2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog
Humanities Courses
HUM 1100 Human Culture and Ideas
(3 credits)
HUM 2107 Themes in Cultural History
(3 credits)
HUM 2150 Hawaiian Monarchy and the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement: Field Projects
(1-3 credits)
HUM 2160 Polynesian and Native Hawaiian Culture: Hawaii Field Projects
(1-3 credits)
HUM 3107 Topics in Cultural Studies
(1-4 credits)
HUM 4920 Directed Group Study
(3 credits)
HUM 4990 Thesis
(3 credits)
HUM 2107 Themes in Cultural History (3 credits)
Study of a particular theme or central human issue in a variety of historical settings through the close analysis of various cultural documents and practices. May be repeated under distinct subtitles. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline