2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Media, Integrated
- Environmental Communication, B.S. major
- Marketing Communication, B.S. major
- Mass Communication, B.S. major
- Environmental Communication minor
- Film Studies minor
- Mass Communication minor
Mass communication is the primary means by which our society relays news, information, and entertainment to the public. Technological advances have promoted instantaneous, global, and persistent presentation of images and ideas, both positive and negative. Mass Communication at BSU has traditionally been divided into three major areas: print, electronic, and advertising/public relations. In this age of media convergence, however, these traditional barriers are almost nonexistent. Therefore, our revised curriculum aims to prepare all students to communicate meaningful messages successfully, utilizing print, still and moving images, audio and multimedia technologies.
The Department of Integrated Media encourages students to stretch themselves by taking courses outside their area of interest and by completing a minor in another department. Writing skills are emphasized. Intensive classroom and laboratory experiences include the study of historical, practical, and theoretical aspects of mass communication. These experiences help prepare students for the rapid technological and social changes they will encounter as they move through their careers. Their preparation culminates in the completion of an academic thesis or a creative project with appropriate documentation.
It is hoped that these experiences will prepare students for the challenges they encounter as technologies and media formats continue to change rapidly. All students are required to attain a 2.50 GPA in their major courses before being approved for graduation with a Mass Communication major or minor. They are also required to successfully complete at least two semesters of second language, in preparation for the global media job market.
Career Directions
- Account Executive
- Advertising Sales Person
- Broadcaster
- Editor
- Information Manager
- Journalist
- Program Director
- Program Producer
- Public Relations Director
- Station Manager
- Also: Graduate Study
Recommended High School Courses- Newspaper Production
Radio Production
Television Production