Do It In The Dark is an energy-saving competition on campus. Each of the dormitories on campus is currently in the running to see who will save the most energy. This project makes students aware of how much energy they are consuming in their everyday lives. The goal of this competition is to reduce energy use as much as possible. The winning dormitory will be rewarded with a party, prizes and the Do It In The Dark traveling trophy.
Enjoy the following tips and learn how to reduce your energy consumption:
Turn Off Your Lights
This may seem simple, but remembering to flip the lights off when they aren’t necessary or you leave the room can conserve a whole lot of electricity! This is a really good habit to develop. Just remember your mom’s voice telling you this, it’ll help.
Set Your Thermostat Correctly
If you turn your thermostat down just 1 degree, you could save $10 a month! Also, if you’re leaving for an extended period of time you can change the thermostat to a lower temperature. This will save money and energy!
Unplug When Not Using
Unplug chargers, power strips and unnecessary appliances when you aren’t using them! They draw energy whenever they are plugged in. Only plug them in when you need them. Sometimes just turning things off is not enough!
The next time you shop for a computer, consider opting for a laptop instead of a desktop can save a lot of energy. Also, put your computer in sleep mode when you don’t need to use it. This will put the computer in power-saving mode
Use A Power Strip
Using a power strip makes it easier to shut things down all at once. Instead of unplugging several things, you only need to flip one switch. There are even smart power strips that automatically turn off when nothing is being used.