2013-14 Undergraduate Catalog
Biology Courses
BIOL 1110 Human Biology
(4 credits)
BIOL 1120 General Biology: Evolution And Ecology
(3 credits)
BIOL 1150 Aquatic Systems
(3 credits)
BIOL 1211 Introductory Biology I
(4 credits)
BIOL 1212 Introductory Biology II
(4 credits)
BIOL 1300 Medical Terminology
(2 credits)
BIOL 2110 Human Anatomy and Physiology
(5 credits)
BIOL 2360 Genetics
(4 credits)
BIOL 2610 General Ecology
(3 credits)
BIOL 2620 Field and Laboratory Projects in Ecological Research
(2 credits)
BIOL 2925 People & The Environment: Biological Perspectives on the Environment
(3 credits)
BIOL 3120 Soils
(4 credits)
BIOL 3150 Animal Behavior
(3 credits)
BIOL 3250 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
(4 credits)
BIOL 3260 Medical Physiology
(4 credits)
BIOL 3300 Introduction to Hematology
(4 credits)
BIOL 3310 Entomology
(4 credits)
BIOL 3361 Limnology I
(4 credits)
BIOL 3362 Limnology II
(4 credits)
BIOL 3380 Molecular Genetics: Theory and Practice
(4 credits)
BIOL 3510 Ornithology
(4 credits)
BIOL 3554 Readings in Aquatic Biology
(1 credits)
BIOL 3580 Immunology
(4 credits)
BIOL 3590 Cell Biology
(4 credits)
BIOL 3610 Principles of Wildlife Management
(3 credits)
BIOL 3623 Forest Ecology
(4 credits)
BIOL 3630 Conservation Biology
(3 credits)
BIOL 3710 Microbiology
(4 credits)
BIOL 3720 Plant Form and Function
(4 credits)
BIOL 3723 Ecosystem Ecology
(3 credits)
BIOL 3730 Plant Diversity
(4 credits)
BIOL 3755 Medical Microbiology
(3 credits)
BIOL 3830 Aquatic Plants
(4 credits)
BIOL 3840 Wetlands Ecology
(3 credits)
BIOL 3844 Wetlands Ecology Lab
(1 credits)
BIOL 3850 Marine Biology
(3 credits)
BIOL 3880 Wildlife Management Techniques
(4 credits)
BIOL 4030 Wetland Delineation and Classification
(3 credits)
BIOL 4031 Advanced Wetland Delineation
(2 credits)
BIOL 4200 Freshwater Invertebrates
(4 credits)
BIOL 4210 Parasitology
(4 credits)
BIOL 4270 Histology
(4 credits)
BIOL 4330 Upland Wildlife Management
(3 credits)
BIOL 4360 Developmental and Tumor Biology
(4 credits)
BIOL 4520 Mammalogy
(4 credits)
BIOL 4534 Ichthyology
(4 credits)
BIOL 4545 Fisheries Management
(4 credits)
BIOL 4620 Organic Evolution
(3 credits)
BIOL 4894 Advanced Laboratory Projects in Biology I
(2 credits)
BIOL 4895 Advanced Laboratory Projects in Biology II
(2 credits)
BIOL 4896 Advanced Field Projects in Biology I
(2 credits)
BIOL 4897 Advanced Field Projects in Biology II
(2 credits)
BIOL 4210 Parasitology (4 credits)
The biology of animal parasites, their identification, biochemistry, immunology, and epidemiology. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: BIOL 1211, 1212, or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline