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The 2025-26 Returning Student Housing Application is now open!Three students sitting in a Birch Hall double-as-single room.

Application & Prepayments

Complete your application and make your prepayment through your BSU e-Services account under the Housing and Dining tab.

  • DECEMBER 1: Returning Student Housing Application opens in e-Services
  • JANUARY 12: Priority Point Worksheet distribution begins by RA/PAA staff
  • JANUARY 24: Priority Point Worksheet due to Res Life Office
  • JANUARY 28-31: Same-Room Selection (Room Renewal)
  • FEBRUARY 11-13: Priority Point Participants Room Selection (Watch your BSU email for your room selection start time. Emails should be out by 4:00 PM on Feb 6.)
  • FEBRUARY 18-20: Room Selection opens to all other returning students, including those living off-campus.
  • MARCH 31: HOUSING PREPAYMENT DUE ($150) (This will secure your room selection!)
  • APRIL 2: Room Sign-Up Celebration!

Here is a digital version of the 2025-2026 Priority Point Brochure.

Check out our on-campus room options!

Floor Plans

Birch Hall
Linden Hall
Oak Hall

All floors in Birch, Linden, and Oak are co-ed. Double rooms are single-gender. See the Linden Hall page for details about gender-inclusive housing options in that Hall.