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2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog

Goal Area 5: History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences


    Two courses
    Six credits


To increase students' knowledge of how historians and social and behavioral scientists discover, describe, and explain the behaviors and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, events, and ideas. Knowledge of history and social and behavioral sciences will better equip students to understand themselves and the roles they play in addressing the issues facing humanity.
Critical Thinking

The practice of critical thinking skills used in history and the social and behavioral sciences, including gathering and applying factual information appropriately, analyzing logical connections, recognizing and articulating value assumptions made by ourselves and others.
Student Competencies

Students will be able to:

  • employ the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition.
  • examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures.
  • use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories.
  • develop and communicate alternative explanations or solutions for contemporary social issues.

Courses that satisfy this goal area include

    *ACCT 1100 Financial Literacy (3 credits)
    ANTH 1100 Becoming Human - Tracing our Origins (3 credits)
    ANTH 2100 Native North Americans (3 credits)
    ECON 2000 Markets and Resource Allocation (3 credits)
    ECON 2100 Macroeconomics and the Business Cycle (3 credits)
    ECON 2150 Interdependence of the Hawaiian Economy and the Environment: Field Projects (1-3 credits)
    GEOG 1224 Introduction to Map Use (3 credits)
    GEOG 2300 Economic Geography (3 credits)
    GEOG 2400 Introduction to Planning (3 credits)
    GEOG 3810 Geography of Europe (3 credits)
    HST 1114 United States History I, to 1877 (3 credits)
    HST 1115 United States History II, since 1877 (3 credits)
    HST 1304 World History I, Prehistory-1500 (3 credits)
    HST 1305 World History II, 1500-Present (3 credits)
    HST 2610 Minnesota History (3 credits)
    HST 2660 Women and History (3 credits)
    HST 2700 The History of World Religions (3 credits)
    HST 3208 Greece and Rome, 1500 BCE-500 CE (3 credits)
    HST 3409 Colonialism and Modernization in the Non-Western World (3 credits)
    HST 3419 East Asia (3 credits)
    HUM 2150 Hawaiian Monarchy and the Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement: Field Projects (1-3 credits)
    INST 1107 Introduction to Indian Studies (3 credits)
    INST 2201 American Indians: Precontact to 1887 (3 credits)
    INST 2202 American Indians: 1887 To The Present (3 credits)
    INST 2207 First Nations of Canada (3 credits)
    *TADT 2100 Impact Of Technology (2 credits)
    POL 1100 Understanding Politics (3 credits)
    POL 1200 Introduction to American Politics (3 credits)
    PSY 1100 Introductory Psychology (4 credits)
    SOC 1104 Society and Social Issues (3 credits)
    SOC 2240 Men, Women, and Society: A Sociological Interpretation (3 credits)
    SOC 3300 Family and Society (3 credits)
    WSGS 2220 Women's Issues (3 credits)
    WSGS 2600 Women and Diversity: Crossing Boundaries of Race, Class, Gender & Sexuality (3 credits)

    All-University course numbers 1953 and 2953 are available to any department for use as study-travel courses, subject to approval, and will satisfy this goal area.

    *This course will satisfy Liberal Education at BSU, but does not qualify for inclusion in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum as currently interpreted by MnSCU, and may not be accepted as a Liberal Education course at other MnSCU institutions or the University of Minnesota.