2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Leadership cert
Required Credits: 15
Required GPA: 2.00
Complete the following courses:
- LEAD 3500 Theories and Contexts of Leadership (3 credits)
- PHIL 2220 Ethics (3 credits)
- LEAD 4000 Capstone in Leadership Studies (3 credits)
Select 6 credits from the following courses. No more
than one course (3 credits) can be chosen from a
particular department. Courses should be selected
in consultation with the Leadership Studies Director.
Some courses require pre-requisites that are not part
of the certificate.
- BUAD 3520 Business Ethics (3 credits)
- ENGL 2150 Technical Writing (3 credits)
- ENGL 3155 Professional Writing (3 credits)
- ENGL 3177 Rhetoric of Social Media (3 credits)
- HST 3128 Testing Democracy: Reform in Antebellum America, 1787-1865 (3 credits)
- INST 3317 Tribal Government and Leadership (3 credits)
- MASC 3850 Media Ethics and Law (3 credits)
- NRSG 4250 Leadership in Nursing (3 credits)
- PHIL 3380 Political Philosophy (3 credits)
- POL 3210 Public Administration (3 credits)
- POL 3410 Legislative and Executive Relations (3 credits)
- PSY 3337 Group Processes (4 credits)
- PSY 3367 Social Psychology (4 credits)
- PSY 4357 Industrial and Organizational Psychology (4 credits)
- PSY 4408 Human Services Program Management (3 credits)
- SOC 3210 Social Movements - How to Change the World (3 credits)
III OTHER REQUIREMENTS Attend 2 guest lectures or workshops that are outside of any class requirement and take place outside of class on the topic of Leadership. These lectures and workshops must be pre-approved by the Director of the Leadership Studies Program. Synthesize the information presented and its relationship to coursework taken (both req'd and electives) Submit to the Leadership Program Director for evaluation and approval. This requirement must be completed prior to or concurrent with LEAD 4000, Capstone in Leadership. Develop a Personal Leadership Statement. As a part of this statement and as a culminating experience in pursuit of this certificate, students will discuss gains they have made since starting the Leadership certificate and will address three broad questions. What kind of leader am I? How have I demonstrated leadership knowledge and skills both inside and outside of the classroom? What gains have I made in affective, behavioral, ethical, social connectivity and collective action dimensions of leadership?