2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
University Studies Courses
All University Studies Courses
UNIV 0001 New Student Orientation
(0 credits)
UNIV 0005 Upward Bound Students
(0 credits)
UNIV 1180 TRIO/SSS College Orientation
(1 credits)
UNIV 1190 First Year Experience Seminar
(1 credits)
UNIV 1199 Critical Reading and Analysis
(2 credits)
UNIV 1200 TRIO/SSS Life Career Planning
(2 credits)
UNIV 1300 Personal & Financial Wellness
(1 credits)
UNIV 1911 CPL Industry Experience
(1-12 credits)
UNIV 1912 CPL Industry Learned Skills
(1-12 credits)
UNIV 1913 CPL Leadership-Management
(1-12 credits)
UNIV 1914 CPL Industry Training
(1-12 credits)
UNIV 1915 CPL Industry Certifications
(1-12 credits)
UNIV 1916 CPL Military Training
(1-12 credits)
UNIV 1930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
UNIV 1960 Special Purpose Instruction
(1 credits)
UNIV 1995 Northern Connect
(0 credits)
UNIV 1996 Athletic Fee
(0 credits)
UNIV 1997 Health Services Fee
(0 credits)
UNIV 1998 Student Activity Fee
(0 credits)
UNIV 1999 Super Fee
(0 credits)
UNIV 2960 Consortium - Study Abroad
(1-16 credits)
UNIV 3000 Interdisciplinary Research Methods
(3 credits)
UNIV 3010 Effective Presentation of Research Results
(3 credits)
UNIV 3100 College to Career
(1 credits)
UNIV 3200 Capstone for TRIO students
(3 credits)
UNIV 3910 Directed Independent Study
(1-2 credits)
UNIV 3930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
UNIV 3931 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
UNIV 3970 Internship
(3 credits)
UNIV 4910 Independent Study
(1-2 credits)
UNIV 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc |
(1-2 credits)
UNIV 4960 Consortium - Study Abroad
(1 credits)
UNIV 4970 Internship
(3 credits)
UNIV 1300 Personal & Financial Wellness (1 credits)
Personal & Financial Wellness will address personal and financial wellness topics for students; examine the importance of regular physical activity, identify & implement time management and academic wellness opportunities, learn about financial topics including saving money, budgeting, loan information and developing job seeking skills. Learning about, and implementing these topics can help avoid, or decrease stress and in turn, increase personal wellness. [BSU Focus: Performance & Participation]
Common Course Outline