Updated 2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog
Mass Communications Courses
All Mass Communications Courses
MASC 1100 Mass Media and Society
(3 credits)
MASC 1500 Making Media
(1 credits)
MASC 2100 Minorities in the Media
(3 credits)
MASC 2243 Video Editing
(3 credits)
MASC 2250 Media Production I
(3 credits)
MASC 2460 Digital Photography
(3 credits)
MASC 2600 Advertising
(3 credits)
MASC 2690 Public Relations
(3 credits)
MASC 2780 Culmination
(3 credits)
MASC 2850 Media Writing I
(3 credits)
MASC 2925 People of the Environment: Mass Media Perspectives
(3 credits)
MASC 2970 Internship
(3 credits)
MASC 3110 Media Content Creation
(3 credits)
MASC 3111 Student Media Practicum I
(1 credits)
MASC 3112 Student Media Practicum II
(1 credits)
MASC 3150 Photojournalism
(3 credits)
MASC 3210 Headwaters Film Festival
(2 credits)
MASC 3251 Media Production II
(3 credits)
MASC 3270 Media and Social Change
(3 credits)
MASC 3300 Independent Film
(1 credits)
MASC 3330 Performance and Production
(3 credits)
MASC 3450 Advanced Field Production
(3 credits)
MASC 3470 Multimedia Marketing
(3 credits)
MASC 3480 Advanced Audio Production
(3 credits)
MASC 3500 Media Design
(3 credits)
MASC 3600 Social Media Marketing
(3 credits)
MASC 3650 Media Production for Social Entrepreneurship
(3 credits)
MASC 3670 Documentary Film
(3 credits)
MASC 3720 Media Writing II
(3 credits)
MASC 3750 Communication History
(3 credits)
MASC 3790 Screenwriting
(3 credits)
MASC 3850 Media Ethics and Law
(3 credits)
MASC 3900 Topics in Mass Communication
(1-3 credits)
MASC 4303 Final Media Showcase
(3 credits)
MASC 4312 Production Company
(3 credits)
MASC 4330 Engineering for Electronic Media
(3 credits)
MASC 4333 Multi-Platform Storytelling
(3 credits)
MASC 4340 Digital Cinema
(3 credits)
MASC 4450 Multimedia Production
(3 credits)
MASC 4840 Portfolio
(3 credits)
MASC 4900 Topics in Mass Communication
(1-3 credits)
MASC 4970 Internship
(3 credits)
MASC 1100 Mass Media and Society (3 credits)
Technology changes us. This class explores how the technology we use shifts our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and societies. We will better understand the history and evolution of media-from cave art to the Internet. And we will study how the content of our media,pornography, conspiracy theories, propaganda, Harry Potter alters and reflects how we think. We will use various theoretical approaches to understand the ways we are shaped by our media ecosystems. Liberal Education Goal Areas 5 and 9.
Common Course Outline