2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Criminal Justice Courses
CRJS 1120 Criminal Justice and Society (3 credits)
A general introduction to the philosophies, principles, and social aspects which underlie the formulation of law and administration of justice in the United States. Provides an overview of the institutions and relationships of those agencies composing the criminal justice system. [Core Curriculum Goal Area 9]
Common Course Outline
CRJS 1910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)
Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 1920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)
Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 1930 Experimental Course (3 credits)
A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 1940 In-Service Course (3 credits)
A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 1950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)
An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 1960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)
A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 1970 Internship (3 credits)
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 1980 Research (3 credits)
Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 1990 Thesis (3 credits)
A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2221 Comparative Justice (3 credits)
Introduction to a variety of international systems of justice. Students critically examine international legal traditions, study the criminal justice institutions that make up the systems of justice, and explore the cultural, social, and political contexts that contribute to the maintenance of the justice systems. Explores attempts to develop an international criminal justice system.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2225 Criminal Justice and Juveniles (3 credits)
This course explores historical responses to delinquents, the definition of delinquency, theories of correction, and an examination of the juvenile justice system. The learning objective is to understand the principles, assumptions, and processes that pertain to juvenile delinquency and criminal justice system responses to delinquency. Prerequisites: CRJS 1120.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)
Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)
Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2925 People of the Environment: Criminal Justice Perspective (3 credits)
Offers students various perspectives on environment in relation to crime, criminality, and criminal justice.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2930 Experimental Course (3 credits)
A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2940 In-Service Course (3 credits)
A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)
An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)
A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2970 Internship (3 credits)
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2980 Research (3 credits)
Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 2990 Thesis (3 credits)
A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3201 Research Methods and Statistics for Criminal Justice (3 credits)
An introduction to the framing and addressing of research questions within a criminal justice context. Students will be exposed to descriptive, explanatory, and exploratory research designs and the application of appropriate quantitative analytic techniques to those research designs. Prerequisites: CRJS 1120 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3300 Policing on Tribal Lands (3 credits)
A course exploring the complexities of offering effective police services in Indian Country that examines the social realities of crime and justice on American Indian Reservations. This course will attempt to explain the role of the tribal police officer while examining some of the challenges faced and legal considerations such as jurisdictional issues, cooperative law enforcement agreements, Public Law 280, prevalence and character of crime, training and resources management, and the structure of tribal police agencies. [Nisidotaading Course Requirement]
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3304 Police Process (3 credits)
An introduction to the police component of the criminal justice system. Based on both classical readings and current issues in the police field, this course covers police history, the police role and functions in modern society, and the evolving nature of police work. Special emphasis given to the evolving nature in police work after the events of September 11th, 2001.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3305 Judicial Process (3 credits)
Examines the criminal justice and civil law judicial process. Covers judicial involvement from pre-arrest warrant issuance to appellate court review. Focuses on the role, function, and behavior of prosecutors, defense attorneys, and judges. Prerequisites: CRJS 1120 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3306 Corrections and Penology (3 credits)
Provides the student with an understanding of corrections as a major part of the criminal justice system. Focuses on principles, assumptions, and processes pertaining to achieving correctional goals and objectives. Emphasis on justifications, philosophy of punishment. Prerequisites: CRJS 1120 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3310 Introduction to Emergency Management (3 credits)
This course explores the needs of public safety officials who have responsibility for emergency preparedness planning and response. Includes contexts for emergency planning -legal and jurisdictional; responsibility for planning and responding to emergencies; different types of emergencies, and an approach to planning that can be applied to emergency situations. Addresses specific issues associated with the planning process, including the role of the manager, the necessity for multi-agency involvement, various analytical techniques employed in planning, different levels of emergency planning, and different elements of the plan. This course examines the history and perspectives of emergency management, hazards, concepts and taxonomies, all-hazards approach, phases of emergency management, risk assessment, risk communication and emergency management functions. Prerequisite(s): CRJS 1120 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3315 Criminology and Delinquency (3 credits)
Significant theoretical traditions, subsequent research, and policy related to crime and delinquency. Students will be exposed to the following crime data sources: official statistics, victimization reports, and self-reports. Prerequisites: CRJS 1120 and CRJS 3201, or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3319 Topics In Criminal Justice (1-2 credits)
Designed to present special topics, problems or areas of current interest to the field of Criminal Justice.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3344 Criminal Justice and Domestic Violence (3 credits)
The historical roots of domestic and sexual violence, and the continuing prevalence and magnitude of the problem. This course focuses on coordinated community efforts in the United States to keep families and others safe from relationship violence; thoroughly examines methods used by the criminal justice system to prevent and treat domestic violence; emphasizes the changing response of police, social agencies, the courts, and our lawmakers to domestic violence cases; and investigates ways in which the legal system treats victims of abuse who fight back and sometimes kill abusers.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3355 Drugs and Criminal Justice (3 credits)
Focuses on the historical and contemporary patterns of psychoactive drug use in the United States and on the development and evaluation of criminal justice policies intended to reduce or eliminate drug use and/or drug problems. Topics include major types of psychoactive drugs, the War on Drugs, the international context of drug production and distribution, and personal and social problems resulting from drug use.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3356 Introduction to Homeland Security (3 credits)
Addresses the role of state and local law enforcement in national defense. Also addresses critical issues such as civil liberties, privacy rights, police organization and structure, as well as the relationship between federal and local law enforcement. Introduces students to emergency management and the critical importance of managing risk. Prerequisite: CRJS 1120.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3358 Criminal Law (3 credits)
This course encompasses the basic concepts of the criminal law and the elements of criminal offenses in Minnesota in particular. Crimes against persons, crimes against property, crimes against the administration of justice and others are reviewed. The case method is used to define the contours of judicial interpretation of the criminal law. Prerequisites: CRJS 1120 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3359 Criminal Investigation (3 credits)
The concepts and principles related to criminal investigation. This course addresses those techniques and methods of evidentiary collection, processing, and testimony commonly employed by police investigators and crime scene technicians conducting a lawful inquiry, from arrival at a crime scene to laboratory analysis to closing the investigation by making an arrest. Also includes a section devoted to police report writing as well as a laboratory section where various evidence collection and crime scene processing techniques are conducted. Prerequisite: CRJS 3358 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3360 Criminal Procedure and Evidence (3 credits)
This course focuses on the rights of the criminally accused, primarily those involved in the pre- trial stages of the criminal process. The Bill of Rights as it pertains to the criminally accused will be examined. The rules of evidence defining the types and use of criminal evidence allowed in court will also be addressed in this course. Prerequisites: CRJS 1120 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3380 Community Corrections (3 credits)
An in-depth examination of community corrections programs including program planning, implementation and evaluation, client's rights, intake, contracting, release, use of community resources, and use of various treatment modalities. This course is designed to familiarize the student with the most recent developments in community-based corrections, including implementation, management, effectiveness, and challenges. It provides detailed descriptions of major alternatives to incarceration, assumptions underlying programs, and outcome studies. This course is structured to provide motivated students with opportunities to master a body of knowledge on the current state of community corrections.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3400 Modern Traffic Enforcement: Equitable and Fair Policing Practices (2 credits)
This course takes a modern approach to proactive policing strategies with an emphasis on traffic law and criminal interdiction. Students will explore topics that racial profiling, preemptive stops, and implicit bias. Students will discuss police discretion in proactive patrol, the dangers of police pursuits, and alternative traffic enforcement methods that are less likely to result in a use of force incident. Students will also become familiar with recent cases involving traffic stops that have tarnished police legitimacy in Minnesota. This course includes an introduction to the elements of traffic offenses including definitions and terms. This course covers instruction in Minnesota automobile insurance law (Chapter 65B), motor vehicle registration law (Chapter 168), traffic law (Chapter 169, and driver¿s license law (Chapter 171). This course covers the interpretation of these laws and definitions by the Minnesota Courts through the analysis of commonly applied case law and will prepare the learner to apply the objectives during practical exercises when the learner attends a Minnesota POST-approved skills program.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)
Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)
Arranged group study.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3930 Experimental Course (3 credits)
A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3940 In-Service Course (3 credits)
A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)
An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)
A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3970 Internship (3 credits)
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3980 Research (3 credits)
Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 3990 Thesis (3 credits)
A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4103 Criminal Justice Diversity and Ethics (3 credits)
A course in applied human relations and ethics that examines the dynamics of class, race, gender and ethics as they intersect with the social realities of crime and justice in the U.S. today. How diverse populations and ethics operate both separately and in combination to influence the criminal justice system. The facts and theoretical foundations are presented so that students can formulate their own informed decisions about discrimination and ethics in the criminal justice system. Students will identify, apply, analyze and validate the core ethical principles and the potential consequences related to ethical decision- making. This course includes Minnesota Peace Officers Standards and Training (POST) learning objectives. Prerequisites: Junior status or consent of Instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4480 Police and Community Relations (3 credits)
Primarily intended for those entering the police profession, this course covers the rules that govern peace officer behavior under the Minnesota Peace Officer Standards and Training Board; addresses a number of Minnesota Board of Police Officer Standards and Training learning objectives, including victimization, ethical behavior, media relations, and response to and coping with stress; and examines police and community relations. Prerequisites: CRJS 1120 and CRJS 3304 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4487 Principles of Criminal Justice Supervision (3 credits)
Examines historical and current justifications and approaches to offender supervision. Correctional outcomes, rehabilitation methods, evidence based practices, and risk measurement are covered for both institutional and community correctional contexts. Basic motivational interviewing and various correctional counseling techniques are covered. Prerequisite: CRJS 1120 and CRJS 3306.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)
Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)
Directed Independent Study | Teaching Associate
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4920 Directed Group Study (3 credits)
When taken as a requirement the following description may apply:
Course entails advanced study in theories, philosophies, and practices
in criminal justice. Requires extensive review of writings with
emphasis on recent developments in the practice of criminal justice.
Prerequisite: Senior status or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4930 Experimental Course (3 credits)
A course proposed for inclusion in the University curriculum. May not be offered more than two times as an experimental course.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4940 In-Service Course (3 credits)
A course for practitioners seeking additional training or expertise in their current vocation or profession. The in-service format typically includes an educational experience in which a University faculty member and a group of students concentrate on working toward the resolution of a specific problem.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4950 Workshop, Institute, Tour (3 credits)
An intense, credit-granting academic experience of short duration (usually from two days to two weeks) that is not listed in the current University curriculum. Provides for the practical application of theoretical learning within a group setting, and may include the development of methods and skills and the discussion of ideas and principles.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4960 Special Purpose Instruction (3 credits)
A course intended for specific groups or organizations outside the University community.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4970 Internship (6-12 credits)
The internship is a supervised field instruction in a public or private criminal justice agency. The student is expected to demonstrate their acquired knowledge and skills to the criminal justice practice. Students should arrange for this class at least one semester in advance of the semester of enrollment. Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4980 Research (3 credits)
Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline
CRJS 4990 Thesis (3 credits)
A thesis written by the student that reports extensive original research carried out by the student and demonstrates appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline