2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog | 20263
Earth Science
Geography, B.S.
Earth Science Emphasis -
Science Education, B.S.
Earth and Space Science Specialty (Teacher Licensure) - Earth Science minor
The study of Earth Science draws primarily on geology and meteorology with additional attention to the fields of oceanography and life history. The traditional background for Earth Science focuses on mathematics and the quantitative aspects of science. The contemporary study and practice of Earth Science includes the qualitative evaluation and understanding of earth processes.
Both the quantitative and qualitative factors are applied in decision-making processes that range from plans for worldwide concerns, such as global warming, and for natural disasters, such as earthquakes and floods, to evaluation of a building site for a home. Earth Science is also a companion field of study for hydrologists and environmental scientists and for related careers in government, business, and industry.
Career Directions
- Federal/State Agent
- Industry/Business Consultant
- Park Naturalist
- Science Curriculum Coordinator
Also: Graduate Study
Recommended High School Courses- Algebra