Below are policies and procedures regarding the Terms of Agreement and payments for Housing & Residential Life at BSU. These statements pertain to the 2024-2025 academic year.
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Dates of Agreement
The residence hall Terms of Agreement is binding for the academic year (fall and spring semesters) or for the portion of the academic year remaining at the time of initial occupancy. Housing & Residential Life reserves the right to change Agreement dates. Notification of changes will be provided to all residence hall Agreement holders through emails, departmental publications and the Housing & Residential Life website.
Fall Semester 2024
Residence Halls: August 22 at 9 AM – December 19 at Noon
Winter Break 2024
December 19 at Noon – January 11 at 9 AM
All residence halls remain open during winter break. There is no extra charge to stay over winter break for students remaining on campus during the spring semester. No meals are served during this break.
Spring Semester 2025
January 11 at 9 AM – May 10 at Noon
Spring Break 2025
March 10 – March 14
All residence halls remain open during spring break. There is no extra charge to stay over spring break, and no meals are served during this break.
Note: The first day of the residence hall Terms of Agreement is the first-day housing is provided to the resident.
Early Arrivals & Late Departures
Residents are expected to plan arrival and departure from the residence halls according to the contract dates. Early arrival and late departure are difficult due to the need to complete cleaning and repair, the use of rooms by summer groups and the need to assign rooms to incoming students. If you would like to request early arrival to or late departure from the residence halls, you will need approval from the Housing & Residential Life office (48-hour notice is strongly suggested). The nightly charge is prorated based on your semester room rate.
Early Arrival Requests for Spring 2025
Early arrivals to the residence halls can be accommodated starting at 9 AM on Tuesday, January 7, with advance notice. Early arrival for Spring 2025 can be requested through your housing application in e-Services after completing room selection or by emailing our office at
Tentative Early Arrival Key Pick-Up for Spring 2025
Monday – Friday: 8 AM to 4 PM at the Housing & Residential Life Office in Walnut Hall
All other times: Contact the Staff Member on Duty (218) 308-1292
More specific information will be emailed in August to those requesting early arrival.
Residential Living Requirement
Residential Life wants all students to be successful. Living on campus is proven to result in higher grade point averages, more completed credits and higher retention rates than students living off campus. First-year students who are less than one-year removed from high school graduation and international students who are classified as unmarried and an undergraduate must reside in university housing until completion of their first academic year at Bemidji State University. All first-year and international students will be required to apply for university housing unless the student is subject to one of the exemptions below.
Certain first-year students will be automatically exempt from this policy but must submit for approval an Exemption Form Residential Living Policy Form in which one of the following criteria is met:
- First-year students who are 21 years of age at least ten days prior to the start of fall term.
- First-year students who will be living with parent(s) or legal guardian(s), within 50 miles of Bemidji State University, during the academic year will be exempt from this policy. Student must provide verification.
- Current active military or veteran’s status-student must verify by submitting a copy of the DD Form 214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (if a veteran) or written proof of current military active duty.
- Married and/or with legally dependent children, copies of legal documentation will be required to accompany the exemption form request.
Other criteria that may be considered after review of an exemption request include:
- Independent student status-student must have been declared an independent student for the past two calendar years and not claimed by their parent(s) during the same period.
- Limited credit student-students carrying less than six credits each semester of the academic year.
- Medical and disability circumstances-exemption requests for medical or disability reason will be forwarded to the Accessibility Services Office. This office will render a decision and notify the Residential Life Office.
- Other-where it can be demonstrated that special circumstances exist which would create a substantial personal hardship which is exacerbated by living on campus and cannot be remedied by alternative means. Verification of special circumstances will be required.
Applicants for, and current residents with, a Residence Hall Contract are subject to a review of conduct and criminal history as it relates to access to or placement in campus housing and other residence hall privileges.
Bemidji State University reserves the right to deny or cancel a Residence Hall Contract to an individual whose conduct or criminal records indicates an actual or perceived threat or danger to the Bemidji State University community, including students, faculty and staff.
In the case of current residents, if circumstances warrant, immediate action may be taken to cancel a Residence Hall Contract and other privileges under the same standards and process as a Student Conduct Summary Suspension (see Student Code of Conduct).
The review of conduct and criminal history will be completed by the Director of Housing & Residential Life in consultation with the University Conduct Officer and Director of Public Safety. Factors considered in the review include, but are not limited to:
- Nature, severity and intentionality of the offense(s) (including the statutory elements of the offense(s));
- Student’s age at the time of the offense(s);
- Student’s account of the facts of the offense(s);
- Date of the offense(s)/time elapsed since offense(s);
- Student’s probation or parole status;
- Number of offense(s), and pattern of offense(s);
- Successful completion of criminal rehabilitation programs; and
- Additional relevant factors (such as whether the underlying situation arose out of a housing situation)
Applicants for, and current residents, with a Residence Hall Contract denied contract privileges have the right to appeal the decision. Appeals shall be made to the Vice President for Student Development and Enrollment or his/her designee (as identified in the decision letter) within five (5) business dates of the Respondent’s receipt of the decision of the Residence Hall Contract review. The appeal shall be in writing, stating the ground(s) for appeal. The appeal letter will be reviewed by the Dean of Student Success, who may schedule an appeal meeting if more information is needed. The Dean of Student Success will notify the student within five (5) business days of receiving the appeal letter.
The appeal decision is final. Failure to file an appeal or request an extension in a timely manner constitutes a waiver of any right to an appeal.
If an appeal meeting is scheduled, an applicant/student’s adviser may attend. In the event new evidence is relevant to the outcome of the decision, the Dean of Student Success or designee may request an additional review.
Terms of Agreement Cancellation- Prior to the Start of the Contract
Fall Semester Start
Before the Terms of Agreement becomes binding a resident may cancel the Agreement by giving written notice to the Housing & Residential Life office. If written notice is provided by August 1st, $50 of the $150 prepayment will be refunded. If written notice is provided after August 1st and before the effective start date of the Agreement, no refund of the prepayment is issued but the resident is relieved of any obligation under the Agreement.
Spring Semester Start
Before the Terms of Agreement becomes binding a resident may cancel the Agreement by giving written notice to the Housing & Residential Life office. If written notice is provided by January 1st, $50 of the $150 prepayment will be refunded. If written notice is provided after January 1st and before the effective start date of the Agreement, no refund of the prepayment is issued but the resident is relieved of any obligation under the Agreement.
Residents who move in as early arrivals and wish to cancel the Agreement or who move out prior to the start of the Agreement will forfeit the $150 prepayment and are charged the early arrival rate through the date of checkout.
Residents who have paid the $150 prepayment and decide to delay attendance at BSU may transfer this $150 prepayment to the next semester. If the resident does not attend BSU and live in the residence halls the next semester, the $150 prepayment will be forfeited.
Cancellation Dates
First-year residents may not cancel their room unless withdrawing from the University. Non-first-year residents may cancel the Agreement only at semester break (notification by December 1st) or upon immediate withdrawal from classes.
Residents may change or cancel a meal plan during the first two weeks of each semester and will be charged for the initial meal plan through the week of notification. First-year residents are required to maintain a meal plan for the academic year.
Residents may not change or cancel a meal plan after the second week of a semester.
Fall 2024 Residents Cancelling for Spring Semester 2025
- Fall residents who wish to cancel their Agreement for the spring semester must submit a Cancellation Request Form at the Housing & Residential Life office on or before December 1, 2024 and must check out of their room by noon on December 19, 2024.
- Fall residents who wish to cancel their Agreement for the spring semester, but submit a Cancellation Request Form between December 2, 2024 – December 19, 2024, will be charged a $150 late cancellation charge and must check out of their room by noon on December 19, 2024.
- Fall residents who wish to cancel their Agreement for the spring semester, but submit a Cancellation Request Form after December 19, 2024, will be charged a $300 late cancellation/winter break charge and must check out of their room within 48 hours.
- Fall residents who wish to cancel their Agreement for the spring semester and leave the residence halls, but do not submit a Cancellation Request Form will be charged a $150 late cancellation fee. Residents who leave possessions in their room will be assessed a $100 fee for the removal of these items. The items will be stored for 60 days and then abandoned.
Terms of Agreement Termination
The University may terminate the residence hall and dining services Terms of Agreement under the following conditions:
Academic Suspension/Non-Payment/Loss of Student Status
- Residents who lose student status due to academic suspension or non-payment must vacate their room within 48 hours of notification of loss of student status. Residents will be responsible for room and/or meal plan charges through the date of check out. The late cancellation fee does not apply.
- Residents appealing loss of student status may maintain their Agreement while they appeal. If the resident’s appeal is approved, the resident agrees to fulfill the balance of the Agreement. If the resident’s appeal is denied, they must vacate the room within 48 hours of notification of the decision. Residents will be responsible for room and/or meal plan charges through the date of check out.
Withdrawal From Classes
Residents who withdraw from all classes or have less than six (6) credits must move out of the residence halls within 48 hours of notification to vacate. Residents will forfeit the $150 prepayment and/or be responsible for room and meal plan charges through the date of checkout.
Student Conduct
When loss of residence hall privileges or student status is a result of a Student Conduct System sanction, the resident is not eligible for any refund. Appropriate notice and appeal information are provided to the resident in this situation.
No Shows
Residents who do not check into the residence halls by 5 PM on the first day of class of any semester for which this Agreement is in effect will be considered a “No Show.” The University reserves the right to reassign the Resident to another room. No shows who are not enrolled for classes by the 10th day of the semester for which this Agreement is in effect, and who have not checked into the residence halls, will forfeit the $150 prepayment. No shows who are enrolled for classes and who decide to reside in a place other than the residence halls will continue to be responsible for room and/or meal plan charges for 30 days after written notice of cancellation is received.
Drop for Non-Payment
If a resident fails to meet the University requirements for payment of fees, they may have their courses dropped for non-payment. In this situation, the resident must vacate their room within 48 hours of notification of courses being dropped. The resident will be billed for room and/or meal plan charges through the date of checkout.
Agreement Responsibilities
The University shall maintain the premises in compliance with applicable municipal and state health and safety laws, unless a violation has been caused by Resident or Resident’s guest(s). Residents shall provide the University with notice of any noncompliance and the University shall correct noncompliance within a reasonable time.
The University is not responsible for injury to persons or damages to anyone’s personal property that results form Resident’s negligence or Resident’s negligent use of privately owned or state supplied property or furnishings.
The Resident agrees to comply with all State, University and Housing & Residential Life rules and regulations as stated in this publication. Agreements are not transferable from one academic year to another and rooms may not be sublet.
The annual room and meal plan costs are included in a separate publication. Payment for late contracts shall be made on or before the first day of occupancy. Balances are due in full twenty-five business days from the first day of classes. To pay your bill, visit the cashiers office in person or online.
Residents unable to meet the payment deadlines must vacate their rooms within forty-eight (48) hours of notification by the Director of Housing & Residential Life or their designee. If in default of payment, the Resident is liable for all legal costs and collection fees which accrue in obtaining payment. Failure of the Resident to satisfy the financial obligations stipulated under this Agreement will result in the denial of further meals, a hold of official records and/or eviction from the residence halls.
A $150 prepayment fee ($100 of which is non-refundable; see Cancellation Dates above for more information) must accompany every residence hall Terms of Agreement. This prepayment fee will be applied to the Resident’s first semester payment.
Unavailability of Premises
In the event that any of the premises which are the subject of this Agreement, which for the purpose of this provision shall include any and all areas in and about the residence halls, should be partially or totally lost, destroyed or otherwise unavailable because of fires, strikes or other events, so as to render them unfit or unavailable in whole or in part for the purpose of the Resident, then either the University or the Resident shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement. The University shall not be liable to the Resident for any damages occurring as the result of such termination.