TRIO-SSS Tutoring Request Form

To request a TRIO tutor for a BSU course, complete and submit this form. Then schedule an appointment with Linda Wolf to discuss your request and how to get the most out of tutoring. Be sure to check your BSU email for updates about your tutoring request.

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
TRIO Eligibility Requirement*
TRIO tutoring services are only available to students who are qualified for and participating in the TRIO program. Are you currently taking, or have you taken, TRIO College Orientation, Critical Reading & Analysis, Life Career Planning, Personal & Financial Wellness, or Capstone for TRIO Students?
Enter your 8-digit (numbers only) Tech ID
Please enter your BSU student email address.

Course Requested for Tutoring

Please describe a course you would like to request for tutoring.
Please provide the course subject. For example Math, Biology, Psychology, etc.
Enter the 4-digit course number.
Course Delivery Method
Please include any additional information about your tutoring request that may help us place you with a tutor for this course.