2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Music Courses
MUS 1001 Flute Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1010 Fundamentals of Music Theory (1 credits)
An introductory course for students with limited background in music
theory. Materials to be covered include rudimentary and fundamental
theoretical concepts, with appropriate examples in both sight-singing and ear training.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1011 Oboe Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1021 Bassoon Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1031 Clarinet Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1041 Saxophone Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1050 Fundamentals of Musicianship (1-2 credits)
Fundamentals of Musicianship is designed to prepare students for successful entrance into MUS 2451 Musicianship I. The development of introductory audiation skills through sightsinging and ear training will be emphasized.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1051 Horn Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1061 Trumpet Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1071 Trombone Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1081 Euphonium Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1091 Tuba Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1100 Introduction to Music (3 credits)
This course is a survey of western art music. After overviewing the musical terminology to be used throughout the course, students will delve into the medieval origins of western art music and track its development all the way to the modern day. During this exploration students will put to use their listening skills with the aim of developing a keen ear that understands music from a critical and objective standpoint. Students will also be asked to translate their reactions into writing. It is the goal of this course that, by the end of the semester, students will have gained an understanding and appreciation of music¿s role in western culture. Open to all students. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 6]
Common Course Outline
MUS 1101 Composition Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable.for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1111 Aural Skills Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1120 Introduction to Folk, Jazz, and Rock Music (2 credits)
A survey of American folk, jazz, and rock music and their place in American culture. Presentations include lectures, readings and listening to representative compositions. Open to all students.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1121 Guitar Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1131 Voice Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1138 Introduction to Voice (1 credits)
Group vocal instruction at the beginning level. Sections may be offered for students with no experience and students with some experience. Open to all students by consent of instructor or department chair.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1141 Violin Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1150 Marching Band Techniques (1 credits)
An introduction to the fundamental principles of instruction and administration of the contemporary marching band.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1151 Viola Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1161 Cello Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1171 Double Bass Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1181 Percussion Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1191 Piano Lessons: Private Study (1 credits)
One thirty minute lesson weekly per semester credit. Open to all students by consent of instructor and department chair. Level determined by instructor. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1348 String Techniques (1 credits)
Group instruction to prepare students to demonstrate and describe proper
hand, arm, and neck position; bow grip; shifting; intonation; and vibrato; as well as developmental techniques and pedagogical approaches for violin, viola, cello, and bass. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 1368 High Brass Techniques (1 credits)
Group instruction to prepare students to demonstrate and describe proper
embouchure, developmental techniques, and pedagogical approaches for trumpet and French horn.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1369 Low Brass Techniques (1 credits)
Group instruction to prepare students to demonstrate and describe proper embouchure, developmental techniques, and pedagogical approaches for trombone, euphonium, and tuba. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 1378 Percussion Techniques (1 credits)
Group instruction to prepare students to demonstrate and describe proper
mallet and stick technique, care and maintenance of instruments, and
percussion notation. Instruments covered include the snare drum, timpani, mallet instruments, and small percussion.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1388 Single Reed and Flute Techniques (1 credits)
Group instruction to prepare students to demonstrate proper embouchure, developmental techniques, and pedagogical approaches for flute and single reed instruments.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1389 Double Reed Techniques (1 credits)
Group instruction to prepare students to demonstrate and describe proper embouchure, developmental techniques, and pedagogical approaches for double reed instruments.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1800 Performance Laboratory (0 credits)
Individual and small group performances and lectures. Students must be
enrolled in and successfully complete every semester of applied study
(seven satisfactory semesters, except for transfer students).
Common Course Outline
MUS 1910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)
Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1920 Directed Group Study (1 credits)
Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1930 Experimental Course (3 credits)
A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1940 In-Service Course (3 credits)
A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)
An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)
A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1970 Internship (3 credits)
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1980 Research (3 credits)
Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1990 Thesis (3 credits)
A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
MUS 1999 Music Instrument Rental Fee (0 credits)
Music Instrument Rental Fee
Common Course Outline
MUS 2001 Flute Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in flute using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite(s): MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2011 Oboe Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in oboe using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite(s): MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2021 Bassoon Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in bassoon using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite(s):1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2031 Clarinet Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in clarinet using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite(s): MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2041 Saxophone Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in bassoon using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite(s): 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2051 Horn Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in bassoon using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite(s): 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2061 Trumpet Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in bassoon using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite(s): 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2071 Trombone Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in bassoon using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2081 Euphonium Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in bassoon using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2091 Tuba Lesson for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in violin using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2117 World Music (2 credits)
Students will develop three primary and interconnected literacies for the study and understanding of music of non-Eurocentric cultures: analytical music listening, understanding the concept of music culture, and interpretation of musical events. Student writing and musical analysis are primary tools for developing these literacies. [Core Curriculum Goal Areas 6 & 8]
Common Course Outline
MUS 2121 Guitar Lesson for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in violin using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2131 Voice Lesson for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in violin using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2141 Violin Lesson for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in violin using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2151 Viola Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in viola using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2161 Cello Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in cello using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2171 Double Bass Lessons for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in double bass using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2181 Percussion Lesson for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in violin using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2191 Piano Lesson for Music Minors (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in violin using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2201 Music Theory and Musicianship I (5 credits)
The study of the basic elements of music and how they work together. Includes analysis, composition, sight singing, ear training, and improvisation of Western and Non-Western musical styles. Emphasis is on beginning harmony and part-writing. Visual and aural recognition of the elements of music through music performance, dictation, and improvisation using a variety of musical styles from Western and non-Western traditions. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2202 Music Theory and Musicianship II (5 credits)
The study of the basic elements of music and how they work together. Continuation of study on harmony and part-writing. Emphasis on phrase structures, extended chords, and small musical forms. Continuation of visual and aural recognition of the elements of music through music performance, dictation, and improvisation using a variety of musical styles from Western and non-Western traditions. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees. Prerequisite: MUS 2201.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2300 Piano Fundamentals (1 credits)
Basic techniques of playing scales, intervals, and chord progressions. Required of all students in major, minor, and field of emphasis; others by consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit. Corequisite: Music Theory until requirements for MUS 2310 are completed.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2310 Piano Proficiency (0 credits)
Students register for this Exam when they are prepared to complete all material outlined in the Piano Proficiency Syllabus. Required of all majors, minors and music emphasis students. It is usually completed by the end of the sophomore year.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2400 Music and Film (3 credits)
This course examines the evolution of film music as an art form. Representative film scores will be analyzed from historical, stylistic, structural, aesthetic, and technical perspectives. Divided into three parts, this course will familiarize the student with (1) the terminology, theory, and methods that film scholars employ when analyzing and interpreting film soundtracks; (2) the three core components of a film's soundtrack: dialogue, music, and sound; and (3) the relationship between the soundtrack and imagetrack. Core Curriculum Goal Area 6.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2411 Music Theory I (3 credits)
In-depth study of Western and non-Western music fundamentals through composition, analysis, and listening. Emphasis is on rhythm, melodic structure, counterpoint and elementary harmonic relationships. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2412 Music Theory II (3 credits)
Continuation of Music Theory I. In-depth study of Western and non-Western music fundamentals through composition, analysis, and listening. Emphasis is on small forms and diatonic harmonic, melodic and structural relationships. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2411.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2417 Diction For Singers I (2 credits)
Pronunciation and enunciation of English, Latin, and Italian text, using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Emphasis on language skill needed for vocal and choral singing and teaching. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 2418 Diction for Singers II (2 credits)
Pronunciation and enunciation of French and German text, using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Emphasis on language skill needed for vocal and choral singing and teaching. Prerequisite: MUS 2417. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 2451 Musicianship I (1-2 credits)
Students in Musicianship I will develop audiation skills through sightsinging and ear training. In the sightsinging portion of the course, students will use solfège, rhythmic solmization, Curwen hand signs, and conducting gestures to be able to sing increasingly complex melodic and rhythmic elements at sight. In the ear training portion, students will hear decode and transcribe melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic sequences, scales, chord qualities, and intervals. Emphasis is given to pentatonic and diatonic (major) tone sets. Repertoire from Western and non-Western traditions will be included. Completion of this course with a "C" or better is required for all music degrees.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2452 Musicianship II (1-2 credits)
Continuation of Musicianship I. Students in Musicianship II will develop audiation skills through sightsinging and ear training. In the sightsinging portion of the course, students will use solfège, rhythmic solmization, Curwen hand signs, and conducting gestures to be able to sing increasingly complex melodic and rhythmic elements at sight. In the ear training portion, students will decode and transcribe melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic sequences, scales, chord qualities, and intervals. Emphasis is given to diatonic (minor) tone sets. Repertoire from Western and non-Western traditions will be included. Completion of this course with a "C" or better is required for all music degrees. Prerequisite: MUS 2451, co-requisite MUS 2412
Common Course Outline
MUS 2607 Introduction to Music Education (1 credits)
This course, an introduction to the study of music education as a profession, has three goals: (a) to attain comprehensive working knowledge of the philosophical, psychological, sociological, and historical foundations of music teaching and learning; (b) to examine contemporary learning theories and methodological approaches; and (c) to become familiar with current issues in music education. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music education degrees.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2710 Symphonic Band (0-2 credits)
This ensemble will play the best music of the standard concert band repertoire, including a wide variety of classic 20th century band music, as well as contemporary concert band music. This music will not be at the level of difficulty of the wind ensemble repertoire, thus making it accessible for the musical level of the members of this ensemble. Repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2800 Technology for Music Teachers (1 credits)
This course focuses on the effective integration of technology into music learning environments. Special attention is given to instructional practice, assessment development, and student engagement.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)
Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)
Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2930 Experimental Course (3 credits)
A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2940 In-Service Course (3 credits)
A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)
An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2954 Study-Travel, Humaniiteis and the Arts (1-6 credits)
Study Travel course in Music for Lib Ed Goal Area 6.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)
A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2970 Internship (3 credits)
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2980 Research (3 credits)
Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
MUS 2990 Thesis (3 credits)
A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3001 Applied Lessons: Flute, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in flute using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3002 Applied Lessons: Flute, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in flute using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800
Common Course Outline
MUS 3011 Applied Lessons: Oboe, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in oboe using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3012 Applied Lessons: Oboe, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in oboe using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3021 Applied Lessons: Bassoon, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in bassoon using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3022 Applied Lessons: Bassoon, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in bassoon using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3031 Applied Lessons: Clarinet, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in clarinet using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3032 Applied Lessons: Clarinet, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in clarinet using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3041 Applied Lessons: Saxophone, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in saxophone using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3042 Applied Lessons: Saxophone, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in saxophone using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3051 Applied Lessons: Horn, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in horn using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3052 Applied Lessons: Horn, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in horn using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3061 Applied Lessons: Trumpet, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in trumpet using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. department chair. Level determined by instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3062 Applied Lessons: Trumpet, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in trumpet using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. department chair. Level determined by instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3071 Applied Lessons: Trombone, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in trombone using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. $650 Lesson Fee. This course is not PSEO eligible. PSEO students who choose to take this course will be responsible for all charges.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3072 Applied Lessons: Trombone, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in trombone using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3081 Applied Lessons: Euphonium, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in euphonium using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3082 Applied Lessons: Euphonium, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in euphonium using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3091 Applied Lessons: Tuba, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in tuba using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3092 Applied Lessons: Tuba, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in tuba using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3100 Improvisation (1 credits)
Explores basic improvisation for general and jazz study. A focus on spontaneity, flexibility, and structure will be explored along with a variety of styles and improvisational techniques. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2412 and MUS 2452 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3107 Counterpoint (2 credits)
Analysis and composition of 18th century contrapuntal works including species counterpoint, canon, invention and fugue. Prerequisites: MUS 3201 and MUS 3202.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3111 Applied Lessons: Piano, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in piano using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3112 Applied Lessons: Piano, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in piano using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3120 The History of Jazz (3 credits)
This course will consist of class lectures, demonstrations, and listening examples of jazz artists that will provide the background information needed to understand and appreciate the music that has shaped our culture. In tests, papers, and class presentations, students will demonstrate the ability to identify and describe musical examples. Each student will demonstrate knowledge of the cultural background of the musical examples. Open to all students.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3121 Applied Lessons: Guitar, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in guitar using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3122 Applied Lessons: Guitar, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in guitar using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3130 History of Rock and Roll (3 credits)
This course is a survey of rock and roll music. The course provides the background information needed to understand and appreciate the music known as Rock & Roll and its historical significance to society. After reviewing the musical terminology to be used throughout the course, students will delve into the origins of rock music and track its development all the way to the modern day. During this exploration students will put to use their listening skills with the aim of developing an acute ear that understands music from a critical and objective standpoint. Students will also be asked to translate their reactions into writing through the use of listening guides and projects. It is the goal of this course that, by the end of the semester, students will have gained an understanding and appreciation of rock and roll music, and other styles leading to its development. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 6 & 7A]
Common Course Outline
MUS 3131 Applied Lessons: Voice, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in voice using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3132 Applied Lessons: Voice, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in voice using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3141 Applied Lessons: Violin, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in violin using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3142 Applied Lessons: Violin, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in violin using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3150 Arts Organization Management (3 credits)
This course will deepen students' understanding of managing an Arts Organizations. Topics covered include: the roles of the artistic leader, recruiting/retaining a Board of Directors, differentiating your arts organization, and building/maintaining a successful Arts Organization. Prerequisite(s): none.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3151 Applied Lessons: Viola, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in viola using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3152 Applied Lessons: Viola, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in viola using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3161 Applied Lessons: Cello, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in cello using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3162 Applied Lessons: Cello, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in cello using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3170 Arts Organization Fundraising and Grant Writing (3 credits)
This course deepens students' understanding of fundraising and grant writing for Arts Organizations. Topics covered include grant writing, funding sources, engaging with donors, donor development, and financial sustainability. Prerequisite(s): none.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3171 Applied Lessons: Double Bass, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in double bass using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3172 Applied Lessons: Double Bass, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in double bass using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3181 Applied Lessons: Percussion, B.S. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in percussion using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3182 Applied Lessons: Percussion, B.A. (2 credits)
Private or group lessons in percussion using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3190 Arts Organization Innovation (3 credits)
This course deepens students' understanding of the roles of Arts Organization innovation. Topics covered include: innovating in arts organizations, assessing and analyzing innovation initiatives in Arts Organizations, and developing ways to leverage innovation for the arts. Prerequisite(s): none.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3201 Music Theory and Musicianship III (5 credits)
Study of the basic elements of music and how they work together. Continuation of study on harmony and part-writing. Emphasis on counterpoint and large musical forms. Continuation of visual and aural recognition of the elements of music through music performance, diction, and improvisation using a variety of musical styles from Western and non-Western traditions. Third semester of the two-year music theory sequence. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees. Prerequisites: MUS 2201 and MUS 2202.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3202 Music Theory and Musicianship IV (4 credits)
Study of the basic elements of music and how they work together. Continuation of study on harmony and part-writing. Emphasis on composition and twentieth-century forms and harmonies. Continuation of visual and aural recognition of the elements of music through music performance, diction, and improvisation using a variety of musical styles from Western and non-Western traditions. Fourth semester of the two-year music theory sequence. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees. Prerequisite: MUS 3201.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3300 Piano Accompanying (2 credits)
Guided study in the practices and procedures of accompanying. Regular performing is required. Prerequisites: MUS 2310 or MUS 2118 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3400 Vocal Pedagogy (2 credits)
This course will cover the anatomical, physiological, and acoustical elements of the singing voice with emphasis on application of these concepts to voice instruction, voice performance, and choral techniques. Co-requisite(s): MUS 2138 or MUS 3138 or MUS 4138.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3405 Music in the Elementary Classroom (2 credits)
In order to meet the teacher licensure rule most effectively, this course provides a hands-on experience with the discipline of music. As the Creative Expressions course (ED 3301) offers philosophical and practical bases for including arts in the elementary classroom, this course gives students the opportunity to learn specific vocal and instrumental techniques that can enhance aesthetically both the academic experiences and the learning environment in the classroom. Nonperformance-based musical activities are also introduced to display the interconnectedness of music to other subject areas. Prerequisite: Music reading experience or MUS 1130.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3411 Music Theory III (3 credits)
Continuation of Music Theory II. In-depth study of Western and non-Western music fundamentals through composition, analysis, and listening. Emphasis is on small forms, and chromatic harmonic, melodic and structural relationships. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3412 Music Theory IV (3 credits)
Continuation of Music Theory III. In-depth study of Western and non-Western music fundamentals through composition, analysis, and listening. Emphasis is on small forms and diatonic harmonic, melodic and structural relationships in music not adhering to tonal paradigms, including post-tonal Western music, popular and jazz music styles as well as non-Western styles. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3430 Topics in Solo Song Literature (2 credits)
Topics in Solo Song Literature from the Baroque to the present including historical style, performance practices and individual composer style characteristics. Open to majors and minors only.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3451 Musicianship III (1-2 credits)
Continuation of Musicianship II. Students in Musicianship III will develop audiation skills through sightsinging and ear training. In the sightsinging portion of the course, students will use solfège, rhythmic solmization, Curwen hand signs, and conducting gestures to be able to sing increasingly complex melodic and rhythmic elements at sight. In the ear training portion, students will decode and transcribe melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic sequences, scales, chord qualities, and intervals. Emphasis is given to modal tone sets. Repertoire from Western and non-Western traditions will be included. Completion of this course with a ¿C¿ or better is required for all music degrees.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3452 Musicianship IV (1-2 credits)
Continuation of Musicianship III. Students in Musicianship IV will develop audiation skills through sightsinging and ear training. In the sightsinging portion of the course, students will use solfège, rhythmic solmization, Curwen hand signs, and conducting gestures to be able to sing increasingly complex melodic and rhythmic elements at sight. In the dictation portion, students will decode and transcribe melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic sequences, scales, chord qualities, and intervals. Emphasis is given to chromatic tone sets. Repertoire from Western and non-Western traditions will be included. Completion of this course with a "C" or better is required for all music degrees.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3480 Music in Special Education (2 credits)
This course will focus on identifying areas of strength and challenge in students with special needs, advocating for the appropriate classroom environment for all students, and creating adaptations and accommodations for students in inclusive and self-contained music classrooms. Prerequisites: MUS 2607 Introduction to Music Education
Common Course Outline
MUS 3501 Music Technology I (2 credits)
Learning and demonstration of the multiple uses of music technology through Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) basics, including MIDI theory, synthesizer exploration and ensemble, sequencing and notation and their relationships to music education, performance, and composition. Technical concepts include synthesis manipulation, real and step time sequencing, auto-sequencing programs, and desktop music notation publishing programs. Musical concepts include compositional and orchestration techniques, improvisation, and basic keyboard ensemble performance. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees. Prerequisites: Basic computer skills, music reading in treble and bass clefs, and playing melodies on a piano keyboard.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3502 Music Technology II (2 credits)
Advanced learning and demonstration of the multiple uses of music technology through Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), including MIDI internet resources, Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) exploration and evaluation, media manipulation in the digital domain, and multimedia authoring and their relationships to music education, performance, and composition. Prerequisite: MUS 3501.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3618 Conducting Fundamentals (2 credits)
Basics of choral and instrumental conducting. Emphasis on beat patterns and cues. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees. Prerequisite(s): MUS 2412, MUS 2452, and MUS 2310.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3628 Instrumental Conducting (2 credits)
Refinement of conducting skills, score reading, and rehearsal procedures. Open to music majors only. Prerequisite: MUS 3618.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3638 Choral Conducting (2 credits)
Selecting, interpreting, and conducting choral music. Open to majors and minors only. Prerequisite: MUS 3618.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3700 Opera and Musical Theatre Workshop (0-2 credits)
Exploration and practice of the singing, acting, and movement skills required for performers of staged musical dramas such as opera, operetta, and musical theatre.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3800 Bemidji Chorale Community Choir (0-2 credits)
The Bemidji Chorale Community Choir welcomes sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses without audition. Comprised of students and community members, the choir performs choral literature from various style periods and genres. Students of any major are invited to participate regardless of prior choral experience. This course is repeatable for credit. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 6]; [BSU Focus: Performance and Participation]
Common Course Outline
MUS 3801 History and Literature of Music I (3 credits)
Survey of the history of music from antiquity into the eighteenth century; emphasis on the music of Western civilization. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees. [Core Curriculum Goal Area 6]
Common Course Outline
MUS 3802 History and Literature of Music II (3 credits)
Survey of the history of music from the eighteenth century to the present; emphasis on the music of Western civilization. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees. [Core Curriculum Goal Area 6]
Common Course Outline
MUS 3810 Musikanten Choir (0-2 credits)
Musikanten welcomes tenors and basses without audition. Comprised of students and community members, the choir performs choral literature from various style periods and genres. Students of any major are invited to participate regardless of prior choral experience. Course is repeatable for credit. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 6]; [BSU Focus: Performance and Participation]
Common Course Outline
MUS 3817 Bel Canto Choir (0-2 credits)
The Bel Canto Choir welcomes sopranos and altos without audition. Comprised of students and community members, the choir performs choral literature from various style periods and genres. Students of any major are invited to participate regardless of prior choral experience. Course is repeatable for credit. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 6]; [BSU Focus: Performance and Participation]
Common Course Outline
MUS 3895 B.S. and B.A. Barrier Jury Level 1 (0 credits)
Performance exam required for music B.A. and B.S. majors. Corequisite: MUS 1800.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3896 B.S. and B.A. Barrier Jury Level 2 (0 credits)
Performance exam required for music B.A. and B.S. majors. Corequisite: MUS 1800.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3897 Capstone (0 credits)
Capstone projects involve scholarly and/or performance-based pursuit of knowledge and content development. Though projects may vary based on individual interests, each will reflect a significant level of scholarship and creativity and build upon existing knowledge to create new learning experiences and an enhanced level of expertise. Capstones will typically include a presentation and/or lecture recital of the project to music and campus communities. Prerequisite(s): 3000 level in the applied area.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3898 B.S. and B.A. Degree Recital (0 credits)
Performance of musical literature in the applied area of study at the 3000 level. Concurrent registration at the 3000 level in the applied area. Departmental approval required to allow substitution of an alternate project. Consult department chair or advisor for specific guidelines. Prerequisite(s): 3000 level in the applied area.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)
Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)
Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3930 Experimental Course (3 credits)
A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3940 In-Service Course (3 credits)
A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)
An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)
A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3970 Internship (3 credits)
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3980 Research (3 credits)
Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
MUS 3990 Thesis (3 credits)
A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4001 Applied Lessons: Flute, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in flute using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4011 Applied Lessons: Oboe, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in oboe using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4021 Applied Lessons: Bassoon, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in bassoon using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4031 Applied Lessons: Clarinet, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in clarinet using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4041 Applied Lessons: Saxophone, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in saxophone using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4051 Applied Lessons: Horn, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in horn using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4061 Applied Lessons: Trumpet, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in trumpet using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. department chair. Level determined by instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4071 Applied Lessons: Trombone, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in trombone using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4081 Applied Lessons: Euphonium, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in euphonium using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4091 Applied Lessons: Tuba, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in tuba using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4100 Instrumental Arranging (1 credits)
Advanced study in techniques of orchestration and arranging. Open to music majors only. Prerequisite(s): MUS 4411, MUS 3412, MUS 3452.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4101 Advanced Jazz Improvisation (2 credits)
During class the student will study, learn, and develop skills necessary to the performance of advanced levels of jazz improvisation. The students in Advanced Jazz Improvisation will experience an intense study of jazz styles and incorporate the study of those styles into the creation of their own solos. The course will include use of a combination of technical exercises, scales, critical listening, solo transcription, methods, and solo repertoire to improve performance skills and knowledge of jazz improvisation. Additional assignments may include readings and study sheets covering particular techniques, terms, and styles of jazz's historical periods. Preparation for each class includes familiarity with all musical terms and concepts related to the current topic, and evidence of practice and study of the musical material for that lesson. Prerequisite: MUS 3100.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4104 Piano Literature I (2 credits)
Students gain an understanding of the following: musical forms, styles, and vocabulary related to music for keyboard instruments; keyboard literature from 1600 through the early 19th century within the larger context of Western Art Music of the Baroque and Classical eras. Students engage in active aural and written analysis of keyboard literature. Prerequisite: MUS 2118; Corequisite: MUS 3801 or consent of instructor. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 4105 Piano Literature II (2 credits)
Students gain an understanding of the following: musical forms, styles, and vocabulary related to music for keyboard instruments; keyboard literature from the early 19th century through the present within the larger context of Western Art Music of the Romantic and Contemporary eras. Students engage in active aural and written analysis of keyboard literature. Prerequisite: MUS 4104; Corequisite: MUS 3802 or consent of instructor. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 4106 Piano Pedagogy I (2 credits)
Students gain an understanding of the following: teaching skills appropriate for instruction of the young beginner through intermediate-level student; musical and pianistic skills and the means of acquiring and developing those skills. Students compile a collection of materials and resources related to the instruction of young beginner through intermediate students, which will later aid in the establishment of their own teaching studios. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 4110 Piano Pedagogy II (2 credits)
Students gain an understanding of the following: teaching skills appropriate for instruction of the adult beginner in both private and small class settings, in which students observe and teach; studio procedures related to the career needs of a piano pedagogue (i.e., professional affiliations, business skills, studio policies, etc.); pedagogical skills necessary for the training of the advanced pianist. Students expand their collection of materials and resources related to all areas of piano pedagogy, which will later aid in the establishment of their own teaching studios. Prerequisite: MUS 4106 or consent of instructor. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 4121 Applied Lessons: Guitar, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in guitar using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4131 Applied Lessons: Voice, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in voice using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4141 Applied Lessons: Violin, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in violin using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4151 Applied Lessons: Viola, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in viola using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4161 Applied Lessons: Cello, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in cello using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4171 Applied Lessons: Double Bass, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in double bass using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4181 Applied Lessons: Percussion, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in percussion using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800. Course is repeatable for credit.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4190 B.MUS Barrier Jury Level 1 (0 credits)
Performance exam required for music B.MUS majors Corequisite: MUS 1800.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4191 Applied Lessons: Piano, B.MUS (3 credits)
Private or group lessons in Course is repeatable for credit.piano using a variety of technical exercises, improvisation and repertoire. Level of study determined by audition or discretion of the instructor. Corequisite: MUS 1800.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4191 BMUS Barrier Jury Level 2 (0 credits)
Performance exam required for music B.MUS majors. Corequisite: MUS 1800.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4199 Recital: Performance Major (0 credits)
Performance of musical literature in the applied area of study at the 4000 level. Concurrent registration at the 4000 level in the applied area. Departmental approval required to allow substitution of an alternate project. Consult department chair or advisor for specific guidelines. Prerequisite(s): 4000 level in the applied area.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4200 Composition (1 credits)
Creation of original works in variety forms, styles and genres. Prerequisite: MUS 2202.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4411 Form and Analysis (3 credits)
Continuation of Music Theory IV. In-depth study of Western and non-Western music fundamentals through composition, analysis, and listening. Emphasis is on small forms, and chromatic harmonic, melodic and structural relationships. Completion of this course with a grade of "C" or better is required for all music degrees. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3411.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4500 Bemidji Symphony Orchestra (0-2 credits)
A symphony orchestra open to university students and members of the local community and commuting area. The orchestra performs public concerts several times each year, and it assists in the production of selected choral and operatic works. The orchestra is a cooperative effort between the University and the Bemidji Orchestral Society. String membership open by permission of the conductor; woodwinds, brass and percussion by audition.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4510 Topics in Choral Literature (2 credits)
Survey of choral literature from the Middle Ages to the present, including repertoire from a multiplicity of style periods, genres, voicings, and languages in Western and non-Western traditions. Emphasis given to score analysis, concert programming, and choral administration.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4600 Jazz Combo (1 credits)
Open to all students by audition. Small jazz group(s) for students interested in improvisation.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4608 Topics in Musicology (2 credits)
Study of selected topic(s) in current musicological and historical scholarship through listening, analysis and reading. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits under different topic subtitles. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3411, MUS 3801, MUS 3802.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4609 Topics in Music Theory (2 credits)
Study of selected topics in current music analytic and theoretic scholarship through listening, analysis and reading. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 4 credits under different topic subtitles. Prerequisite(s): MUS 3412, MUS 4411.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4610 Jazz Band (0-2 credits)
Open to all students by audition. Enrollment demand usually permits the formation of two groups.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4617 Music Methods I (3 credits)
Articulate the philosophy, historical development, and teaching practices of major music education pedagogies suitable for children in early elementary grades. Create and teach general music lessons that demonstrate an understanding of short-range and long-range planning, learning objectives, learning outcomes, differentiated instruction, lesson design and delivery, and assessment. (Completion of this course with a 'C' or better is required of all degrees in music education.) Prerequisite(s): MUS 2310, MUS 2607, MUS 3412, MUS 3452 and MUS 3618.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4618 Music Methods II (3 credits)
This course is a survey of the methods, materials, and progressive pedagogies relevant to intermediate, middle school, and high school music education contexts. Course content focuses on three primary areas: (a) designing meaningful music curricula and delivering engaging lessons; (b) examining how students learn music; (c) exploring progressive and culturally responsive music education pedagogies; and (d) articulating the philosophy, historical development, and teaching practices of major music education pedagogies suitable for late elementary and secondary school students. (Completion of this course with a 'C' or better is required of all degrees in music education.) Prerequisite(s): MUS 2310, MUS 2607, MUS 3412, MUS 3452, and MUS 3618.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4648 Advanced Conducting (2 credits)
Further development of choral or instrumental conducting skills. Open to music majors only. Consent of instructor. Prerequisites: MUS 3628 and MUS 3638.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4700 Instrumental Ensembles (0-2 credits)
Chamber music experience in strings, woodwinds, brass, percussion, piano and miscellaneous chamber groups.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4703 Brass Ensemble (1 credits)
A brass ensemble (trumpets, horns, trombones, euphoniums, tubas, and percussion) open to all university students who play or have an active interest in the brass family of instruments.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4706 Brass Quintet (0-1 credits)
A brass quintet (two trumpets, horn, trombone, tuba) open to university students by audition only. Prerequisite: Performance audition or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4707 Percussion Ensemble (0-1 credits)
A percussion ensemble of six or more open to all university students who
play or have an active interest in the percussion family of instruments.
Prerequisite: Performance audition and/or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4708 Topics in Chamber Music (2 credits)
Study, through listening, analysis and performance of chamber music from the sonata to modern chamber music. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 4710 Wind Ensemble (0-2 credits)
A select smaller concert band, formed for the purpose of playing the wind ensemble repertoire. Open to all woodwind, brass, and percussion players by audition. Prerequisite: Successful audition.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4737 Instrumental Studies (3 credits)
Survey of methods, materials, and strategies for effective instruction in secondary instrumental music programs. Topics include standard ensemble repertoire and strategies for developing ensemble musicianship.
Prerequisites: MUS 1348, MUS 1368, MUS 1378, MUS 1388, MUS 2310, and MUS
Common Course Outline
MUS 4740 Bemidji Chamber Orchestra (0-2 credits)
The Bemidji Chamber Orchestra is a music ensemble for students interested in playing string instruments (violin, viola, cello, and string bass). The course includes weekly rehearsals and a performance at the conclusion of each semester. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 6]; [BSU Focus: Performance and Participation]
Common Course Outline
MUS 4800 Bemidji Choir (0-2 credits)
The Bemidji Choir is a mixed choir of sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses. Open to all students by audition or consent of instructor. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 6]; [BSU Focus: Performance and Participation]
Common Course Outline
MUS 4807 Topics in Symphonic Literature (2 credits)
Study of symphonic literature, through listening and analysis, from 1600 through modern symphonic music. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 4808 Topics in Opera and Chamber Opera (2 credits)
Study of selected examples of operatic literature, through listening, analysis and preparation, from 1600 to the present. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
MUS 4810 Chamber Singers (0-2 credits)
The Chamber Singers is a group of 8-16 vocalists selected by audition from the Bemidji Choir. This early music ensemble specializes in choral literature and texts from ancient, medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, and early Classical eras. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 6]; [BSU Focus: Performance and Participation]
Common Course Outline
MUS 4811 Choral Notation and Arranging (1 credits)
Beginning choral arranging including a practical survey of choral literature of all periods. Emphasis on the needs of secondary school choral directors. Prerequisite: MUS 3202.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4812 Choral Studies (3 credits)
Survey of choral literature to include an in-depth study of various aspects of the choral art such as tone production, vocal timbre, phrasing, Western and non-Western styles, balance, ornamentation, and improvisation. Emphasis on the needs of secondary school music directors. Prerequisite(s): MUS 4411, MUS 3452.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4820 Vocal Ensemble (0-2 credits)
Small vocal ensembles specializing in music for events such as Madrigal Dinner, Opera Night, or Musical Theater. Open to all students by audition or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)
Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)
Directed Independent Study | Teaching Associate
Common Course Outline
MUS 4920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)
Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4930 Experimental Course (3 credits)
A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4940 In-Service Course (3 credits)
A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)
An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)
A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4970 Internship (3 credits)
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4980 Research (3 credits)
Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
MUS 4990 Thesis (3 credits)
A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline