2012-13 Undergraduate Catalog
VSAR 1101 Visual Foundations I
(3 credits)
VSAR 1102 Visual Foundations II
(3 credits)
VSAR 1107 Introduction To Art
(2 credits)
VSAR 1108 Arts Today
(3 credits)
VSAR 2107 Visual Foundations III
(3 credits)
VSAR 2150 Life Drawing
(3 credits)
VSAR 2210 Printmaking Relief/Intaglio
(3 credits)
VSAR 2217 Papermaking/Books
(3 credits)
VSAR 2250 Painting
(3 credits)
VSAR 2310 Sculpture
(3 credits)
VSAR 2350 Ceramics
(3 credits)
VSAR 2400 Jewelry/Metals
(3 credits)
VSAR 2410 Ojibwe Crafts
(2 credits)
VSAR 2700 Computer Imaging
(3 credits)
VSAR 2701 Graphic Design
(3 credits)
VSAR 2702 Typography And Layout
(3 credits)
VSAR 2800 Issues And Media
(2 credits)
VSAR 3100 Intermediate Drawing
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 3150 Intermediate Life Drawing
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 3214 Printmaking-Lithography
(3 credits)
VSAR 3215 Printmaking: Screenprinting
(2 credits)
VSAR 3216 Intermediate Printmaking
(3 credits)
VSAR 3251 Watercolor/Aqueous Media
(3 credits)
VSAR 3252 Intermediate Painting
(3 credits)
VSAR 3310 Intermediate Sculpture
(3 credits)
VSAR 3350 Intermediate Ceramics
(3 credits)
VSAR 3401 Intermediate Jewelry/Metals/Enameling
(3 credits)
VSAR 3402 Intermediate Jewelry/Metals Lost Wax Casting
(3 credits)
VSAR 3410 Advanced Ojibwe Crafts
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 3600 Elementary Art Methods
(2 credits)
VSAR 3700 Intermediate Computer Imaging
(3 credits)
VSAR 3707 Product and Identity Design
(3 credits)
VSAR 3708 Exhibit Design
(3 credits)
VSAR 3709 Fabric Design
(3 credits)
VSAR 3800 Career Practicum
(2 credits)
VSAR 3807 Community Arts Management
(2 credits)
VSAR 3809 Honors Special Problems
(2 credits)
VSAR 3810 Portfolio Preparation
(1 credits)
VSAR 4100 Advanced Drawing
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 4150 Advanced Life Drawing
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 4210 Advanced Printmaking
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 4250 Advanced Painting
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 4310 Advanced Sculpture
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 4351 Topics In Advanced Ceramics: Subtitled
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 4352 Advanced Ceramics
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 4400 Advanced Jewelry/Metals
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 4407 Advanced Crafts
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 4600 Art Concepts K-12
(3 credits)
VSAR 4607 Practicum
(1 credits)
VSAR 4700 Advanced Computer Imaging
(1-4 credits)
VSAR 4800 Senior Exhibit/Thesis Project
(3 credits)
VSAR 4808 Special Readings
(2 credits)
VSAR 4809 Honors Special Problems
(2 credits)
VSAR 4810 Portfolio Presentation
(1 credits)
VSAR 4970 Internship
(1-8 credits)
VSAR 3700 Intermediate Computer Imaging (3 credits)
Continued exploration of computer art in the creation of fine art and illustration. Prerequisite: VSAR 2700.
Common Course Outline