Updated 2013-14 Undergraduate Catalog
Technology, Art and Design -Technology Courses
All Technology, Art and Design -Technology Courses
TADT 1460 Technical Graphics (3 credits)
An introduction to the principles and practices of technical drawing. The course provides a working familiarity with computer-aided design and drafting through the study of multi-view and pictorial drawing systems.
Common Course Outline
TADT 2100 Impact Of Technology (2 credits)
Defines technology and examines the relationship between technology, human civilization, and other disciplines. Course includes a focus on the related social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts of technology and encourages students to understand the development of technology from the earliest civilizations to implications for the 21st Century. This course is designed primarily for the liberal education program. Liberal Education Goal Areas 5 & 9.
Common Course Outline
TADT 3100 Principles and Practices of Professional Development (2 credits)
An overview for professionals in the field of Industrial Technology. Students research and report on such topics as historical and future technological developments, personality inventories, trade and professional organizations, professional publications, and personal professional development plans. Educational degree requirements and policies to meet development plans are also reviewed.
Common Course Outline
TADT 4820 Engineering Case Study (3 credits)
Study and development of a solution to a new or existing engineering-related problem. Students propose an appropriate case within their field of interest to be given approval by the instructor. Based on instructor approval, students submit a case study which documents the proposal, implementation strategy, and results of the proposal.
Common Course Outline
TADT 4970 Internship (1-12 credits)
Prerequisite: Junior or senior Status
Common Course Outline