Updated 2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog
Social Work Courses
SOWK 2030 Chemical Dependency Theories and Assessment
(3 credits)
SOWK 2110 Intercultural Communication
(3 credits)
SOWK 2120 Introduction to Social Welfare
(3 credits)
SOWK 2130 Interpersonal Relations
(2 credits)
SOWK 2140 Field Experience in Social Work
(3 credits)
SOWK 2160 Human Behavior in the Social Environment I
(3 credits)
SOWK 2310 The American Indian: Social Welfare Perspective
(3 credits)
SOWK 3030 Family Violence
(3 credits)
SOWK 3110 Parent-Child Relations in Contemporary Family Forms
(3 credits)
SOWK 3160 Human Behavior in the Social Environment II
(3 credits)
SOWK 3201 Family: Dynamics and Intervention
(3 credits)
SOWK 3260 Social Welfare Policy
(3 credits)
SOWK 3310 American Indians and Chemical Dependency
(3 credits)
SOWK 3330 Chemical Dependency: Prevention and Intervention
(3 credits)
SOWK 3551 Generalist Practice I
(3 credits)
SOWK 3552 Generalist Practice 2
(3 credits)
SOWK 3553 Generalist Practice 3
(3 credits)
SOWK 3760 Mental Health Social Work
(2 credits)
SOWK 3780 Family And Child Welfare
(3 credits)
SOWK 3790 Social Work In The School System
(2 credits)
SOWK 3830 Gerontology: Social Work Perspectives
(2 credits)
SOWK 4310 Grant Writing
(2 credits)
SOWK 4450 Social Work Research Seminar
(3 credits)
SOWK 4880 Internship Orientation
(1 credits)
SOWK 4970 Internship
(12 credits)
SOWK 4310 Grant Writing (2 credits)
An application course designed to teach the mechanics of successful grant writing. It addresses the full continuum of the grant writing process from defining the grant idea, identifying grant sources, writing and submitting the grant application, and managing the grant award. Addresses similarities and differences between public and private funding. Emphasizes skill development in the areas of writing and submitting a grant application, public speaking skills, and ethical issues. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline