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Updated 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog | 20255

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Anthropology Courses

All Anthropology Courses

ANTH 1110 Cultural Anthropology (3 credits)

This course is an introduction to the field of cultural anthropology. After an introduction of the four-field approach to understanding anthropology, the main focus of this course is to undertake a detailed introduction and a holistic understanding of the field of cultural anthropology. Our goal, in this course is to undertake a critical analysis of the cultures we come from and use this theoretical framework to understand other cultures. To this end, we will study important aspects of the socio-cultural institutions that influence our value systems. We will examine political, social, religious, economic institutions in our culture and understand how these cultural systems influence communication, marriage, sex, gender, ritual, art and expression. An underlying theme through this course is to undertake an analytical view of the interaction between our own culture and global cultures. Overall, this course should give students a critical perspective on cultural complexities, social diversity and develop a nuanced understanding of global inequities. [Core Curriculum Goal Area 8]
Common Course Outline