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Updated 2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog | 20245

PDF of Environmental Studies, B.S.

Environmental Studies, B.S. major
Environmental Health and Toxicology Emphasis

Required Credits: 66
Required GPA: 2.25


Complete the following courses:

Select 1 of the following courses for 3 credits:

Select 1 of the following courses:

Select 1 of the following courses:

Select 1 of the following courses:


Select 2 of the following:

Complete the following courses:

Select 1 of the following courses:

Select 22 credits from the following courses or any
other related courses (3000/4000) approved in advance
by a Center for Sustainability Studies Advisor:


Program Learning Outcomes | Environmental Studies, B.S.

1. Ability to understand and distinguish environmental problems: It was determined that students are doing acceptably for this outcome, but there is room for improvement. Therefore, for two courses, instructors will give more detailed feedback and expectations for revisions and/or second paper or presentation to foster improved communication skills.

2. Ability to understand and distinguish environmental problems: The graduates will understand and distinguish environmental problems based on review of published literature and other media.

3. Formulate Hypothesis: The graduates will formulate reasonable hypothesis.

4. Experimental design: The graduates will design experiments and statistical procedures.

5. Data analysis and hypothesis testing: The graduates will demonstrate ability for data analysis and hypothesis testing. Also the graduates will formulate conclusions and recommendation for future study.

6. Performance and outcomes assessment: The graduates will demonstrate higher level of performance than sophomores on the program level student learning outcomes assessment rubric.

7. Effective Communication Skills: Graduates will attain skills to demonstrate effective written and oral communication.

8. Knowledge in Specialized Field: The graduates will attained learning in the specialized areas of environmental field.


Suggested Semester Schedule | Environmental Studies, B.S.
Environemtnal Health and Toxicoloy Emphasis

The following is a list of Environmental Studies Major Courses arranged by year.  This schedule is intended to help students plan their courses in an orderly fashion; however, these are only suggestions and this schedule is flexible.


  • CHEM1111
    or CHEM2211
  • ENVR2000
  • GEOL1110
  • MATH1470
    or MATH2471
  • Core Curriculum requirements
  • Emphasis electives

Sophomore (with the emphasis already selected)

  • ENVR3880
  • GEOL3400
    or GEOL3120
    or BIOL3120
  • ENVR3600
    or ENVR4210
    or ENVR4610
  • ENVR3800
    or SOC3001
    or STAT2610
    or PSY3401
  • Core Curriculum requirements
  • Emphasis electives


  • ENVR4110
  • ENVR4220
  • Core Curriculum requirements
  • Emphasis electives


  • ENVR4500
  • ENVR4880
  • ENVR4970
    or ENVR4990
  • GEOL3211
  • Core Curriculum requirements
  • Emphasis electives