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Updated 2023-2024 Graduate Catalog | 20245

PDF of Master of Business Administration Courses

Master of Business Administration Courses

All Master of Business Administration Courses

MBA 6145 Strategy and Management (3 credits)

This is a capstone class that is intended to provide coalescence for all the material that has been covered in preceding classes. Students will be required to demonstrate their ability to effectively synthesize the knowledge, theories, and skills that they have learned within the MBA program and to effectively apply them in management settings. Real world case studies will be used as vehicles for evaluation and students will be expected to work in groups in order to demonstrate effective teamwork. Case presentations will involve both written and oral communication, with oral communication being provided through video feeds. It involves several group cases as well as the submission of a final real-world case study, created under the supervision of the capstone instructor. The oral presentation of this final case study will be evaluated by your MBA Committee. This committee will include the candidate's academic advisor and the Capstone instructor. If your advisor and the Capstone instructor are one in the same, please ask another MBA faculty member to be on your MBA Committee. Full details of this case study will be provided in a separate document by the instructor. Prerequisites: Must have completed or be enrolled in a minimum of 18 MBA credit hours.
Common Course Outline