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Physical Education Courses

All Physical Education Courses

PHED 5100 Motor Development (2 credits)

An introduction to motor development and related motor theories. Application of these basic motor principles to the teaching of physical education and activity at all levels.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5110 Motor Learning (2 credits)

An introductory class in motor control and learning that gives an overview of the processes and mechanisms involved in generating, acquiring, and refining motor skills and of factors that foster or hinder the acquisition and refinement of these skills.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5120 Psychology of Sport (2 credits)

Study of the general relationship between individuals and sports behavior. Covers competitiveness, goal setting, peak performance, psychosocial influences, and rehabilitation. Also includes guides to show how teaching and learning may be applied to the coaching of sport and to bring out the relationship of meaningful learning to successful athletic coaching.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5160 Advanced Fitness Assessment and Prescription--Aerobic (3 credits)

Theory and practice of physical fitness assessment for the purpose of prescribing aerobic exercise to adults, both healthy populations and those with special conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, asthma, hypertension, and heart disease. Prepares students for American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Health Fitness Specialist exam as well as other personal trainer certifications. Prerequisite: PHED 5300 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5170 Advanced Principles for Strength and Speed Training (3 credits)

Theory and practice of strength and speed training with emphasis on technique analysis and instructional methods for strength training. Includes facility design and equipment purchasing and maintenance. Prepares students for National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). Prerequisite: PHED 5300 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5190 Athletic Training (2 credits)

A lecture course with laboratory activity introducing the five practice domains of athletic training that include: prevention, recognition and evaluation, rehabilitation, reconditioning of athletic injuries, administration and professional development. Other topics include the theory and practice of athletic taping and risk management.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5200 Introduction to Sport Biomechanics (3 credits)

Introduction to biomechanical concepts and principles. Application of these principles to evaluating and improving performance in physical activities. Introduction to methods for qualitative movement analysis.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5209 Sport Finance (3 credits)

This course will provide the student an understanding of theories and concepts used in financial resource management for the operation of programs in both public and private sectors of sport. Topics incldude ethical concerns, decision making, principles of budgeting, budget development, financial statements, spread sheet utilization, and sources of revenue for financing sport.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5219 Sport Economics (2 credits)

This course will provide the student an understanding of theories and concepts related to economics of sport. Topics covered: economic growth of the sport industry, concepts of competitive strategy, economic impact principles, economic theory applied to various levels of sport, labor relations, stadium and arenas, venues and events, manufacturing, and service industries.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5300 Physiology of Exercise and Nutrition (3 credits)

An examination of the effects of exercise on the systems of the body as they relate to health and performance. Nutritional concepts of weight control, ergogenic aids and fluid replacement will be discussed. Techniques for developing, prescribing, and assessing fitness components will be present.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5309 Legal Aspects of Sport, Health, and Fitness (3 credits)

An overview of the field of sports law, with applications to amateur sport, professional sport, recreation, health, healthcare, and fitness settings. Key areas of the law are identified, and applications within the sport, health and fitness industries are studied. Provides information about legal issues that may help professionals avoid litigation by foreseeing and preventing problems.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5409 Sport Business Management (3 credits)

Study of the structures and processes of sport organizations, as well as examine principles and concepts as they apply to sport businesses. Topics include definitions; and internal processes such as social responsibility and ethics, organizational behavior and structure, organizational philosophy, mission statements, goals and objectives, chain of command, strategic plans, adapting to change, and so on.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5449 Socio-Culture and Ethical Issues in Sport (3 credits)

Study of the general relationship between individuals and sport, and sport and society. Examine the ways sport is linked to other spheres of social life, the organization and behavior patterns of both individuals and groups within sport settings, and the cultural, structural, and situational factors affecting sport and sport experiences.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5504 Teaching Rhythms and Dance (2 credits)

Methods and materials for teaching educational forms of rhythms an dance. Components include effective individual and group instruction , cultural and historical implications, dance steps and fundamentals and a variety of traditional, creative and contemporary dance forms applicable to the K-12 setting. Prerequisite: Entrance into the teacher education program or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5505 Teaching Elementary Physical Education (2 credits)

An introduction to the developmental physical education program at the elementary school level. Components include learner characteristics, program content and organization and methods of teaching physical education. Prerequisite: Entrance into the teacher education program or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5509 Sport Event Management (2 credits)

This course will provide the student with an understanding of the responsibilities in managing sport facilities, administering, organizing and producing sporting events. The topics will range from personnel issues, facility protocol and procedures, and emergency plans.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5514 DAPE Program Planning (3 credits)

First in a series of three courses, DAPE Program Planning provides knowledge necessary to develop, organize, and administer DAPE programs supported by DAPE historical and philosophical foundations, legal bases, the IEP process, resources, and an understanding of health-related physical and motor fitness, assistive technology, and adapted equipment. Students assess fitness, motor and behavioral skills of three K-12 students with identified disabilities at a local school. Using assessment information, students develop DAPE programs for elementary, middle, and secondary school levels. Programs reflect individual student goals and objectives. The course includes 15 hours of required field experience. Prerequisites: SPED 5600, SPED 5650, co-requisite SPED 5655
Common Course Outline

PHED 5515 DAPE Teaching Strategies (3 credits)

Second in a series of three courses, DAPE Teaching Strategies provides knowledge and practical experiences necessary for future teachers to develop individual DAPE lessons based on typical and atypical motor development patterns, to deliver lesson plan content using best practice instructional strategies, behavioral interventions, safe learning environments and methods of communicating with nonverbal students. Students will teach the lesson plans to K-12 DAPE students. The course includes 30 hours of required field experience. Prerequisites: SPED 5600, SPED 5650, SPED 5655; PHED 5514
Common Course Outline

PHED 5516 The DAPE Professional (3 credits)

Third in a series of three courses, The DAPE Professional: provides students with opportunities to combine content, theory and research with practical experiences in DAPE programming and teaching strategies. This capstone course allows students to cultivate and maintain positive, collaborative relationships with students, families, and other professional, and the community to support student development and educational process. This course includes 20 hours of required field experience. Prerequisites: SPED 5600, SPED 5650, SPED 5655; PHED 5514, PHED 5515
Common Course Outline

PHED 5519 Sport Facility Management (2 credits)

This course provides an understanding of sport facility management, facility planning, site and design development, systems and operations, and facility administration.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5600 Sport Marketing (3 credits)

Study of fundamental marketing principles utilized in sport. Topics include definitions, marketing planning process, goals and objectives of marketing, marketing mix, target markets, consumer behavior, sponsorship, endorsement, merchandising, fundraising, and mass communication.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5604 Teaching Team Sports (2 credits)

Activities and teaching methods for team sport activities included in current physical education programs at all levels. Prerequisite: Entrance into teacher education program or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5605 Teaching Individual Sports (2 credits)

Methods of teaching and the practice of the skills such as tennis, golf, pickleball, archery, badminton, bowling, and racquetball are the focus. Development of lesson plans, unit plans and application of the teaching methods is emphasized. Prerequisite: Entrance into teacher education program or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5607 Teaching Fitness (2 credits)

Methods of teaching and the practice in the development of physical fitness. Development of the health related fitness components of strength, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance and flexibility with activities such as cross country skiing, exercise walking, orienteering, cycling, yoga and weight training are emphasized.
Common Course Outline

PHED 5870 Practicum in Physical Education Teaching (1 credits)

A supervised experience in teaching K-12 students in physical education. Emphasis is on meeting the requirements for physical education majors by the Minnesota Professional Education Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB). Required: A minimum of 30 practicum hours per credit. Prerequisite(s): PHED 5505 and PHED 5604; or consent of instructor
Common Course Outline

PHED 6109 Sociology of Sport (3 credits)

Study of the general relationship between sport and society including: (1) the ways sport is linked to other spheres of social life; (2) the organization and behavior patterns that exist within sport settings; (3) the cultural, structural, and situational factors affecting sport and sport experiences; and (4) the social processes related to democratization, collective behavior, and social change.
Common Course Outline

PHED 6200 Applied Physiology and Nutrition (3 credits)

An examination of current conditioning and nutritional practices in sport. Emphasis will be on reading research related to these practices, as well as developing skills and methods for assessing performance and the effects of conditioning.
Common Course Outline

PHED 6300 Advanced Principles of Coaching and Administration (3 credits)

A study of advanced principles and administrative duties of coaching. Practical applications of these will include the use of technology and problem solving in case studies.
Common Course Outline

PHED 6400 Advanced Movement Analysis (3 credits)

A study of the mechanical principles applied to the analysis of human movement including data gathering techniques and interpretations of selected research studies. Lecture and laboratory experiences provided.
Common Course Outline

PHED 6991 Thesis Topic (1 credits)

Students develop a research question(s) to be used for their thesis proposal. Course content includes methods and practice in literature searches.
Common Course Outline

PHED 6992 Thesis Proposal Seminar (1 credits)

An extension of PHED 6991, this course has the objective of taking the advisor-approved topic and problem statement and developing a thesis proposal worthy of acceptance by the PEHS graduate faculty. This includes the completion of the first three chapters of the student's thesis.
Common Course Outline