Updated 2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog
Computer Science Courses
CS 1107 Introduction to Computers
(3 credits)
CS 1108 Introduction to Computers II
(3 credits)
CS 1309 Problem Solving and Computation
(3 credits)
CS 2270 Introduction to Web Programming
(3 credits)
CS 2321 Computer Science I
(4 credits)
CS 2322 Computer Science II
(4 credits)
CS 2810 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming
(3 credits)
CS 3270 Advanced Web Programming
(3 credits)
CS 3350 Event-Driven Programming in a Windows Environment
(3 credits)
CS 3360 Object-Oriented Software Development
(3 credits)
CS 3370 Mobile Application Development
(3 credits)
CS 3380 Game Development
(3 credits)
CS 3507 Introduction to Databases
(3 credits)
CS 3528 Data Structures and Algorithms
(4 credits)
CS 3560 Data Communications and Networks
(3 credits)
CS 3752 Data Mining
(3 credits)
CS 3931 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
CS 4298 Compiler Construction
(3 credits)
CS 4360 Software Engineering
(3 credits)
CS 4390 Social, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Computing
(2 credits)
CS 4627 Theory of Computation
(3 credits)
CS 4840 Operating Systems
(3 credits)
CS 4910 Directed Independent Study
(3 credits)
CS 4970 Internship
(3 credits)
CS 3370 Mobile Application Development (3 credits)
A study of development techniques to address issues that arise in the development of interactive applications for mobile devices using a popular mobile application development platforms such as the iPhone and Android SDKs. Examines the specific requirements for mobile systems. Emphasizes how the requirements in mobile application development link to other core areas in computing. May not be offered every year. Prerequisites: CS 2270 and (CS 2321 or CS 3270).
Common Course Outline