2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog
- History, B.A. major
- History, B.S. major
Social Studies, B.A.
History Emphasis - History Minor minor
History, B.S. major
Required Credits: 40
Required GPA: 2.50
Note: All History and non-history courses required for the major must reflect a letter grade of C- or better.
Complete three of the following courses:
- HST 1114 United States History I, to 1877 (3 credits)
- HST 1115 United States History II, since 1877 (3 credits)
- HST 1304 World History I, Prehistory-1500 (3 credits)
- HST 1305 World History II, 1500-Present (3 credits)
Complete the following course:
- HST 4000 Historiography (3 credits)
Complete one of the following courses:
- HST 4600 History Portfolio (1 credit)
- HST 4783 Senior Thesis in History (3 credits)
A. American/United States
Select 1 of the following courses:
- HST 2667 Men and Women: Gender in America (3 credits)
- HST 3117 American Revolutionary Era, 1763-1800 (3 credits)
- HST 3128 Testing Democracy: Reform in Nineteenth-Century America (3 credits)
- HST 3137 Civil War and Reconstruction, 1844-1877 (3 credits)
- HST 3159 The World at War, 1931-1945 (3 credits)
- HST 3187 American West (3 credits)
B. European
Select 1 of the following courses:
- HST 2218 Medieval Europe (3 credits)
- HST 2219 Medieval European Culture (3 credits)
- HST 2228 Renaissance and Reformation Europe (3 credits)
- HST 3208 Greece and Rome, 1500 BCE-500 CE (3 credits)
- HST 3258 The Roman Civil Law Tradition (3 credits)
- HST 3268 The Roman Revolution, 200 BCE-CE 14 (3 credits)
- HST 3799 Tudor and Stuart England, 1485-1714 (3 credits)
C. Non-Western
Select 1 of the following courses:
- HST 2700 The History of World Religions (3 credits)
- HST 3409 Colonialism and Modernization in the Non-Western World (3 credits)
- HST 3419 East Asia (3 credits)
- HST 3429 South and Southeast Asia (3 credits)
- HST 3449 Middle East (3 credits)
- HST 3459 Latin America (3 credits)
Select 16-18 credits of History or Allied courses as
a. History courses numbered 3000 or above (minimum of 6 credits)
b. History courses numbered 2000 or above
c. Allied courses from the following list (maximum of 6 credits)
Lower Division Courses:
- ENGL 2340 The American Film (3 credits)
- ENGL 2330 American Literature to 1865 (3 credits)
- ENGL 2337 American Literature from 1865 to Present (3 credits)
- ENGL 2357 British Literature to 1800 (3 credits)
- ENGL 2358 British Literature from 1800 to Present (3 credits)
- INST 2201 Creation to Contact (3 credits)
- INST 2202 Survivance Since Contact (3 credits)
- INST 3307 Ojibwe History (3 credits)
- PHIL 3310 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy (3 credits)
- PHIL 3320 Modern Philosophy (3 credits)
- PHIL 3330 Nineteenth Century Philosophy (3 credits)
- PHIL 3340 Twentieth-Century Philosophy (3 credits)
- POL 3100 American Foreign Policy (3 credits)
- POL 3140 Canadian Politics (3 credits)
- POL 3180 International Law and Organization (3 credits)
- POL 3400 Political Theory (3 credits)
- POL 3410 Legislative and Executive Relations (3 credits)
- PSY 4487 History and Systems of Psychology (3 credits)
- SPAN 4426 Latin American Culture and Civilization (3 credits)
- SPAN 4427 Spanish Culture and Civilization (3 credits)
The following is a list of required history courses arranged by year. This schedule is intended to help you take your courses in an orderly fashion and complete your major in four years. These are only suggestions. The program is flexible, and you have some choice as to when to take certain courses.
- HST 1305 World History II, 1500-Present (3 credits)
- Liberal Education requirements
- Courses of interest
- HST 1304 World History I, Prehistory-1500 (3 credits)
- HST 1115 United States History II, since 1877 (3 credits)
- Liberal Education requirements
- Courses of interest
- Complete II. Required Electives: A,B,C
- Liberal Education requirements
- [Professional-Education courses for B.S. (Teacher Licensure) students]
- HST 4000 Historiography (3 credits)
- HST 4600 History Portfolio (1 credit)
or HST 4783 Senior Thesis in History (3 credits) - History electives numbered above 2200
- Complete Liberal Education requirements
- [Complete Professional-Education courses for B.S. (Teacher Licensure) students]