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PDF of Geography Courses

Geography Courses

All Geography Courses

GEOG 1224 Introduction to Map Use (3 credits)

This course is designed for the core curriculum and provides an introduction to common characteristics and social aspects for the use of map media. Topographic maps will be used for physical analysis as well as to discern cultural and economic features of landscapes. Thematic maps, their use and applications will be presented. Includes some study out-of-doors with map and compass. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & BSU Focus: Performance and Participation.]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 1400 World Regional Geography (3 credits)

A survey of physical, cultural, and economic aspects of world regions. An introduction to how constituent parts of the world differ from one another in their associated resources, cultures and economics. Attention is given to the interrelationships, interdependencies, and associations that bind together the diverse communities of the world. [Core Curriculum Goal Areas 7A & 10]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 1910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 1920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)

Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 1930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 1940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 1950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 1960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 1970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 1980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 1990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2100 Introduction to Physical Geography (3 credits)

This course is designed for the core curriculum program and provides an introduction to spatial patterns derived from earth system processes. The course provides a systematic survey of landforms, weather and climate, soils and vegetation. This course utilizes a combination of in class discussion and laboratory-like exercises to investigate these topics. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 3 & 10.]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2200 Introduction to Human Geography (3 credits)

Emphasizes the study of geographical relationships and interactions of cultural, social, economic, ethnic, and political phenomena. Topical approach to population subgroups, religions, languages, urban and rural settlements, and other attributes of the cultural landscape. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 7A & 8.]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2400 Introduction to Planning (3 credits)

This course is designed for the core curriculum program and provides information on the background and fundamentals of the community planning process. Includes discussion of contemporary issues in physical, environmental and social planning. Emphasis is on the local and subregional levels. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 9.]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)

Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2925 People of the Environment: Geography Perspective (3 credits)

An integrative study of the natural, social, value-based, and citizen-action contexts for environmental awareness. The disciplinary component surveys geographic approaches to and institutional settings for environmental problems and decision making, including our spatial behaviors as either sources or recipients of environmental impacts. Interdisciplinary perspectives are evaluated in light of different geographic concepts of spatial distributions, physical geography, and regional planning. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 7A & 10.]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 2990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3125 Weather and Climate (3 credits)

Weather is the study of the atmosphere over short time scales, while climate is the study of long-term weather trends. The study of weather is commonly termed meteorology, which is actually a branch of physics associated with fluid dynamics. Climate is associated with statistical procedures and analyses. This course examines the geographic patterns and processes of global climate and weather, as well as topics such as global climate change, global climate models, and extreme weather events. Students learn about the Earth's atmosphere; energy budgets and astronomical controls on weather processes; oceanic and atmospheric circulation; the basic atmospheric parameters; atmospheric hazards such as tornadoes, hurricanes, hail, and lightning; and global climate change issues. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 3 (LL) & 10]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3220 Field Map Skills (3 credits)

In this course, you will experience using industry standard GIS technology utilized in the field for data collection and analysis. You will practice techniques and best practices for sampling and collection of spatial data. Prerequisite: GEOG 3231.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3226 Cartography (3 credits)

This course provides a more integrated, practical link between cartographic theory and practice for users of GIS. This course blends theoretical discussion of GIS as a science and GIS as a software application and addresses through lecture and laboratory work map productions for a variety of audiences. A particular focus of this course is on quality communication through maps. Experience with GIS software is essential. Prerequisite: GEOG 3231.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3231 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3 credits)

This course develops a proficiency in basic GIS skills for those new to GIS. The premise of the course revolves around analytical problem solving using spatial data and techniques. The course also focuses on graphic communication of quantitative data including cartographic mapping concepts and data classification. This course concentrates on learning to navigate the current version of ArcGIS software at a beginner's level and developing and creating maps as communication tools. [Core Curriculum Goal Area 4.]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3232 Intermediate Geographic Information Systems (3 credits)

This course covers the theories and application of GIS for spatial data management, thematic mapping, and environmental data analysis and modeling. Intermediate GIS expands on the concepts and methods presented in the Introduction to GIS course and guides students through a more comprehensive overview of the geospatial analysis principles and techniques used in GIS. Course objectives include (1) enhance and build knowledge of GIS as a system and science, (2) improve geospatial reasoning and analysis skills, and (3) develop and enhance problem solving skills. Prerequisite(s): GEOG 3231 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3255 Introduction to Remote Sensing (3 credits)

Analysis of a special class of pictures that provide an overhead perspective. These images have unique properties that provide a distinct advantage to assessing spatial changes and patterns of change on the Earths surface. Students develop an understanding and the skills necessary for interpreting air photos, satellite, and remotely sensed images. Prerequisite: GEOG 3231 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3400 Economic Geography (3 credits)

This course helps students understand the world's increasingly complex economic interdependence by examining issues confronting the Global Economy today. This course looks at countries' economic and social well-being, their relationships to other countries and internal and global economic patterns of productivity, wealth and development. The course also has a focus on the use of economic data and analytical methods in order to investigate spatial patterns of economic distribution, difference, and networks of production and consumption. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 9]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3410 Geography of North America (3 credits)

A regional analysis of the physical, demographic, economic and cultural characteristics of the nations in North America. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 7A.]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3531 Political Geography (3 credits)

This course utilizes "World Systems Theory" to investigate 1) theories of State formation and organization; 2) historical processes of imperialism, colonialism, and decolonization; 3) major issues of the emerging political economy; 4) historical and contemporary geopolitics; and 5) the political geography of everyday life.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3532 Political Ecology (3 credits)

Political ecology utilizes a necessary geographical perspective to understand and analyze the biophysical processes that shape issues otherwise inadequately conceptualized as political, economic or social. This spatial understanding developed by political geographers reveals relationships of the ecological and the political that are simultaneously mutually reinforcing and, often, mutually antagonistic. Prerequisite: GEOG 3531 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3550 Site and Resource Analysis in Planning (3 credits)

This course emphasizes techniques and methods in the location, analysis, evaluation, and design of sites, focusing on identifying use potentials and impact limitations for planning and management. Prerequisite: GEOG 2400 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3560 Metropolitan Land Use Planning (3 credits)

An examination of the identification and inventory methods of land use analysis including the designing of land use models which are compatible with environmental, social, and economic goals. Prerequisites: GEOG 2100, GEOG 2400, or consent of instructor. Prior completion of or concurrent enrollment in either GEOG 3550 or GEOG 3570 is recommended.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3570 Recreational Lands Management for Sustainable Tourism (3 credits)

This course investigates the planning processes involved with management of natural resources on public recreational lands. More specifically, it covers topics such as planning efforts and approaches to bolster local economies by increasing recreation opportunities for both residents and tourists alike, while balancing sustainability to ensure the vitality of the tourism sector and quality resources for generations to come. Prerequisite(s): none.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3580 Regional Development Planning (3 credits)

An examination of methods and processes emphasizing contemporary relationships between planners and governments, the private sector, and nongovernmental organizations regarding relationships between regions nationally and internationally, with special attention to environmental sustainability. Prerequisite(s): GEOG 2400 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3630 Conservation Biology (3 credits)

Principles and theories of conservation biology. Topics include biodiversity, threats to biodiversity, extinctions, management of threatened and endangered species, managing habitats for conservation, and methods to mitigate biodiversity loss. Prerequisites: BIOL 1400 and BIOL 1500, or consent of instructor. Also BIOL 3630.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3700 Wilderness First Aid (1 credits)

Wilderness Advanced First Aid is an initial course for outdoor adventurers and outdoor professionals who may need to provide patient care when help is delayed for hours to days. The course focuses on basic lifesaving skills, patient assessment, field care for common injuries and illnesses, environmental illnesses, and proper reporting for rescue assistance. Prerequisite(s): None. [BSU Focus: Performance & Participation]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3750 Wilderness First Responder (2 credits)

Following the Wilderness Medical Associates Wilderness First Responder curriculum, this course is ideally suited to professionals or other individuals who may find themselves as the primary medical caregivers for a long time. The program¿s goal is to help learners develop the critical thinking skills necessary to develop appropriate diagnoses and treatment plans for patients being managed in remote, low-resource areas. Students who finish this course and complete the WFR tests will receive the Wildness Medical Associates Wilderness First Responder Certificate. Prerequisite(s): GEOG 3700.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3800 Regional Geography (1-3 credits)

A regional and topical analysis of the cultural and physical features of a continent or major region of the earth. May be repeated provided different regions are involved. Note: Recommended for students in international studies, foreign languages, and for prospective teachers in the humanities or social studies.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3810 Geography of Europe (3 credits)

A regional analysis of Europe emphasizes both the physical and cultural environments across the continent. We explore the regional differentiation of economic and political affairs throughout different regions. Examine the population distributions, natural resources, and the ever-interweaving globalized world. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 8.]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3820 Geography of East, South, and Southeast Asia (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide a more in depth look at Asian sub regions of South, East and Southeast Asia. Geographically, we will examine and analyze activities in this part of the world through cultural, demographic, political, economic, urban and geopolitical lenses. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 8]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3840 Geography of Africa (3 credits)

Despite persistent bias about it, Africa's cultural complexity, social dynamism, and political/economic struggle have tremendous relevance for the study of global trends at the start of the twenty-first century. The central purpose of this course is to demonstrate that relevance by investigating the cultural, historical, economic, and political dimensions of change in Africa. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 8]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3850 Geography of the Middle East (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide a more in depth look at the region we routinely describe as the Middle East. Geographically, we will examine activities in SW Asia and the nations of North Africa. We may extend our discussion to the countries of Afghanistan, the Sudan, South Sudan and Turkey to provide a more comprehensive analysis of a particular topic or subtopic. This is a highly complex region and may be looked at from numerous perspectives. Our objective thus is to examine the region through economic, cultural, environmental, urban and geopolitical lenses. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 8]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3860 Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean (3 credits)

This course is designed to provide a more in depth look at the region of Latin America and the Caribbean. We recognize at the outset that this is a broad subject and may be looked at from numerous perspectives. Our objective thus is to examine this geographic region through economic, cultural, environmental, urban and political lenses. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 5 & 8]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3870 Planning for Sustainable Cities (3 credits)

Using a World Regional Geography approach, this course examines the dynamics of urban development across the globe, with particular reference to sustainable urban design and urban biodiversity. Political, cultural, environmental and economic influences on the city are examined in both the developed and the developing world. [Core Curriculum Goal Area 5]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)

Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3931 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3932 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3933 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3934 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3935 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3936 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3937 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3938 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3939 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 3990 Thesis (3 credits)

A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4130 Biogeography (3 credits)

This course examines the distribution and diversity of flora and fauna across multiple scales. It will focus on the factors that shape and influence these patterns and investigate the role of disturbance in this process. It will also incorporate both field and lab experiences to further examine the key concepts of biogeography. Prerequisites: GEOG 3231.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4140 Landscape Ecology (3 credits)

This course examines the connection of pattern and process at the scale of the landscape. Students will utilize several analytical methods to examine and explain how humans, disturbance and natural process work in concert to create landscape-level dynamics and change. The course will also cover how landscape ecology is applied to assist in conservation efforts. Prerequisites: GEOG 3231.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4150 Applications of Machine Learning (3 credits)

The uses of machine learning, data science and artificial intelligence are everywhere today. Much of the data we create through our daily activities gets processed and used to customize services, offer better health care, or target you for specific advertising. Although there are many benefits of using data in these ways, there can be pitfalls and caution is always warranted when employing these tools. As such this class attempts to teach you the basic foundations of machine learning with particular emphasis to its application in environmental and spatial analysis. To this end, we will use the python development environment and we will emphasize the most commonly used tools including supervised learning algorithms (logistic regression, linear regression, neural networks), unsupervised learning algorithms (k- means, principal component analysis). In addition, we also cover anomaly detection, natural language processing and building recommender systems. A central focus will be building this foundation so students can successfully participate in a Kaggle competition which is a premier venue for testing your machine learning skillset.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4190 Qualitative Methods in Geographic Research (3 credits)

As a geographic perspective becomes increasingly important in analysis of critical issues at multiple scales from the local to the global, this course demonstrates how research grounded in qualitative methodologies encourages innovative approaches and yields significant insights. Prerequisite: GEOG 2200. While not required, it is highly recommended that GEOG 4210 and GEOG 4265 be taken previously or concurrently.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4210 The History and Development of Geographic Thought (3 credits)

Development of the discipline of Geography with emphasis on both the historical and recent developments in the field. Includes a critical analysis of writing of representative geographers.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4265 Spatial Analysis (3 credits)

An examination in the concepts and application of advance spatial statistical methodologies. These include, kriging, spatial autocorrelation, spatial regression models, and cluster analysis. Prerequisites: STAT 2610 or PSY 3401 or BUAD 2231 and GEOG 3231.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4275 Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3 credits)

This course will give students hands on experience working with advanced geodatabases, the basic automation and scripting of geospatial processes, web mapping, and server side application in GIS. Prerequisites: GEOG 3231 and GEOG 3232.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4285 Drone Applications (3 credits)

This course explores the use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS, aka ¿drones¿) in natural resources management and environmental sciences with an emphasis on forestry. Students will engage in hands-on experience with planning drone mapping operations, collecting data using drone systems, and the subsequent processing and analysis of the data acquired from drone flights. Prerequisite(s): None.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4360 Adventure Programming (3 credits)

Nuts and bolts of planning educational outdoor adventure experiences. Also reviews theory, literature, and program types. (Also offered under PHED 4360.) Prerequisite(s): None [BSU Focus: Performance & Participation]
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)

Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)

Directed Independent Study | Teaching Associate
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)

Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4930 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4936 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4937 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4938 Experimental Course (3 credits)

A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4940 In-Service Course (3 credits)

A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)

An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)

A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4970 Internship (3 credits)

Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4980 Research (3 credits)

Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline

GEOG 4990 Thesis (3 credits)

Working individually with a thesis advisor, the student produces a Geography thesis. The thesis must be a scholarly piece of work, based on empirical or archival research of a geographical issue (physical, demographic, economic, cultural, and/or political) of present or future relevance. The end product is a documented essay of at least minimally required length and format that must be approved by the advisor and at least one other member of the Geography Department after a brief oral defense.
Common Course Outline