2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog
Anthropology Courses
ANTH 1100 Becoming Human - Tracing our Origins
(3 credits)
ANTH 1110 Cultural Anthropology
(3 credits)
ANTH 2100 Native North Americans
(3 credits)
ANTH 3117 Religions of Preliterate Societies
(3 credits)
ANTH 3119 Ojibwe Culture
(3 credits)
ANTH 3200 Methods in Archaeology
(3 credits)
ANTH 3208 North American Prehistory
(3 credits)
ANTH 1100 Becoming Human - Tracing our Origins (3 credits)
Humans as biological and cultural organisms. The physical origin of humans and the primates; the interplay of biological and cultural factors in our evolution; physical variations among modern human populations. Liberal Education Goal Area 5.
Common Course Outline