2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Education Courses
ED 1100 Education & Society
(3 credits)
ED 1111 American Sign Language 1
(3 credits)
ED 1112 American Sign Language 2
(3 credits)
ED 1910 Directed Independent Study
(3 credits)
ED 1920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
ED 1930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
ED 1940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
ED 1950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
ED 1960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
ED 1970 Internship
(3 credits)
ED 1980 Research
(3 credits)
ED 1990 Thesis
(3 credits)
ED 2007 Anatomy of Hate
(3 credits)
ED 2100 Child Development and Learning
(3 credits)
ED 2110 Educational Psychology and Learning Theories
(3 credits)
ED 2300 Field-Based Inservice I
(1-3 credits)
ED 2910 Directed Independent Study
(3 credits)
ED 2920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
ED 2925 People of the Environment: Education Perspective
(3 credits)
ED 2930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
ED 2940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
ED 2950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
ED 2960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
ED 2970 Internship
(3 credits)
ED 2980 Research
(3 credits)
ED 2990 Thesis
(3 credits)
ED 3000 Introduction to FasTrack
(1 credits)
ED 3100 Introduction to the Foundations of Public School Education
(3 credits)
ED 3110 Educational Psychology
(3 credits)
ED 3140 Human Diversity and Educational Equity
(3 credits)
ED 3160 Philosophy and Organization of the Middle School
(2 credits)
ED 3170 Education of the American Indian
(3 credits)
ED 3201 Language Arts I
(3 credits)
ED 3202 Language Arts II
(3 credits)
ED 3203 Language Arts III
(3 credits)
ED 3207 Reading in the Primary Grades
(3 credits)
ED 3208 Developmental Reading in Middle School
(3 credits)
ED 3212 Curriculum Instruction using Response to Intervention (RTI)
(3 credits)
ED 3217 Curriculum Enrichment through Media Resources
(3 credits)
ED 3218 Laboratory Experiences in Reading
(2 credits)
ED 3221 Elementary Math Methods
(3 credits)
ED 3222 Elementary Science Methods
(3 credits)
ED 3240 Social Studies in the Elementary School
(3 credits)
ED 3257 Introduction to Environmental Education and Interpretation
(3 credits)
ED 3258 Environmental Interpretation
(3 credits)
ED 3300 Field-Based Inservice II
(1-3 credits)
ED 3301 Creative Expressions
(3 credits)
ED 3302 Creative Process Foundations: Patterns
(3 credits)
ED 3305 Literature Based Differentiated Instruction
(3 credits)
ED 3310 Creative Arts in Education
(3 credits)
ED 3350 Principles and Strategies of Teaching
(3 credits)
ED 3410 Secondary Science Methods
(4 credits)
ED 3417 Teaching and Learning in the Middle School
(3 credits)
ED 3440 Mathematics Methods in the Secondary School
(4 credits)
ED 3480 Methods of Teaching Industrial Technology, Vocational Education
(2 credits)
ED 3500 Young Children with Special Needs
(3 credits)
ED 3508 Parent/Professional Teams in Early Childhood
(3 credits)
ED 3580 Teaching of Middle and Secondary School Social Studies
(3 credits)
ED 3601 Assistive Technology
(3 credits)
ED 3608 Mathematics for Learners with Special Needs
(2 credits)
ED 3670 Foundations of Early Childhood Education
(3 credits)
ED 3677 Relations and Management in Early Childhood Education
(3 credits)
ED 3715 Learning Experiences for Infants and Toddlers
(4 credits)
ED 3780 Inclusive Teaching and Classrooms
(3 credits)
ED 3910 Directed Independent Study
(3 credits)
ED 3920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
ED 3930 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
ED 3931 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
ED 3940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
ED 3950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
ED 3960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
ED 3970 Internship
(3 credits)
ED 3980 Research
(3 credits)
ED 3990 Thesis
(3 credits)
ED 4300 Field-Based Inservice III
(1-3 credits)
ED 4599 Teacher Leadership
(3 credits)
ED 4605 Infant and Toddler Student Teaching
(5 credits)
ED 4700 Developmentally Appropriate Preprimary Education
(3 credits)
ED 4737 Content Area Reading
(3 credits)
ED 4740 Methods of Using Instructional Technology
(3 credits)
ED 4747 Curriculum Development And Instructional Technology
(4 credits)
ED 4750 Family, School, Community Relations
(3 credits)
ED 4757 Philosophy and Methods of Parent Education
(3 credits)
ED 4758 Teaching the Learner at Risk: An Ecological Perspective
(2 credits)
ED 4760 Vocal Music Consultant in the Elementary School
(1 credits)
ED 4770 Organization and Administration of Environmental Education & Interpretation
(2 credits)
ED 4777 Field Experiences in Environmental Education and Interpretation
(3 credits)
ED 4790 Teaching PK-12 Multilingual Learners
(3 credits)
ED 4799 The Professional Teacher
(1 credits)
ED 4811 Preprimary Student Teaching
(3-10 credits)
ED 4817 Practicum in Young Child and Family Setting
(3 credits)
ED 4818 Field Experience in Instructional Technology
(4 credits)
ED 4820 Student Teaching - Elementary
(1-12 credits)
ED 4827 Primary Student Teaching
(1-12 credits)
ED 4830 Student Teaching - Secondary
(1-12 credits)
ED 4840 Student Teaching - Special Fields
(1-12 credits)
ED 4860 Practicum: Special Fields
(3 credits)
ED 4910 Directed Independent Study
(1-2 credits)
ED 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc |
(1-2 credits)
ED 4920 Directed Group Study
(2 credits)
ED 4930 Experimental Course
(1-4 credits)
ED 4940 In-Service Course
(3 credits)
ED 4950 Workshop, Institute, Tour
(3 credits)
ED 4960 Special Purpose Instruction
(3 credits)
ED 4970 Internship
(3 credits)
ED 4980 Research
(3 credits)
ED 4990 Thesis
(3 credits)
ED 2300 Field-Based Inservice I (1-3 credits)
This course is designed to provide direct learning support for students enrolled in the first year of the Field-Based Elementary program. The course will explore connections between specific course content and the practical experiences students are gaining in their field placements. Through facilitated interactions between students, master teachers, and university faculty, the course will provide opportunities for reflection, analysis, and application of theoretical knowledge to real-world teaching contexts. Prerequisite(s): Completion of all major coursework. This course is repeatable for up to 3 credits.
Common Course Outline