 3>
Bolte, Brent
Head Football Coach, Assistant Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2768
Boschee, Michael
Head Men's Basketball Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-2774
Boudry, Valica
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3904
Bowyer, James
Associate Professor of Music 3>
- Phone218-755-3361
Boyle, Joseph
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Bradley, De'Vonte
TRIO Upward Bound Academic Advisor 3>
Brandt, Camille
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2934
Braught, Annalise
Integrated Media Adjunct 3>
Brautigam, Meghan
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Breczinski, Christian
Associate Director of Accessibility Services 3>
Brisbin, Kayla
Consultant - HMU 3>
Broin, Katy
Admissions Representative 3>
- Phone218-755-2177
Brower, Stanley
Groundskeeper 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Brown, Austin
Assistant Football Coach 3>
Brunner, Lisa
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Bryant, Celeste
Non Employee 3>
Buchholz, Laura
Assistant Professor of Project Management- Construction 3>
- Phone218-755-4221
Bump, Tanner
Contractor 3>
Burlage, Gregory
Groundskeeper 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Burlage, Lisa
Nursing Lab Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-3848
Bute, Erika
Women's Volleyball Head Coach 3>
Butler, Barbara
Office and Administrative Specialist Intermediate 3>
- Phone218-755-3761
Campbell, Shawn
Audio Visual Tech 3>
- Phone218-755-4127
Carey, Darius
Assistant Football Coach 3>
Carlson, Anna
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2801
Carlson, Daniel
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Carlson, David
Non Employee 3>
Carlson, Eric
Assistant Professor of Technology, Art & Design 3>
- Phone218-755-3740
Carlson, Reed
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Carlson, Samuel
Volunteer 3>
Carlson, Sarah
Music Adjunct 3>
Carlson, Stephanie
TRIO Upward Bound Academic Advisor 3>
Carlson, Stephen
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3997
Carter, Katherine
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Carver Smith, Kimberly
Management Analyst 2 3>
Charwood, Ashley
Assistant Professor of Social Work 3>
- Phone218-755-2836
Chesley, Amanda
Assistant Director, Accreditation & Assessment 3>
- Phone218-755-3747
Chirpich, Mary Jo
Assistant Director for TC Transfer Advising 3>
- Phone763-433-1172
Chock, Anna
Psychology Adjunct 3>
Chowdhury, Nusrat
Assistant Professor of Operations & Project Management 3>
Christensen, Kit
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Christensen Graefe, Lisa
Adjunct Instructor 3>
- Phone218-755-2278
Christiansen, Heidi
Accounts Receivable & Cashier Supervisor 3>
Christiansen, Megan
Assistant Professor of Nursing 3>
Christiansen, Tyler
Associate Director of Athletics for Media and External Relations 3>
Christofferson, Kelsey
Housing Office Admin Assistant 3>
Cicenas, Maria
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Cirks, Kristina
TRIO McNair Associate Director 3>
- Phone218-755-2559
Clark, Angela
Interim Assistant Director of Student Activities HMU 3>
- Phone218-755-3736
Clausen, Samantha
Case Manager 3>
Cleven, Crystal
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2598
Coan, Angela
Customer Service Specialist Intermediate 3>
- Phone218-755-2068
Coggins, Porter
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2720
Cole, Layna
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-4046
Colligan, Tracy
Office Manager 3>
- Phone218-755-2762
Cook, Christy
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2522
Cornell, Deb
ITS 3/Server Manager 3>
Corradi, Christopher
Director of Finance 3>
Cory, Matthew
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Cox, Justin
Computer Science Adjunct 3>
Cronin, Sarah
Associate Professor of Psychology 3>
- Phone218-755-2884
Dahl, Dawn
Office Manager 3>
- Phone218-755-2930
Daniels, Sean
Women's Basketball Adjunct 3>
Danielson, Dana
Accounting Technician 3>
- Phone218-755-2044
Davis, James
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-4135
Davis, Jennifer
Assistant Professor of Psychology 3>
- Phone218-755-2803
Davis, Neal
Assistant Football Coach - Offensive Line 3>
Day, Dax
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-2062
Deering, Lori
Office and Administrative Specialist Intermediate 3>
- Phone218-755-2193
Delaney, Sara
Assistant Director of Financial Aid 3>
DeVries, Michelle
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Dietz, Jonathan
Area Director 3>
- Phone320-308-1251
Dingman, Mallary
Interim Director of Operations 3>
- Phone218-755-2731
Dirks, Andrew
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Dirth, Thomas
Associate Professor of Psychology 3>
- Phone218-755-2945
Dolan, Stella
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Domogalla, Jo
Information Officer 3 3>
Donnay, Patrick
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3899
Dorn, Laura
Political Science Adjunct 3>
Downwind, Chrissy
Executive Director, American Indian Resource Center 3>
Dreyer, Dale
College Lab Specialist 3>
- Phone218-755-2780
DuBois, Mary
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
- Phone218-428-0254
Duffy, Jaimee
Director of Marketing and Outreach 3>
- Phone218-755-2206
Dukek-Haasken, Emily
Information Officer 3 3>
DuMarce, Craig
ITS 3 Computer Labs Tech Support 3>
- Phone218-755-3777
Duncan, Seth
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Dunn, Adrian
Foundation Employee 3>
Durgan, Jessica
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2812
Dvorak, Amy
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Earle, Betsy
TAD Adjunct Faculty 3>
Easterling, Aspen
Assistant Director for Student Success - OTE 3>
Eastman, Daniel
IRE Director and Academic Analyst 3>
- Phone218-755-2039
Ebbighausen, Aaron
Campus Security Supervisor 3>
Eckstein, Theresa
Technology Support Supervisor 3>
Eckstrom, Ruth
Assistant Professor of Nursing 3>
- Phone218-755-2524
Edens, Jason
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
- Phone218-839-7732
Ejnik, Mitchell
Contractor 3>
Ellinghuysen, Matthew
Faculty 3>
Ellis, John
Associate Professor 3>
Ellison, Brittany
Medical Technologist 3>
Enfield, Justin
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Engesather, Kris
Senior Software Development, Integration & Programming Lead 3>
- Phone218-755-3777
Erickson, Emma
Student Worker 3>
Erickson, Rosanne
Contracting Coordinator 3>
Erickson, Tammy
Office & Admin Spec- Prof Ed/Humanities/Languages/Indigenous Studies 3>
- Phone218-755-2934
Everhart, Jeffrey
Assistant Professor 3>
Evers, Erika
Upward Bound 3>
Everwind, Alisha
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Fairbanks, Andrew
Upward Bound 3>
Fairbanks, Kyle
Contractor 3>
Falk, Lynn
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Farris, Kristin
Assistant Director of Athletic Media Relations 3>
Fear, Misty
Administrative Assistant to the Dean 3>
- Phone218-755-3732
Fenner, Krisi
Vice President of Finance and Administration 3>
- Phone218-755-3999
Fetzer, Colton
Volunteer 3>
Feye, Jack
Assistant Strength & Conditioning Coach 3>
Fisher, Kimberly
Assistant Director of Admissions/PSEO Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-2555
Fisher, Ryan
Instructor of Criminal Justice 3>
Fiskevold Gould, Gwenia
Foundation Employee 3>
Fjerstad, Shane
TAD Adjunct Faculty 3>
Fodness, Alex
Assistant Mens Basketball Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-2323
Fodness, Kyle
Head Women's Tennis Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Folkestad, Bradley
Assistant Director Enrollment Marketing Specialist 3>
Ford, Joseph
Assistant Football Coach Defensive Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Forsyth, Eric
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2083
Fournier, Angela
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2530
Fraik, Jennifer
Director, SCHC / Nurse Practitioner 3>
- Phone218-755-2053
Fraik, Robert
Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice 3>
- Phone218-755-2301
Frauenholtz, Todd
Professor 3>
Fredrickson, Joann
Professor 3>
Freundschuh, Seth
Music Adjunct 3>
Friend, Nicole
Athletic Equipment Manager 3>
Friez, Micah
Foundation Employee 3>
Frost, Dean
Professor 3>
Fryklund, Amber
Associate Head Women's Hockey Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Fuller, Megan
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Fulton, Mark
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2787
Gartner, Amanda
Mental Health Professional 3>
- Phone218-755-2874
Gartner, Erica
Head Womens Golf Coach / Women's Basketball 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Gaston, Greg
Adjunct Faculty 3>
- Phone218-755-2398
Gauvin, Col'Lette
Area Director 3>
- Phone218-755-2131
Geeraerts, Zachary
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Geiger, Mark
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-2191
Gibbs, Shawn
Plant Maintenance Engineer 3>
Gibson Willius, Sally
Adjunct Faculty 3>
- Phone218-755-2068
Goldstein, Kirsten
Geography Adjunct 3>
Gomez, Ashley
Associate CDO & Director DEI 3>
- Phone218-755-3773
Gonzalez, John
Professor of Psychology 3>
- Phone218-755-2881
Goodwin, Timothy
Professor 3>
- Phone507-403-9296
Goplin, Erik
Carpenter 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Gora, Keith
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2882
Graham, Andrew
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2953
Graham, Shane
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Graves, William
Associate Professor, Department Chair 3>
- Phone218-755-3714
Gray, Levi
Help Desk Specialist 3>
- Phone218-755-3777
Gruber, Anna
Records Receptionist 3>
- Phone218-755-4224
Gubrud, Lisa
Administrative Analysis Specialist 3>
- Phone218-755-2405
Gudmundson, Sondra
Psychology Adjunct 3>
Guelda, Debbie
Professor of Biology 3>
- Phone218-755-2786
Guentchev, Daniel
Associate Professor 3>
Guidry, Heather
Adjunct Faculty 3>
Guidry, Scott
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3365
Gullickson, Robin
Interim Associate Registrar 3>
Hafs, Andrew
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2789
Hagen, Kody
ITS 3/Lead Web Developer 3>
Halvorson, Angela
Certified Nurse Practitioner 3>
Hamann, Michael
Professor of Biology/Department Chair 3>
- Phone218-755-2798
Hamers, Katie
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Hamrick, Stephen
Professor of English 3>
- Phone218-477-4687
Hanlon, Brooke
Upward Bound 3>
Hansen, Heidi
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2820
Hansen, Jim
Facilities Building and Maintenance Supervisor 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Hansen, Trisha
Instructor of Criminal Justice 3>
Hanson, Richard
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Hanson, Teresa
Assistant HR Director / HRBP 3>
- Phone218-755-2501
Harris, Christine
Office and Administrative Specialist 3>
Hasnain, Muhammad
Geology Adjunct Faculty 3>
Haugen, Danelle
Campus Security Officer 3>
- Phone218-755-3888
Haus, Jacob
Assistant Professor of Biology 3>
- Phone218-755-4372
Hayft, Kaitlyn
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
- Phone218-755-3734
Hein, Jordan
Assistant Football Coach 3>
Heinecke, Daniel
Cashier/AR Clerical Support 3>
Heitkamp, Joel
Adjunct Instructor 3>
Heller, Tristen
Music Adjunct 3>
Helm, Emily
Nursing Adjunct 3>
Hemmelman, Brian
Associate Professor of Engineering Technology 3>
- Phone218-755-4223
Hemstock, Russell
ITS 3/Server Manager 3>
Hendricks, Stephanie
Application Processor 3>
Hensley, LeAnn
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-2062
Herbert, Michael
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Herr, Julie
Customer Service Specialist Intermediate 3>
- Phone218-755-3337
Heuton, Hillary
Technical Support Analyst 3>
- Phone218-755-3777
Higgins, Bonnie
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3790
Hildenbrand, Drew
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Hiller, Brian
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2212
Hiller, Lainie
Consultant - BSUFA 3>
Hiller, Matthew
Director of the IPC 3>
Hiller, Reese
Nursing Clinical Coordinator 3>
Hirchert, Melissa
Contractor 3>
Hjermstad, Rosy
Assistant Dir of Admissions, Graduate Programs 3>
- Phone218-755-2261
Hodgson, Beverly
Interim Registrar 3>
- Phone218-755-4214
Hoffelt, Rachel
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Hoffman, Ben
Vice President for Enrollment Mmgt 3>
Hoffman, John
President 3>
- Phone218-755-2011
Hoffman, Rebecca
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2837
Hofstad, Lisa
Foundation Employee 3>
- Phone218-755-4147
Holloway, Sherry
State University Faculty 3>
- Phone218-755-2223
Hommes, Tiffany
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2526
Horien, Jessie
Foundation Employee 3>
Horsley, Bramwell
Stationary Engineer 3>
Hoven, Kierstin
Executive Director of Student Health, Wellness & Recreation 3>
- Phone218-755-4135
Hsih, Christine
Acquisitions and Serials Technician 3>
- Phone218-755-3341
Humphrey, Ann
Assistant Professor of Indigenous Sustainability Studies 3>
- Phone218-755-3353
Huschle, Kimberly
General Maintenance Worker 3>
Illg, Jessica
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Ingalls, Brian
Carpenter 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Isaacson, Carl
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-4104
Ivaniszyn, Brayden
Business Administration 3>
Jacobson, Sheree
Customer Service Specialist 3>
Jallen, Larry
Adjunct Faculty 3>
- Phone800-723-3567
Jambor, Brian
ITS 3/Educational Technologist 3>
- Phone218-755-2056
Jayasooriya, Dinush
Assistant Professor of Mathematics 3>
Jensen, Beth
Instructional Tech Specialist 3>
- Phone218-755-4217
Jensen, Shane
IT Specialist/Helpdesk 3>
- Phone218-755-3777
Jenson, Melissa
Assistant Professor of Nursing 3>
Jergenson, Stacie
Associate Professor 3>
Johnson, Jennifer
Executive Assistant 3>
Johnson, Lynn
Exec Dir Ext Learning/Library 3>
- Phone218-755-2069
Johnson, Nicole
Assistant Professor of Nursing 3>
- Phone218-793-2800
Johnson, Nina
Director of Hobson Union 3>
- Phone218-755-3766
Jones, Ashley
Student Success Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-2151
Jones, Samantha
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3946
Jorstad, Cassandra
General Maintenance Wrkr Lead 3>
Josefson, Sachel
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2949
Joseph, Allyssa
Vice President of Advancement and Executive Director of the Foundation 3>
- Phone218-755-2876
Jourdain, Chelsey
Upward Bound 3>
Joyce, Alexis
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Joyce, Bill
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2858
Juntunen, Joshua
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Kaes, Md
TAD Adjunct Faculty 3>
Kaiser, Joseph
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-2062
Kantack Miller, Kari
Assistant Director of Financial Aid 3>
Karger, Bonner
Executive Director (Interim), Student Success Center 3>
- Phone218-755-2174
Karger, Brodie
ITS 3/Server & Systems Administrator 3>
- Phone218-755-2033
Katz, Jesse
Non Employee 3>
Kenfack Metangmo, Richard Bertrand
Non Employee 3>
Keute, Caitlin
Upward Bound 3>
- Phone218-755-3334
Kingbird-Bratvold, Awanookwe
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Kingery, Muriel
Associate Dir for HMU Operations 3>
- Phone218-755-2713
Kippenhan, B
Professor 3>
Kivi, Paul
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-4106
Klander, Justin
Contingent Worker 3>
Klawitter, Lukus
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Klement, Kat
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2848
Knott, Jodi
Associate Director of Financial Aid 3>
- Phone218-755-4143
Knudson, Seth
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Koch, Richard
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2795
Koester, Jason
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Konecne, Steven
Music Adjunct 3>
- Phone218-755-3931
Kong'a, Alex
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Krall, Lisa
Associate Professor 3>
Kramer, Anthony
Non Employee 3>
Kranz, Sandra
Adjunct Faculty 3>
- Phone218-755-3716
Kroeger, Tim
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Krueger, Heidi
Assistant Athletic Trainer 3>
Kruse, Michael
Electronics Technician Senior 3>
- Phone218-755-2611
Kubiak, Karl
Music Adjunct 3>
Kuechle, Loralyn
Interim Director of Housing & Residential Life 3>
- Phone218-755-3751
Kuehnl, Laurent
Music Adjunct Faculty 3>
La Venture, Kelly
Associate Professor 3>
Laaveg, Denise
Music Adjunct 3>
Labernik, Gina
Nursing Adjunct 3>
LaFerriere, Holly
Associate Professor 3>
Laffin, Amber
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3767
Lama, Prabin
Associate Professor of English 3>
- Phone218-755-2165
Langhout, Susan
Physical Ed Adjunct 3>
Larsen, Fia
Upward Bound 3>
Larson, Julie
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2791
Larson, Loren
Stationary Engineer 3>
Larson-Lindner, Bridget
Adjunct Faculty 3>
Lauritsen, Brittany
Athletic Director 3>
Lawrence, Monika
Volunteer 3>
Lee, Michael
Graphic Design & Publications Specialist 3>
- Phone218-755-2747
Leeport, Patrick
Associate Professor Library Services 3>
- Phone218-755-2957
Leffelman, Hannah
Biology Adjunct 3>
Leffelman, Jeremy
Executive Director 3>
Leif, Douglas
Professor 3>
Leindecker, Scott
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Leuthard, Mary
Library Technician 3>
- Phone218-755-2968
Li, Josefina
Assistant Director of the International Program Center 3>
- Phone218-755-2400
Liapis, Trina
University Supervisor 3>
Liend, Jeremiah
Technical Coordinator of Performing Arts 3>
- Phone218-755-2506
Lindgren, Anthony
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Longie, Amanda
Assistant Professor of Social Work 3>
- Phone218-755-2058
Lopez-Aguilera, Ana
Interim Director of the OTE 3>
Lovdahl, Isaac
State University Faculty 3>
Lowery, Nick
- Phone218-755-2950
Lund, Carl
Associate Professor of Professional Education 3>
Lund, Michael
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2951
Lunt, Dennis
Associate Professor 3>
Lutz, Jordan
Sustainablity Project Manager 3>
- Phone218-755-2979
Lynch, Michael
Women's Cross Country & Track & Field Head Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Mack, Brenda
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-4050
Magera, Andrew
Assistant Men's Hockey Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Mahonen, Andrew
Music Adjunct 3>
Mannausau, Alexandra
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Manz, Eric
Assistant Athletic Trainer 3>
Maple, Marci
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-4240
Marek, Keith
Professor, Chem Department Chair 3>
- Phone218-755-2788
Markgraf, Tim
Adjunct, Social Work 3>
Masek, Jacob
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Massaglia, David
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2906
McCarthy, Casey
Director of Public Safety 3>
- Phone218-755-3888
McCoy, Alec
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
McDonnell, Peter
Systems and Circulation Librarian 3>
- Phone218-755-2967
McDougall, Emma
Administrative Assistant to the Dean 3>
- Phone218-755-2259
McManus, Brendan
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-4124
Melin, Carly
Political Science Adjunct 3>
Menefee, Carissa
Communications Specialist 3>
- Phone218-755-2207
Meulebroeck, Eric
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Meyer, Alexa
Visiting Scholar 3>
Meyer, Emily
Non Employee 3>
Michael, Nancy
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Michael, Nicky
Indigensous Studies Adjunct 3>
- Phone218-755-3979
Michel, Madison
Volunteer 3>
Miles, Tia
CRM Analyst 3>
Miller, Ekren
Men's Golf Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Miller, Lauren
Student Worker 3>
Miller, Mary
Human Resources Generalist 3>
- Phone218-755-2084
Miller, Nikki
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Molitor, Christan
Stationary Engineer 3>
Montgomery, Kayla
Athletics Trainer 3>
Moore, Tina
OASI Administrative Specialist 3>
- Phone218-755-2997
Morgan, Michael
Non Employee 3>
Morrissey, Mark
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Murphy, Brian
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Murray, Michael
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2910
Mutnansky, Christina
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Mykleby, Erin
Associate Director of Athletics for Compliance 3>
Narum, Dianne
Cataloging and Government Documents Librarian 3>
- Phone218-755-3340
Nebosis, Nikki
Assistant Director for Administration and Marketing 3>
- Phone218-755-3404
Nei, Kristi
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
- Phone218-755-4613
Nelson, Peter
Assistant Professor of Business Administration 3>
Nelson, Sarah
Assistant Professor Nursing 3>
- Phone218-755-3869
Nelson, Victoria
Interim Assist Dir Admissions 3>
- Phone218-755-4600
Neville, Francois
Assistant Professor 3>
Ney, Alex
Football Adjunct 3>
Nickerson, Barry
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Nord, Cody
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Norman, Shannon
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-4099
O'Beirne, Kristie
Upward Bound Teacher 3>
O'Connell, Kathrina
Assistant Professor of Professional Ed 3>
O'Dell, Jenna
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3943
O'Neil, Tara
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
OBryan, Sonia
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3774
Olsen, Derek
Software Application Development & Integration Specialist 3>
- Phone218-755-3777
Olson, Ching Ching
Assistant Director of Advising 3>
- Phone218-755-2872
Olson, Curtis
Adjunct Faculty 3>
- Phone218-755-2855
Olson, Eric
Assistant Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3941
Olson, Jennifer
Assistant Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2198
Olson, Justin
Plumber 3>
Olson, Sharon
Third Party Accounts Receivable Clerk 3>
- Phone218-755-2064
Owens, Kjerstin
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2916
Paine, Emily
Assistant Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2849
Pakonen, Melanie
HR Busines Partner 3>
- Phone218-755-2500
Palmiscno, Toby
Men's/Women's Hockey Equipment Manager 3>
- Phone218-755-2707
Pannell, Diana
Music Adjunct 3>
Papke-Larson, Emily
Non Employee 3>
Passa, Jay
Health Education Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-2080
Paulino Dinzey, Esteban
Student Worker 3>
Pawlowski, Donna
Professor of Communication Studies, Dept Chair 3>
- Phone218-755-2487
Pearlson, Katelyn
Financial Reporting Specialist 3>
Perlich, John
Professor of Communication Studies 3>
- Phone218-755-2807
Pesek, Jessamay
Associate Professor 3>
Peters, Amanda
Interim Executive Director of Admissions 3>
- Phone218-755-2031
Petersen, Jordan
Head Softball Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Peterson, Charles
TAD Adjunct 3>
Peterson, Katie
Professor of Chemistry 3>
- Phone218-755-3880
Pickle, Roxanne
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
- Phone218-755-2068
Pieper, Jessica
Non Employee 3>
Plotts, Michelle
Upward Bound Advisor 3>
Pollreisz, Chelsea
CSSI - Admissions Office Mgr & Campus Visit Coord 3>
Preciado, Henoc
Interim Head of Staff 3>
- Phone218-755-2011
Pula, Scott
Campus Security Officer 3>
- Phone218-755-3888
Quandt, Robert
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2792
Ramboa, Lourdes
Mass Comm Adjunct 3>
Randall, Abby
BSU Foundation 3>
Rave, Elizabeth
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2785
Raveling, Jason
Web Developer 3>
Reed, Tessa
Niganawenimaanaanig Program Student Mentor 3>
- Phone218-755-2299
Rees, Gary
Associate Professor - English 3>
- Phone218-755-2359
Reimann, Bonnie
HPSH Adjunct Faculty 3>
Renbarger, Cory
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2867
Reyes, Shannon
Contractor - Veteran Services 3>
Richgels, Glen
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Ricke, Autumn
Integrated Media Adjunct 3>
Rickers, Susan
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2835
Ricks, Travis
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2106
Riedel, Anna
Office and Administrative Specialist Senior 3>
- Phone218-755-2618
Riley, Jodi
Accounting Technician 3>
- Phone218-755-2052
Riley, Patrick
Music Adjunct Faculty 3>
- Phone218-755-3363
Ringhofer, Timm
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Rios-Sanchez, Miriam
Associate Professor of Geology 3>
Rivera-Hokanson, Miriam
Associate Professor 3>
Robins, Wayne
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-2062
Rockers, Cassandra
Admissions Representative 3>
Roseth, Nicholas
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Rudolph, Jeanna
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Rudoni, Jaclyn
Non Employee 3>
Rutledge, Thomas
Refrigeration Mechanic 3>
Saari, James
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Sand, Eric
Head Athletic Trainer 3>
- Phone218-755-2769
Sand, Robin
Assistant Professor of Nursing 3>
Sandberg, John
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Sas, Magdalena
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Sayer, Ryan
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2781
Schaefer, Davis
Baseball Adjunct 3>
Scheela, William
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Schmidt, Angela
Non Employee 3>
- Phone218-755-2599
Schmidthuber, Jared
Stationary Engineer 3>
Schmitt, Shannon
Accounts and Collections Specialist 3>
- Phone218-755-2859
Schmitz, Lisa
Associate Professor 3>
Scrivner, Susan
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Sea, William
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-4103
Seig, MaryTheresa
Dean 3>
Serratore, Thomas
Head Men's Hockey Coach, Associate Professor 3>
Shockman, Jessica
Social Work Adjunct 3>
Sillerud, Jeffrey
Campus Security Officer 3>
Simpson, Michael
Nursing Student Services Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-2486
Skudlarek, Clarisa
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-2062
Skudlarek, Daniel
General Maintenance Worker 3>
Slough, Debbie
Admin Assistant to the Director of Athletics 3>
- Phone218-755-2941
Smiles, Deondre
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Smith, Jerry
Assistant Professor of Geography 3>
- Phone218-755-2805
Smith, Michael
ITS 4/Network Manager 3>
- Phone218-755-2071
Smith, Shevin
Football Adjunct Coach 3>
Smith, Tiffany
Contractor 3>
Sobieck, Emma
Assistant Women's Hockey Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-2941
Solo, Troy
Central Services Administrative Spec. Intermediate 3>
- Phone218-755-3922
Son, Young Seob
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3715
Sorensen, Jordan
Head Strength & Conditioning Coach 3>
Spears, Shelly
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Spray, Rachel
Non Employee 3>
St John, Brian
Contractor 3>
Stanoch, Jason
Adjunct Faculty 3>
- Phone218-755-2930
Steen, Matthias
Assistant Soccer Coach 3>
Steggall, Kelli
Director of TRiO McNair/SSS, Upward Bound 3>
- Phone218-755-2504
Steinmetz, Brent
General Repair Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Stensberg, Kevin
Senior Student Affairs Officer/Dean of Students 3>
Stephani, Julia
Humanities Adjunct Faculty 3>
- Phone218-209-6384
Stevens, Michael
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Stish, Karen
Assistant Director of Advising 3>
- Phone218-755-2066
Stoltenberg, Chelsea
Head Women's Basket Ball Coach 3>
Stone, James
Assistant Professor, Soccer Head Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Strowbridge, Larry
Plant Mainenance Engineer 3>
Stueven, Mitike
Upward Bound 3>
Sullivan, Danielle
Associate Professor of English; English Ed 3>
Sumsky, Evonne
Music Adjuct 3>
Sundahl, Steven
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2761
Sundeen, Eric
Adjunct Faculty 3>
Swain, Larry
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2484
Swann, Cyrus
Adjunct Instructor 3>
Szrot, Lukas
Assistant Professor of Sociology 3>
- Phone218-755-2829
Tarmizi, Halbana
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2751
Teetzel, Robert
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-2062
Tepe, Cemal
Math, Phys, & CS Adjunct 3>
Tews, Bridget
Assistant Director of Advising 3>
- Phone218-755-2602
Theisen, Scott
ITS 4 / Systems Lead 3>
- Phone218-755-2234
Thomas Moravec, Michelle
HPSH Adjunct Faculty 3>
Tian, Baozhong
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2495
Toward, Richard
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Towley, David
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2205
Treuer, Anton
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3968
Tryon, Tyler
Electrician 3>
Ueland, Jeffrey
Provost & VP of AA, Interim 3>
- Phone218-755-2723
Upton, Jerome
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Uran, Shaawano
Associate Professor of Indigenous Studies 3>
- Phone218-755-2590
Urban, Michael
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3782
Varriano, Mark
Adjunct Faculty 3>
Veaux, Charity
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Veaux, Veronica
Associate Professor 3>
Vevea, Tyler
Contractor 3>
Vincent, Angela
Financial Aid Assistant 3>
- Phone218-755-2036
Voeller, Kevin
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Vollan, Gregory
Plant Maintenance Engineer 3>
- Phone218-755-2061
Voss, Dan
Transfer Partnership Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-2760
Wachsmuth, Sean
Associate Professor of Professional Ed 3>
- Phone507-389-5449
Walkup, Gina
Purchasing Supervisor 3>
- Phone218-755-2050
Wallin, Angela
Loan Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-4367
Wallingford, Justin
General Maintenance Worker 3>
Wallingford, Valerie
Professor 3>
Walters, Justin
SUCCESS Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-2311
Wandtke, Kellan
Football Adjunct 3>
Ware, Steven
Non Employee 3>
Warren, Jack
Student Success Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-2615
Warrington, Gerald
Painter 3>
Washington, Robert
Accounting Adjunct 3>
Watkins, Laurie
Administrative Assistant to the Facilities Director 3>
- Phone218-755-3988
Watts, Connor
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-2062
Webb, Derek
Professor, Dept Chair 3>
- Phone218-755-2846
Webber, Miriam
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3360
Webber, Ryan
Adjunct Faculty 3>
Wegwerth, Joseph
Men's Hockey 3rd Assistant Coach 3>
Weimann, Dennis
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Weisbrod, Sarah
Music Adjunct 3>
Welch, Catrina
Assistant Professor of Nursing 3>
- Phone218-755-3708
Westhoff, Randy
Professor 3>
Westrum, Jacob
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Weyer, Jean
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
- Phone218-755-3734
Whelan, Amber
Social Work Adjunct 3>
Whitcomb, Andrea
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
- Phone218-755-3734
White, James
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2766
White, Jane
Student Payroll & Travel Clerk 3>
- Phone218-755-2850
White, Kerry
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
White, Miriam
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-760-0481
Wilkie, Ira
Nursing Adjunct 3>
Wilkinson, Andrew
ITS 3 3>
Will, Daniel
Accompanist 3>
Wille, Sabrina
Executive Assistant for Academic Affairs 3>
- Phone218-755-3999
Williams, Kris
Assistant Director 3>
- Phone218-755-2209
Wilson, Hannah
Mental Health Professional 3>
- Phone218-755-2053
Wilson, Ronald
Associate Director for Outreach 3>
- Phone218-755-4210
Wilson, Wade
Stationary Engineer 3>
- Phone218-755-2886
Winter, Travis
Assistant Men's Ice Hockey Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Wolf, Linda
TRIO/SSS Tutoring Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-2222
Wollak, Nathan
Upward Bound 3>
Wood, Kari
Professor 3>
Worner, Tamara
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
- Phone218-755-4233
Wright, Ross
Lead Electrician 3>
- Phone218-755-2014
Yanek, William
Volunteer 3>
Young, Sarah
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2399
Zatkin, Judith
Assistant Professor of Psychology 3>
- Phone218-755-4112
Zebracka, Maggie
Project Manager 3>
- Phone218-755-2865
Zhou, Li
Assistant Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2485
Zothman, Megan
Campus Human Resources Officer 3>
- Phone218-755-2502