2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Forestry Courses
FOR 3210 Regional Silviculture (3 credits)
This course examines the silviculture of various forest regions in the United States with an emphasis on the Great Lakes region. Silviculture can be thought of as
applied forest ecology; the theory and practice of influencing forest regeneration, species composition, and growth to accomplish a specified set of resource management objectives. This course will consider density management, regeneration practices, stand assessment and prescriptions, disturbance emulation, biodiversity conservation, and ecological restoration techniques through exploring alternative silvicultural strategies that follow from an understanding of regionally specific stand dynamics. Prerequisite: Forestry Technician A.A.S. or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
FOR 3230 Integrated Forest Management (3 credits)
This course will focus on negotiating the competing priorities often encountered when managing forests for multiple objectives. Case studies will be examined to provide examples of strategic planning, coordination frameworks, and the analytical concepts, techniques, and skills used in conflict resolution. Students will engage in group discussions to practice communication skills in advocating for various forest management practices from different points of view representing different stakeholder interests. Prerequisite(s): None.
Common Course Outline
FOR 3310 Community and Tribal Forestry (3 credits)
With 40% of Minnesota¿s forested land being privately owned, individual, community, and tribal forest management plays an important role in conserving forested ecosystems, supporting local livelihoods, and maintaining cultural values. This course is designed to develop and refine your understanding of non-government and tribal natural resource management perspectives and practices. Prerequisite(s): None.
Common Course Outline
FOR 3510 Forest Biometry (4 credits)
Forest Biometry will examine the forest measurement and sampling methods as well as the sampling designs and statistical approaches commonly implemented in forest management. Measurement and sampling methods topics will focus on the techniques used in determining the volume and quality of logs, trees, and stands of trees. Sampling designs and statistical approaches topics will focus on methods of collecting and analyzing forest data for resources management, including specialty forest products, fuels management, and conservation of rare populations. Prerequisite(s) Forestry Technician A.A.S. or consent of instructor. [Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 3 (LC)]
Common Course Outline
FOR 4120 Forest Hydrology (3 credits)
Forest hydrology will focus on the movement and storage of water within forested ecosystems. Topics covered include major components of the hydrological processes occurring in forests, including canopy interception, throughfall, stemflow, infiltration, soil moisture, and its effects on nutrient availability and erosion. Forests and forest management practices have profound effects on local hydrology, so emphasis will be placed on managed forest systems and silvicultural practices to address water flow dynamics. Prerequisite(s): None.
Common Course Outline
FOR 4140 Forest Health (3 credits)
This course will introduce students to the concepts of forest health and illustrate how forested ecosystems are influenced by the interaction of diseases, insects and fire, as well as other biotic and abiotic disturbance agents. Emphasis will center on forests of the Great Lakes region. Students will learn the biology and ecology of common forest insects and diseases while also evaluating management strategies to prevent and mitigate their adverse effects. Prerequisite: Forest Technician A.A.S. or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
FOR 4220 Adaptive Silviculture (3 credits)
This course will explore applications of adaptive silviculture, a forest management approach that applies an understanding of the structure, function, and dynamics of natural forest ecosystems to achieve integrated environmental, economic, and social outcomes. Prerequisite: FOR 3210 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline