Updated 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog
Mass Communications Courses
All Mass Communications Courses
MASC 4110 Capstone Preparation (3 credits)
Students develop a project proposal for the Capstone Project class. This includes a focus on 1) a survey of methods for investigating mass communication processes and effects; 2) practice of survey research, including planning, sampling, interviewing, and analysis of data; and 3) an introduction to quantitative and qualitative research methods. Projects may include, but are not limited to, in-depth media projects, thesis papers, marketing plans and documentaries. Students will create both the written proposal, as well as the critical/research/conceptual component of their project during this class. Proposal must be approved by Mass Communication Department to be able to move on to Capstone Project. Prerequisites: MASC 3270 (may be taken concurrently) and Senior status.
Common Course Outline