Updated 2013-14 Undergraduate Catalog
Special Education Courses
SPED 3105 Orientation to Special Education (1 credits)
This course works in conjunction with the first four core courses offered in the Special Education Licensure Program. Field work experiences are required in each level of the program. This course is used to document the hours that the candidate has logged in at the practicum site. In addition, the teacher candidate is required to attend webinars with topics related to the field of special education. The webinars also involve the coach that the candidate has been working with at the practicum site. One purpose of this course is to increase the communication between the candidate, the coach, and the university. The special education courses provide the candidate with theory and background information necessary to be an effective educator and to meet the Special Education Standards required by the Minnesota Department of Education. The inclusion of the coach in the conversation allows the candidate to see the connection of theory to best practice in a school setting.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3106 Professional Practice in the Elementary/Middle School Setting (1 credits)
This course works in conjunction with the second tier of courses offered in the Special Education Licensure Program. At Tier 2, field experiences are required at the elementary and middle school level. This course is used to document the hours that the candidate has logged in at the practicum site. In addition, the teacher candidate is required to attend webinars with topics related to the field of special education. The webinars also involve the coach that the candidate has been working with at the practicum site. One purpose of this course is to increase the communication between the candidate, the coach, and the university. The special education courses provide the candidate with theory and background information necessary to be an effective educator and to meet the Special Education Standards required by the Minnesota Department of Education. The inclusion of the coach in the conversation allows the candidate to see the connection of theory to best practice in a school setting. Prerequisites: Completion of all Tier 1 courses: SPED 3105, SPED 3600, SPED 3640, SPED 3650, and SPED 4715; and ED 3201. Corequisites: Can be taken concurrently with Tier 2 courses SPED 3620, and/or SPED 3630, whichever is/are the last course(s) to be completed in Tier 2.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3107 Professional Practice in the Secondary School Setting (2 credits)
This course is works in conjunction with the third tier of courses offered in the Special Education Licensure Program. Field work experiences are required in each level of the program. This course is used to document the hours that the candidate has logged in at the practicum site. In addition, the teacher candidate is required to attend webinars with topics related to the field of special education. The webinars also involve the coach that the candidate has been working with at the practicum site. One purpose of this course is to increase the communication between the candidate, the coach, and the university. The special education courses provide the candidate with theory and background information necessary to be an effective educator and to meet the Special Education Standards required by the Minnesota Department of Education. The inclusion of the coach in the conversation allows the candidate to see the connection of theory to best practice in a school setting. Prerequisites: Completion of all Tier 1 courses: SPED 3105, SPED 3600, SPED 3640, SPED 3650, and SPED 4715; and Completion of all Tier 2 courses: ED 3201; SPED 3106; SPED 3620 or SPED 3630.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3600 Study of the Learner with Special Needs (3 credits)
A special education foundation course that provides an introductory overview of special education and the characteristics and learning needs of school-age children with exceptionalities. An approved field experience is required. This a prerequisite course for most courses required for special education licensure. It can be taken simultaneously with SPED 3650, SPED 3715, and/or ED 3201. Prerequisites: ED 3100, ED 3110, ED 3350, and passing scores on the Minnesota Teacher Licensure Exam (MTLE) Basic Skills Test.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3620 Teaching the Learner with Specific Learning Disabilities I (3 credits)
An introduction to the field of learning disabilities. It is a study of learners whose special learning problems inhibit their ability to meet academic performance standards and developmental expectations for their age. Emphasizes historical foundations, current education definitions of learning deficits, federal and Minnesota eligibility criteria for services, etiology of learning disabilities, relationship between learning disabilities and other associated conditions, impact of information processing deficits on children with learning disabilities, and social or emotional aspects of children and youth with learning disabilities. An applied experience is required and includes an approved elementary (K-6) clinical. Prerequisites: SPED 3105, SPED 3600, SPED 3640, SPED 3650, and SPED 4715 (all Tier 1 courses).
Common Course Outline
SPED 3630 Teaching the Learner with Emotional Behavioral Disorders I (3 credits)
Introduction to the characteristics and needs of students with emotional and behavioral disorders within the context of school, family, and community settings. Students are helped to understand key concepts through participation in an approved elementary (K-6) special education clinical experience. Prerequisite: SPED 3105, SPED 3600, SPED 3640, SPED 3650, and SPED 4715 (all Tier 1 courses).
Common Course Outline
SPED 3640 Due Process in Special Education I: Assessment and Reporting (3 credits)
This class focuses on a formal set of policies and procedures to be implemented by schools and districts for children in special education programs. This course concentrates on the assessment of K-12 students receiving special education services and requires course participants to create Prior Written Notices and Evaluation Reports including testing. Prerequisite: SPED 3600 or consent of the instructor.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3650 Collaborative Techniques for Special Educators (3 credits)
A study of techniques when collaborating with parents, caregivers, community services, and other support services to enhance the learning of the learner with special needs, within an academic setting. An approved clinical experience includes a parent interview, woring with outside agencies such as social services, medical facilities, parent advocacy, and service providers from outside the school district, and transition service agencies. Prerequisites or Corequisites: SPED 3600, SPED 3640, and SPED 4715.
Common Course Outline
SPED 4715 Curriculum Techniques with Special Populations (3 credits)
Students learn to design curricular interventions in academic and socio-emotional arenas and techniques for accommodating diverse learners within regular education settings. Requires an approved clinical experience developing an Individual Application Project in collaboration with a mainstream teacher. Prerequisite or Corequisite: SPED 3600 or consent of the instructor.
Common Course Outline