2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog
Environmental Studies Courses
All Environmental Studies Courses
ENVR 2000 Introduction to Environmental Science
(3 credits)
ENVR 2150 Wilderness Ethics: Projects for Environmental Field Programs
(1-3 credits)
ENVR 2925 People and the Environment - The Global Pollution Perspective
(3 credits)
ENVR 3040 Environmental Economics
(3 credits)
ENVR 3300 Environmental Management and Safety
(3 credits)
ENVR 3600 Environmental Justice and Sustainability
(3 credits)
ENVR 3840 Wetlands Ecology
(3 credits)
ENVR 3920 DGS: Seminar in Environmental Controversies
(2 credits)
ENVR 4050 Geochemistry
(3 credits)
ENVR 4101 Environmental Chemistry
(3 credits)
ENVR 4102 Environmental Chemistry II
(3 credits)
ENVR 4200 Wastewater Treatment
(3 credits)
ENVR 4210 Environmental Law and Policy
(3 credits)
ENVR 4220 Sampling and Analysis
(4 credits)
ENVR 4230 Air Pollution Technology
(4 credits)
ENVR 4240 Waste Management
(4 credits)
ENVR 4260 Risk Assessment and Auditing
(3 credits)
ENVR 4400 Environmental Microbiology
(3 credits)
ENVR 4500 Environmental Toxicology
(4 credits)
ENVR 4920 Directed Group Study: Senior Seminar
(1 credits)
ENVR 4970 Internship
(3 credits)
ENVR 4990 Thesis
(3 credits)
ENVR 4200 Wastewater Treatment (3 credits)
Introduction to the operation of the principal methods and treatment processes of municipal and industrial wastewaters, and for the disposal of treated effluent and sludges, and other solid materials. Integration of fundamental principles of science with different aspects of sanitary technology. Prerequisites: BIOL 1212, CHEM 1112 or CHEM 2212, MATH 1170, or consent of instructor. BIOL 1212 is not required for Chemistry majors.
Common Course Outline