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Updated 2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

Graduation Honors, Dean's List and President's Honor Roll

Deans' List

The Dean's List, published at the end of each semester, contains the names of students who have earned a GPA between 3.5—3.99*. To be eligible, students must have completed a minimum of twelve (12) semester credits of letter-graded (A, B, C, D, F) coursework; pass/no credit coursework is not included. 

Dean’s List recognition is noted on a student’s official transcripts and honorees receive a letter from the Provost congratulating them on their achievement. The Office of Communications & Marketing (218-755-2041) notifies the hometown newspaper of Dean’s List honorees within six weeks after grades are posted. Hometowns are taken from student-provided permanent address information on file with the BSU Records Office.

Questions about the Dean's List may be directed to the Division of Academic and Student Affairs at 218-755-2015.

*For students admitted prior to fall 2014, the minimum GPA is 3.25. 

President's Honor Roll

### President’s Honor Roll Criteria

Bemidji State University’s President’s Honor Roll recognizes students who during each semester who have earned a grade-point average of 4.0 for 12 or more semester credits of letter-graded course work. Courses taken pass/no credit are not counted toward the Honor Roll.

Students who are recognized on the Honor Roll receive a letter and a certificate, which is mailed by the Office of the President to the student’s permanent mailing address as listed in BSU’s official student record system. Honor Rolls are announced separately for the fall and spring semesters each year, and announcements typically occur approximately six weeks after the semester ends.

BSU’s Office of Communications & Marketing also sends notification of Honor Roll awards to newspapers serving the hometown listed in a student’s permanent address. This also typically happens approximately six weeks after the end of a semester. The complete President’s Honor Roll is also published on the BSU website.

Questions about the President’s Honor Roll list may be directed to the Office of the President at (218) 755-2011 / (218) 755-2017.

Graduation Honors

Computation of Graduation Honors
For instructions in calculating grade point average, see Grades and Grading later in this section.

Eligibility of graduation honors is based on residence credits and residence (BSU) grade point average.

  1. Students completing a minimum of fifty (50) semester credits in residence of letter-graded ( A, B, C, D, F) course work with a minimum BSU cumulative GPA of 3.50 are eligible for graduation honors. Graduation honors designations:

Summa cum laude: at least 3.90 GPA.
Magna cum laude: at least 3.70, but less than 3.90 GPA.
Cum laude: at least 3.50, but less than 3.70 GPA.

2. Students who have earned a total of thirty (30) to forty-nine (49) credits
    in residence at Bemidji State University of letter-graded (A, B, C, D, F)
    course work may be considered for graduation honors if their cumulative
    BSU grade point average (GPA) is 3.60 or higher. 

    Graduation honors designations:

Summa cum laude: at least 3.90 GPA.
Magna cum laude: at least 3.75, but less than 3.90 GPA.
Cum laude: at least 3.60, but less than 3.75 GPA.

  1. Honors at the time of the commencement ceremony are computed on the cumulative grades at the end of the semester prior to commencement exercises. However, actual degree honors will be based on the cumulative GPA at the time the degree is awarded.

  2. Incompletes are computed as “F” grades.