Membership Criteria for BSU Graduate Faculty
Bemidji State University
School of Graduate Studies
- The Purpose for Selection and Review of Graduate Faculty
The quality of the graduate degrees granted by Bemidji State University depends upon the qualifications and expertise of faculty involved in the entire graduate educational experience. Selection and review of Graduate Faculty is designed to account for quality, expertise, and participation in graduate education. This process is independent of the PDP process.
- Procedures for nomination to membership
Nominations for appointment/re-appointment as either Graduate Faculty (Full orAssociate) or Emeriti Graduate Faculty (Full or Associate) shall originate within the department.
Faculty may apply by submitting an application form, a current PDP, a current Vita, and any other documents they consider relevant. Applications may be done concurrently with the PDP reviews. No single qualification beyond the minimum educational criterion (see membership criteria)isbyandof itselfjustificationformembership.GraduateFacultynomineeswhoarenot subject to the PDP process should instead submit a brief document outlining their achievements related to the five eligibility/appointment criteria.
The application materials shall be reviewed by the faculty member’s department/ program chair. Their advisory recommendations, if any, shall be forwarded to the dean of their respective college. The dean may obtain advisory recommendations on the application from the relevant Graduate Program coordinator (if any) as well as from the BSU Graduate Studies Committee. Subsequently, the dean will forward information to Graduate Studies who will review for completeness and forward all documentation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Each preparer of an advisory recommendation shall send a copy to the applicant. The Vice President shall formally grant or deny appointment to Graduate Faculty status.
Graduate Studies will notify candidates as to the outcome of the nomination and approval process.
- Graduate Faculty Status
- Full Graduate Faculty Status
- Eligibility/Appointment criteria:
Appointment iscontingentonthefollowingcriteria(criteriabthrougheasappropriate and available).
- Terminal Degree.
Membership shall require an appropriate terminal degree from regional accredited orapprovedcollege/university; membershipislimitedtofacultywhoholdatenured, tenure-track, or full-time fixed term position.
- Graduate Teaching Effectiveness and Fulfillment of Professional Responsibilities: Post-secondary instructional experience, preferably at the 5000- and/or 6000-level (or equivalent).
- Scholarly and Professional Activity: Recent professional achievements should include evidence of scholarship and/or creativity.
- Evidence of Continuing Preparation and Study.
- Contributions to Student Growth and Development: Directing of student research, serving as a member of student research and examinations committees, serving as a graduate advisor.
- Service to the University and Community: Serving on students’ final oral examinations as the graduate representative at-large at least two-times during the appointment period; involvement supportive of graduate education, e.g., involvement in campus and/or departmental graduate committees.
- Length of Appointment
Appointment to Full Graduate Faculty lasts until 3 years after retirement.
- Duties, Responsibilities, Rights, and Privileges:
Duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges of the Full Graduate Faculty include (as appropriate and available):
- Serve on student's’final oral examinations as the graduate representative at-large at least 2-times during the appointment period;
- Provide 5000-and/or 6000-level course instruction;
- Direct student graduate research;
- Serve as a member of student research and examination committees;
- Serve as a graduate adviser.
- Other Appointments:
Appointment criteria:The Presidentof the University,theVice President forAcademic Affairs, and College Deans shall be granted the status of ex-officio members of the graduate faculty for the duration of their service in this capacity.
- Associate Graduate Faculty Status
- Eligibility/Appointment criteria:
Appointment and re-appointment is contingent on the following criteria (criteria 2 through 5 as appropriate and available).
- Graduate Degree. Associate Graduate Faculty members with appropriate terminal degrees or documented texted experience,may provide 5000-levela nd 6000-level offerings at the discretion of the department as approved by the College Dean and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Graduate Teaching Effectiveness and Fulfillment of Professional Responsibilities. A minimum of 3 years post-secondary instruction, preferably at the 5000-level (or equivalent), and other related professional experience that supports the course work to be offered.
- Scholarly and Professional Activity. Recent professional achievement, including evidence of thesis-related scholarship and/or creativity.
- Evidence of Continuing Preparation and Study.
- Contributions to Student Growth and Development.Participating on student research and/or oral examination committees.
- Service to the University and Community. Serving on students’ final oral examinations as the graduate representative at-large at least one time during the appointment period; involvement supportive of graduate education, e.g., involvement in campus and/or departmental graduate committees.
- Length of Appointment:
Appointment to Associate Graduate Faculty is for three years. At the end of three years the member must be nominated and reviewed again.
- Duties,Responsibilities,Rights, and Privileges:
Duties,responsibilities, rights,and privileges of the Associate Graduate Faculty include (as appropriate and available):
- Serve on a student’s final oral examination as the graduate representative at-large at least 1-time during the appointment period;
- Provide 5000-level course offerings; Associate Graduate Faculty members with appropriate terminal degrees, may provide 6000-level course offerings at the department’s discretion;
- Assist with student graduate research;
- Serve as a member of student research and examination committees, but they cannot chair such a committee.
- Other Appointments:
For non-teaching library faculty appointment criterion 1.2 “A minimum of 3 years post- secondary instruction” may be waived to be granted the status of member of the Associate Graduate Faculty. These ‘Library Graduate Faculty members’ may not provide any graduate-level course offerings.
- Temporary Graduate Faculty Status
Newly hired faculty may be appointed to Temporary Graduate Faculty for one semester by the Dean of the respective college upon request from relevant Department Chair or Graduate Program Coordinator. Documentation (temporary application and résumé) shall then be forwarded to the Director, School of Graduate Studies for processing. Once approved by the Provost and VP of Academic Affairs, the Director will notify faculty, Dean, and department.
Duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges (Full vs. Associate) are based on the graduate degree the newly hired faculty holds. Prior to the expiration of the Temporary Graduate Faculty Status, the faculty member would need to apply for the appropriate Graduate Faculty (see above).
- Retired Graduate Faculty
Newly retired faculty of Bemidji State University can continue to hold their status of Graduate Faculty (full or associate) for the remaining years of their appointment or for 3 years afer retiring, whichever is shorter. Once their appointment as Graduate Faculty expires, the department/program can request an appointment to Retired Graduate Faculty status.
- Eligibility/Appointment Criteria:
Appointment and Re-appointment to Retired Full and Retired Associate Graduate Faculty follows the same criteria as for regular Full and Associate Graduate Faculty, respectively.
- Length of Appointment:
Appointment to Retired Graduate Faculty (Full and Associate) is for three years. At the end of three years the member must be nominated and reviewed again.
- Duties, Responsibilities, Rights, and Privileges:
Duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges of the Retired Graduate Faculty include (as appropriate and available):
- Provide 5000- and/or 6000- (retired full only) level course instruction;
- Assist with student graduate research;
- Serve as a member of student research and examination committees;
Retired Graduate Faculty Cannot
- Serve as a chair of student research and examination committees;
- Serve as a graduate advisor;
- Serve on students' final oral examinations as the at-large graduate representative
- Community Graduate Faculty Status
Qualified community members who are not employed as faculty members by the university may serve as associate graduate faculty only.