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Updated 2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog

PDF of Business Administration Courses

Business Administration Courses

All Business Administration Courses

BUAD 3500 Marketing Analytics (3 credits)

In this digital age, there is an unprecedented volume, velocity, and variety of marketing data available to firms. User characteristics and behaviors are tracked in detail for websites, social media pages, and ad campaigns, and information-rich user-generated content is contributed at breakneck speed throughout the web. The marketing world is a-buzz with excitement about using this "big data" to increase profits - yet, many marketers find real, measurable value-gain to be elusive. It is all too easy to suffer "analysis paralysis" in the face of a sea of metrics; to make misinformed recommendations based on flawed data or analytics; or in invest in an analytics tool that makes strong promises but doesn't deliver actionable insights. Prerequisite(s): BUAD 3361
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