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Psychology Courses

All Psychology Courses

PSY 5328 Behavioral and Cognitive Intervention (4 credits)

This course examines cognitive and behavioral theories including applied behavioral analysis. Therapeutic application of behavioral and cognitive/behavioral principles to human problems in various settings is practiced. Prerequisite(s): PSY 1100 and PSY 2227.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5332 Multicultural Counseling Skills (4 credits)

This course is a practical, skills-based introduction to the development of interpersonal awareness, beginning counseling techniques, and crisis intervention techniques. The purpose of this course is to learn and foster basic counseling and crisis intervention skills. You will learn basic listening skills in the first half of the course, followed by advanced listening and influencing skills in the second half. Prerequisite(s): PSY 1100.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5337 Group Processes (4 credits)

This course focuses on the examination and practical application of principles and dynamics underlying group behavior from a psychological perspective. By participating as a member of a group, you will gain firsthand knowledge of the group processes that are at play in everyday situations. Group meetings and presentations are aimed toward raising individual consciousness about issues related to collective functioning (e.g., group development, cohesion). Prerequisite(s): PSY 1100 and PSY 3401, or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5347 Psychological Measurement (4 credits)

This course is an examination of the theoretical and practical considerations involved in the construction, administration, and interpretation of psychological tests to measure such factors as personality, ability, and pathology. Prerequisite(s): PSY 1100, PSY 3401, PSY 3402.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5401 Basic Statistics for Research (4 credits)

This is an introductory course into statistics for the behavioral sciences. Students will learn how to collect, organize, analyze, interpret, and present data. The theoretical background behind statistical methods will be provided along with opportunities for practical application. The statistical procedures covered within the course will include measures of central tendency, variability, and shape; t-tests; correlation; linear regression; chi-square tests; and one-way analysis of variance. The use of statistical software to facilitate these procedures will also be covered. Instructional emphasis for the course will be on which statistical procedure is appropriate for given circumstances. Prerequisite(s): Completion of Core Curriculum Goal Area 4.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5403 Advanced Statistics and Research Design (4 credits)

This is an advanced course on behavioral statistics and research design. Students will have an opportunity to apply what they learned in PSY 3401 Basic Stats and PSY 3402 Research Methods as well as to explore the material in more depth. Topics will include measurement, central tendency, variance, probability, inferential statistics (z-test, t-test, and ANOVA), correlation, regression, chi-square and hypothesis testing. Prerequisite(s): PSY 3401 and PSY 3402, or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5408 Human Services Program Management (3 credits)

Theories and techniques of managing human service agencies including planning, administration, evaluation, and grant writing.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5450 Behavioral Neuroscience (4 credits)

A neurological study of behavior focusing on the neurons, neurotransmitters, neuronal circuits, and basic biology of the nervous system. The beginning of the course will focus on building an understanding of the structure and function of nerve cells, and neuro and hormonal chemical transmission within the nervous system. The rest of the course will focus on how these biological processes lead to normal and pathological behavior. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5459 Sensation and Perception (4 credits)

An in-depth introduction, including the topics of the nervous system, electrochemical and neurochemical bases of behavior, vision, audition, somatic and chemical senses, movement, emotion, and cognition. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5467 Personality Theories (4 credits)

Personality psychology is the area of psychology that studies individuals¿ characteristic patterns of thought, emotion, and behavior, and their underlying psychological mechanisms. This course serves as an introduction to the major theories of personality in psychology. We will discuss the major theories, the people and environments that created them, and critically discuss their strengths and limitations. In addition to learning relevant content, you will practice your skills in literature review and technical writing. PSY 1100, PSY 2217, PSY 3401, and PSY 3402, or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5469 Family Systems (3 credits)

An introduction to family systems theory and accompanying therapy. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5487 History and Systems of Psychology (4 credits)

This course examines contemporary issues and theories in psychology and their historical developments. It is a survey of the philosophical, physiological, methodical, and historical origins of psychology, and how each influenced each other, the field, and science in general over time. The goal of the course is to review the major approaches within the field, looking more in depth at how each emerged and emphasizing the driving rationale and context. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing in the major.
Common Course Outline

PSY 5587 Advanced Topics in Psychology (2-4 credits)

In-depth study of topics of current interest in psychology. Prerequisite: Grad status in Counseling Psychology or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6002 Counseling Research Methods (3 credits)

The basic principles of designing, conducting, and reporting on psychological investigations concerning counseling issues. Prerequisite: PSY 5403.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6118 Counseling Theory and Practice (4 credits)

This course reviews the theoretical foundations and supporting research for contemporary approaches to counseling. The course includes practice in practical skills for the development of effective counselor-client relationships.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6119 Psychopathology: Diagnosis and Treatment (3 credits)

This course provides a framework for understanding the range of psychological disorders as presented in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR). Focuses on the description, etiology, assessment, and treatment of the major diagnostic categories based on an investigation of the current empirical literature. Prerequisite: PSY 6118.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6120 Developmental Psychopathology (3 credits)

This course focuses on how child psychopathology is normal development gone awry. The study of normal development is an essential piece of understanding childhood disturbances. It presents the latest information on infant mental health and diagnostics utilizing the DC: 0-3 and covers appropriate treatment modalities for infants and children. Prerequisites: PSY 6118 and PSY 6119.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6229 Assessment and Career Development (3 credits)

Overview of theories of career development, career choice, and decision making, emphasizing assessment (abilities, personality, and vocational interests), vocational guidance strategies, and sources of occupational information. Prerequisite: PSY 5347.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6331 Practicum I: Treatment Planning and Outcomes Assessment (3 credits)

Using simulated sessions, this laboratory course trains students in basic counseling skills. Case conceptualization, treatment planning, outcomes assessment, and effective development of the counselor-client relationship are emphasized. Prerequisite: PSY 6118.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6332 Practicum II: Counseling, Ethics, and Diversity in Practice (3 credits)

Students engage in 100 hours of supervised practice with clients in community settings. Areas emphasized include diagnostics, clinical intervention, professional ethics, and competencies with diverse client populations. Prerequisites: PSY 6331.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6337 Group Counseling (3 credits)

An integrated approach to traditional theories and concepts of group counseling and psychotherapy. Emphasizes practical knowledge and techniques for effective group leadership. Prerequisite: Admission to Counseling Psychology M.S. program or special permission of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6407 Student Affairs Administration (3 credits)

Introduction to the administration of student affairs in higher education, focusing on the history, philosophical foundations, professional ethics, and standards of the college student development profession. Also studies the functional areas of student affairs and special issues related to those.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6408 Issues in College Student Development (3 credits)

Examination of theoretical frameworks and perspectives for understanding college student development. Also explores how to apply theory to practice in working with college students, and contemporary college student issues.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6469 Family Therapy (3 credits)

Introduction to the various theories of the family as a system. Along with the theoretical is a healthy dose of practical applications from the different perspectives, including assessment and therapy. Students conduct case analyses and participate in interviewing simulated families as part of the applied focus of the course. Prerequisite: Admission to Counseling Psychology M.S. program or permission of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6777 Professional Ethics: Theory&Practice of Professional Conduct in Diverse Soc (2 credits)

Introduction to theories of ethics, the application of ethical principles in the professional practice of counseling, and specific areas of ethical concern in practicing with diverse populations. Addresses relevant theory, research, and legal decisions regarding specific areas of professional conduct, such as informed consent, confidentiality, duty to warn and protect, dual relationships, value differences between counselor and client, and oppression of minority groups. Students utilize this information by researching an institutional implementation of a professional code of ethics.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6778 Counseling in a Diverse Society (2 credits)

Introduction to issues of human diversity relevant to counseling professionals. Explores the impact of differences in communication, values, social structures, and sense of personal identity; issues of discrimination, stereotyping, and lack of awareness of differences; research and theory relevant to multicultural practices; institutionalized practices that discriminate based on ethnic, cultural, gender, and physical differences; and institutionalized practices that attempt to decrease such discrimination. Students will apply this information to their own counseling experiences.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6870 Research Proposal Seminar (1 credits)

This course helps students develop an advisor-approved topic, problem statement, and research proposal based on the problem statement. Students also conduct a relevant literature review. Prerequisite: PSY 6002.
Common Course Outline

PSY 6888 Personal Growth and Development (1 credits)

Examination of the clinical implications of developmental processes, theories of development, and life transitions that pertain to students' growth as individuals and as counselors within the critical contexts of gender, culture, family relationships, and prior experiences.
Common Course Outline