Updated 2021-2022 Graduate Catalog
Computer Science Courses
CS 5298 Compiler Construction (3 credits)
The theory, design, and construction of a compiler. Prerequisite: CS 5528.
Common Course Outline
CS 5350 Event-Driven Programming in a Windows Environment (3 credits)
Use of a language suitable for creating event-driven programs while
focusing on methodology suitable for developing event handlers in
windows-oriented programs.
Common Course Outline
CS 5360 Software Engineering (3 credits)
A project-based course that focuses on software design issues. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CS 5390 Social, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Computing (3 credits)
Features strategies for analyzing the social, ethical, and professional implications of issues and decisions that computing professionals might encounter. Those strategies are practiced and refined in a variety of areas of concern for computing. Prerequisites: At least one 5000- or 6000-level CS course.
Common Course Outline
CS 5507 Introduction to Databases (3 credits)
Provides an introduction to the theory and use of modern database systems, with particular focus on SQL, the relational data model, and relational database design.
Common Course Outline
CS 5528 Data Structures and Algorithms (4 credits)
Study of advanced abstract information storage structures, including priority queues, binary trees, generalized trees, and graphs. Study of algorithm development techniques, including divide and conquer, greedy algorithms, and dynamic programming. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CS 5560 Data Communication and Networks (3 credits)
Principles of data communications as applied to modern computer networks.
Common Course Outline
CS 5627 Theory of Computation (3 credits)
Explores the theoretic roots and limits of computing. Prerequisite: MATH 5210.
Common Course Outline
CS 5718 Computer Graphics (3 credits)
Fundamental concepts of computer graphics with emphasis on understanding underlying principles. Topics include line and curve drawing, windowing, clipping, shading, geometric transformations, and 3-dimensional viewing.
Common Course Outline
CS 5840 Operating Systems (3 credits)
Fundamentals of operating system design with emphasis on at least one modern operating system. Topics include scheduling, memory management, paging, file management, and mutual exclusion. Required work will include programming investigations. Prerequisite: CS 5528.
Common Course Outline
CS 6420 Classroom Integration of Computer Software (3 credits)
An investigation of the current research and literature dealing with the integration of software into the classroom curriculum. Includes software review and evaluation and provides hands-on experience using educational software.
Common Course Outline